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Author: Hana_Hirokawa

SUPER JUNIOR13eyond your imagination - FULL 3rd ALBUM RELEASED!! HOUSE 14

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Post time 6-4-2009 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skymania at 6-4-2009 09:39

smalam smpt tgk yg min2..hae ngan eeteuk tolak jandi..
ader heenim upanyer..

oppa ada, alah limau tak dpt tgk...

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Post time 6-4-2009 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 6-4-2009 09:19
Saengil Chukae Limau ssi ... :bd:

thanks hana ssi..

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Post time 6-4-2009 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skymania at 6-4-2009 09:38

sker masa nih!!!

motip stetmen neh
ske jew taw jgn lelebih....hannie gojes
tp sape yoja tuh

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Post time 6-4-2009 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by im_comey at 6-4-2009 00:51
walaupun dah lewat 2 hari tp nak gak aku wish kat madu aku yg sorang nih ..

teme kasih im..

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Post time 6-4-2009 09:57 AM | Show all posts
[090405/SJ] Naver music - Super Junior's 13 members' interviews, 13 boys ^^

1. Leeteuk

Q : Since you're SJ's leader, surely you have been very tired, can you tell something about this ?
A :I'm leader but there hasn't been any especially hard time at all. I hvespent a long time to train with the other members so we can understandeach other and know the others' feeling easily just by looking intoeach other' eyes. The others dongseang are very good, we're differentin age but we're like real brothers and family. Actually rather thanhaving hard time, I feel sad/pity because as a leader, I should makethe speech at the award ceremony or music show but I'm often sheddingtears so I can't finish my speech at all. Not long ago, when we gotNo.1 on music bank, I cried so hard that I barely finished my speech. Ieven couldn't stop crying when we performed the encore.

Q : There was an article about your white syndrome, surely the fans are very curious about this
A : Therewere so many people wondering about this after the show had been aired.I don't have a white syndrome, I just like white stuff like clothes,furniture, accessories...It seems that I only feel comfortable if I cansee white around me.
teukie aa uljima...when u cry i feel like crying oso
white syndrome
haruskah me memutihkan diri yg xbaper nk cerah neh

2. Eunhyuk

Q : Can you tell us about the title song "Sorry sorry" and its choreography?
A : "Sorysorry" is a trendy dance song and we want to show everybody SuperJunior's own color and charm. I hope people will like the song afterlistening to it just once, can sing along to the song and feel good& comfortable when listening to it. This time, Sorry sorry'schoreography is created by a world-wide famous choreographer Nick Bass,with the harmony of the group dancing and every member's movement willmake a polished and energetic performance. In addition, we willcontinuously change our formation during the whole song so please watchout our choreography.

Q : 10 years later I will become...........? Do you have that image in your head ?
A :I don't have the clear image of me 10 years later, but I still want tobe a singer as well as active in various fields, and I might be marriedthen ^^

3. Hankyung

Q : Which is the most difficult thing when you prepared for this album ?
A :We prepared for this album while SJM still had activities in China sowe had to go between China and Korea. Therefore, I felt a bit tired.But all the members had motivation for the 3rd album, we had workedhard for this album and put in many ideas. Actually, it was quite hardthat we all wanted the album to be released soon.

Q : What have you gained and lost after you joined in Super Junior ? And the reason ?
A :It seems that I didn't lose anything after I became Super Junior'smember. Although I don't have time for myself I'm grateful that I havegained a lot of things like the other members that I can call them myfamily, brothers, and the love & support from all the Asian fansare the biggest present I have ever received.
msti letih ulang alik
hannie aa himnae

4. Yesung

Q : Can you give some advice for all the trainees who keep the dream of becoming a singer like you ?
A : Onceyou want to begin, you have to be sure that you really want to do it,you have to think carefully because it's not wonderful like you alwaysimagine. During the training period, you'll have to do both practicingand studying so it's very tiring, you'll have to work very hard and itwill take you a lot of time. But even while you are making your dreamcome true, there will be time that you'll suffer a slump and there willbe many hard times, but you shouldn't forget a truth: that chancealways come to those who work hard and never give up.

Q : What do you think is the charm of Super Junior's vocal line (Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Yesung) ?
A :All the 4 members have their own voices' charm. Ryeowook has abeautiful voice, Kyuhyun has a sweet voice, Sungmin has a sweet andtender voice and I have a husky voice. It's not only 4 members but alsothe others have their own voices' charm so we are given the lines up tothe style of the song. Therefore, we can show the different feelings ofthe songs.

5. Ryeowook

Q : Your preparation of the 3rd album seems to be diffirent from the others, how did you get the determination ?
A :Since we were busy with unit and individual activities we weredetermined to get together again and begin to prepare for SuperJunior's new album. There was so a lot of anxiety since we were comingback after such a long time but because people are supporting the 3rdalbum a lot and giving us a lot of love we feel very happy.

Q : Which song do you think is the most perfect in this album and the reason ?
A :In fact I've listened to the other members' opinion about 3rd album, Ialso listened to all the songs when choosing and recording them.Therefore, all the songs are in my heart now and it's very hard tochoose the most perfect song. But beside the title song, I think it'sthe 4th track "Angela", we changed the lyrics and the vocal so manytimes when recording this song, if you listen to this song, you willfeel good and love it.

6. Kyuhyun

Q : You joined in later than the other members, so how was the adaptation, is there any difficulty ?
A :Although I joined in late, since I'm the youngest the hyungs alwaystake care of me and thanks to them I didn't have any difficulties.

Q : What is the goal of the 3rd album ?
A : Ihope people will recognize Super Junior by our music. Because ourmembers have so much talent so we appeared on many variety shows andhave received a lot of love. But by this album, we want people to knowus as singers, I also want tfor us have a cheerful & funny imagebut still cool and serious.

7. Sungmin

Q : Is there any country in Asia that you especially want to have activities in ?
A : Besideshaving unit-group Super Junior M in China, there is not a country thatwe actually have full time activities. In fact, we're so busy withactivities in Korea that we can just go to Japan and Thailand sometimesfor promotion, we can't be active there. But whenever we go to there,the fans always warmly welcome us, give us a lot of love so we'regrateful.

Q : What training did you receive to become a singer ?
A :Before debut we had vocal training, dancing lesson, acting lesson, wereceived a lot training for everything, after debut we focused on vocaltraining. The person who wants to learn acting will learn acting. Imajored in Music at my university because I like to be able to performon stage.

8. Kangin

Q : You have received a lot of help from the senior musicians for this album, so how was the work ?
A : YooYoungseok sunbaenim and FTTS's Hwanhee sunbaenim have helped recordingthis album. Yoo Youngseok sunbaenim's "Shining star" and Hwanheesunbaenim's "Let's not" are the gift songs for us. We're grateful thatwe had received a lot of advice, praise and encouragement from themwhen recording this album. Our 3rd album is more abundant because ofthem.

Q : Which is the most difficult thing as an idol ?
A : Thereis not an extremely difficult thing because I'm an idol. Recently, Idolstars do not only have fans in their teens, but also receive love andrecognition from people who are in their 30's & 40's. Also, fromSuper Junior's debut up to now, I have showed people a lot of images soI've heard "You dont look like an idol" a lot. Therefore, I dont haveto suffer from qualifying myself for the word "Idol" ^^

9. Shindong

Q : You've showed a perfect image in "Sorry sorry"
A :In fact I always have a comic image in people's eyes so I wondered howto make people accept this image. But fortunately there are so manycool people around me so I can work harder. I also keep myself from notgaining weight ^^

Q : From the trainee times to now, is there any hard time and unforgettable story ?
A :In fact my trainee period is shorter than the others'. It's interestingthat I can learn many things after I was accepted in SM. And anunforgettable story is the first time I went to the company, I and DBSGcould see the other stars in person, I was very proud of it with myfriends ^^

sambung lg kt post seterusnye

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Post time 6-4-2009 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zeleia at 6-4-2009 09:51

motip stetmen neh
ske jew taw jgn lelebih....hannie gojes
tp sape yoja tuh

nmpk jew ko neh!! buat2 tak nmpk dah la..

yoja tuh sapa ek!!

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1765 zeleia's post


10. Heechul

Q : Did you feel worried that while you prepared for the album, SNSD received a lot of love ?
A :Rather than worry, I felt very good. SNSD are like my close and cutedongsaeng, Also I had a good presentiment about "Gee" so after seeingthat people loved it, I feel very good.

Q : What are the times that you like most and hate most the fans ?
A : Ialways feel grateful to the fans. Thanks for always supporting us.Before the 3rd album is out, the fans even made the teaser posterthemselves and showed their enthusiasm. In fact there wasn't a timethat I hated the fans, but sometimes there are some people who calledme during the night or find our dorm and interrupt our personal time.

11. Donghae

Q : Which song are you the most attracted to in this 3rd album and the reason ?
A :Besides "Sorry sorry", there are many other songs I like. But If I haveto choose once, I will choose "Reset". Although I like all the songs inthe album "Reset" is always my favorite style of song. The melody issweet, if you listen to it you will like it.
hae aa...reset pn ant my fav song gak...
uri fishie tdo cukup2...jgn letih sgt

Q : Is there any hard time while you're in Super Junior ?
A :There is not any extremely tiring or stressful time while I'm in SuperJunior. We always look forward to prepare a new album/performance. Weeven couldn't sleep while preparing for this 3rd album because ofuneasiness and anxiety.

12. Shiwon

Q :
Is there any time that you are jealous of the other members ?
A :The other members have many talents and when they showed their ability,I have been jealous of them sometimes. Teukie hyung is very good attalking, Shindong hyung is very witty and can make the atmospherebrighter. ^^ There are so many things from the others that I'm jealousof and also want to learn.

Q :
Is there any preconception from fans about Super Junior ?
A : Thereis not any preconception, Super Junior always show a good and funnyimage when we're on the variety shows ^^ although we like the brightimage we want to show our own style of music in the 3rd album. Ratherthan a bright and cheerful image, we want to show a cool and seriousimage on the stage, we have worked hard for our music, dance andconcept. Fortunately, many people like our change this time and we'regrateful because of that.

13. Kibum

Q : What is your thanks to Super Junior's members ?
A :In fact I'm not good at express my feeling, I always have the thanks toin my heart but I can't say it directly to the person. From the pastand until now ~ thanks for always understanding and caring about me

Q : Is there any member in Super Junior who is considered the most trustful member ?
A t's always Teukie hyung. We have so many members, many thoughts, manyopinions but he tolerated us very well and lead us very well. He's sothe best leader !!!

wonnie n bummie
teukie hyung korg mmg jjang

original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skymania at 6-4-2009 09:59

nmpk jew ko neh!! buat2 tak nmpk dah la..

yoja tuh sapa ek!!

msti lew...klu uols alert psl yesung
iols alert kat teukhanhae ajew kekdahnyew

tah yoja sesat mane tah..model kot

ne laki uols dgn limau n...sape tah lg minik die
kt gag con



[ Last edited by  zeleia at 6-4-2009 10:08 ]

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:06 AM | Show all posts
10. Heechul

Q : Did you feel worried that while you prepared for the album, SNSD received a lot of love ?
A :Rather than worry, I felt very good. SNSD are like my close and cutedongsaeng, Also I had a good presentiment about "Gee" so after seeingthat people loved it, I feel very good.

Q : What are the times that you like most and hate most the fans ?
A : Ialways feel grateful to the fans. Thanks for always supporting us.Before the 3rd album is out, the fans even made the teaser posterthemselves and showed their enthusiasm. In fact there wasn't a timethat I hated the fans, but sometimes there are some people who calledme during the night or find our dorm and interrupt our personal time.


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Post time 6-4-2009 10:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1768 zeleia's post

Oppa....heheheh rambut baru...
ok jelah...sweet tu

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:21 AM | Show all posts

aku buat comeback neh, dgn membacklog lebih 7 pages~laju giloss korang borak di kala ujung mggu~~muahahahahhaa

bnyk nyeww sub dh klua~~xsmpt nk tgk sume~~~

chukahaeyo suju sbb menang kat sume stages~~~~:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

hrp bley dtg sini promot sorry2~~wuwuwu

pastu nk nek moto fino tuh~~~siap ade sign lagi~~~ gilerr mantap!!!

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1771 jeanlouisfinch's post

annyeong adik ipar

gigih mung beklog umah neh
tu leww dorg moyan jew

[090405/GIF] Hangeng imitates Heechul @ SBS Inkigayo, 090405 1p

Hangeng looks pretty funny when he did this on SBS Inkigayo 2009.04.05
It's so hillarious rofl He did Heechul's Sorry, Sorry performance singing style.

Credits: as tagged, [email protected] & [email protected] for re-up                                                                                               

wakakakka hannie dok tiru heenim
kiut but gojes dgn spek itam tu
teruja tgk... apsal ensem sgt hannie aa

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:42 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 6-4-2009 10:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1772 zeleia's post

HAHHAHAH..oklah tu selalu oppa aku asik ajuk hannie jek..

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 5-4-2009 11:17
  pening hannie nih

credit soompi

omo....sian ye my hannie...

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by airahthislove at 4-4-2009 23:36
ahahaha...bc review mung pun me tergelak

i think i understand u sis

tepek gambo moto sat *spazzing @___@ *

Yamaha SUPER FINO with signatures pics...

http://img406.images ...

nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..motor nie...nak simpan..

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Post time 6-4-2009 10:57 AM | Show all posts
suka aku tgk gbr ni..hensem.....esp..kyu..ekekek
cr to soompi..


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Post time 6-4-2009 11:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1777 hadiff05's post

cute lah pulakk, yuk nie..

tarikhh lahir pon sama ngan limau..

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Post time 6-4-2009 11:00 AM | Show all posts
ni utk sky gn mulan..ekekekek
c r to soompi..


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Post time 6-4-2009 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Limau....sennag nk ingat...happy b'ted b'day///ekekek

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