Post time 20-6-2017 10:12 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Selalu kalau benda betul yg gigih nak character katanya hehe..but tak nampak mcm Fattah tgh berlakon pun..dia mcm diri dia je..tapi tak kisahla.. better mcm tu, tak perlu mengaku dan announce apa2 kalau betul pun..go with the flow.. btw betul kan I cakap IM Asyraf memang best dan tak skema..terhibur sgt tgk Meletop mlm ni..meriahhh tapi berhemah
Post time 20-6-2017 10:13 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Iols nak tunggu & lihat. Tapi boleh baca body language, cara dorang pandang each other dlm video2 BTS sepanjang shooting and off screen. kalau bercinta pun iols rasa dorang tak akan mengiakan. Bila sampai masa nanti kalau btl dorang bercinta mungkin terus buat announcemant nak menikah
hahaha gediks nye FA kat igs meletop..but i like ...nampak sgt dia very at ease gitu...dia yg lebih2 jawab soalan kan ...Faz mcm malu2 neves pun ada ...terhibur tgk dua ketul ni ....sampai cramp pipi senyum sendiri
Post time 20-6-2017 10:31 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
melnanzz replied at 20-6-2017 09:45 PM
Ok gais. Semua dah tengok Meletop? Amacam best tak?
This is my conclusion: Fattah Amin dengan Faz ...
I sort of agree with mel.
Sblm ni masa media indonesia dok asak n kenen2 faz dgn ridho roma....faz mmg rilek je jawab. Penuh konfiden n boleh gelak2 jerrr. Uols boleh tgk kat youtube, boleh tahan gak kena bahan dgn reporter2 sana.. The other one, iols tak ingat media mana yg interview faz, tanya pasal mamat kokesen tu her bf or not. Dia jwb chill2 sgt... Siapa yg follow futf mesti perasan character faz being herself but stil in control.
Unlike this time around, nmpk different sesangat. Neves lain mcm makcik ni.. Ahakkssss... Esok, apa pun yg blaku i doa yg baik2 saja utk the two of them.