Author: Nadia // Category: Nadia 9/11/2009
salam kalian smuee..mlm nihh nadia,mama n kak rckin as well akn terbang ke amstrdam..doakan keselamatn perjalann pergi n pulang kami yer..hehee..nyway,memandangkan nadia dh lme xupdate blog kat cni,nadia mintk maap la yerr..bukan xmo update,tp oleh sbb mse yg kurang menyebelahi diriku ini..hehhee..baru hari nih bpeluang..
nyway,kepada uols yg menyokong nadia sampai bjaya msok ke semifinal muzik2 hari tuh,thnx a lot..walopon nadia n red peanut tak bjaya utk jadi top 5 that nite,tp xperince utk jejak kan kaki kat pentas cne ngan barisan penynyi2 hebat kat negare kte nih,sgt la nadia hargai..hopefuly,penglmn tu bkn la yg pertama n yg terakhir buat nadia sndiri..its such an honour for me to get ntce by all of u n all malaysians..i know my strength n ape yg nadia boleh buat..sekali jatuh langsong tak bmaksod akn jatuh lg..byk kelemahan yg nadia harus perbaiki n i need all of u to support me as well yeah..
ckop byk yg nadia bce,nadia dgr n nadia rse bmula melangkah masok dlm dunia nihhh..n wat i’ve learnd is..butakan mata n pekak kan telingerr for those kritiks n cemuhan yg xbgune utk nadia..alhmdulillh,my back bone dah strong enuf to back me up..mama,papa,adik,omei n my crew(sistah n brotha) insyllh,always around me..walopon empire xckop kuat utk fce da industry,but the spirit n the plan to succed ade,aminnn..
ckop bsyukor ngan ape yg dah ade dlm tgn..n im still learning to b a better person evryday..thts why xkesah ngan pandangan any of u to upgrade my skills or even my talent..i’m open to b critics by those people yg betoi2 tau ape yg mereka kritikkan..i am 19,still teenager but not stupid to ruin my own ambitionn..treat me like a pro,n i will treat u same as u do..insyllh,im not afraid to make mstakes coz i know thats where i can find success on the far side of failure..
hope uols still can put your faith on me n let it flow..always gonna b an uphill battle,smtimes u gnna hve to lose rite..pgg that lyric,more focus in my things n hope i can be seen like a pearl under the seaa..sorry for being too xpressive in this pge,but this is who i am..not only a crzy n huhaaa lill gurl..but seorang gadis yg punya hati n perasaan utk merasa setiap apa yg dbaca n stp apa yg di kata..peace to myself n harap pelayaran hidup ni mmbawa erti dlm idop nadia sndiri..
rite olss..nythng,kalo nadia xupdate kat cnie,just bkk FB n twitter yeaahh..insyllh,pengembaraan ke eropah kali ni akn di rekord..n wait for all pics dr cne hekk..hope dpt shoot2 yg cunz2 for our own collection..hehhee
-chill- |