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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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Post time 30-12-2003 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Sedeynyer... happy together dah habis ke... tak dapat tengok ending dier... boleh sesapa tolong citerkan apa yang terjadi hari nie... buat penat jer ikut citer nie tapi ending terlepas... sedey tull..

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Post time 30-12-2003 01:39 AM | Show all posts

Happy Together - conclusion

This is the translated summary (with some minor editing) for the last episode. It is not 100% sama macam versi tv but close enough. :2cool:

As Tai Fung only suffered light injuries and due to his baseball test coming, he was discharged earlier than Zhi Suo. Before he left, he ask Cai Lin to leave Zhi Suo and said that Zhi Suo will only love Siu He. Zhi Suo still can get money and power through his own means but with Cai Lin, he will regret it for the rest of his life. If she really love Zhi Suo, she should hope that he'd be happy and only then Cai Lin knew that Tai Fung also have special feelings for Siu He but he only wishes happiness for the woman he loves.

Zao Pi Tao and Wen Zhu went to Chan Zhu's house and Wen Zhu saw that her sister has her wedding bouquet, and knew that Chan Zhu had went to her wedding. Zao Pi Tao took out his entire life saving and pass it to Chan Zhu to pay for the medical fees for Lun Zhu. Chan Zhu looked at the bankbook and saw the daily savings and was very moved by their gesture. But she felt that it was not right to accept their hard earned money. Wen Zhu has mistaken her sister refusal as Chan Zhu had despised the occupation of Zao as gangster.  Zao and Wen Zhu insisted that the money was meant for Lun Zhu. Chan Zhu finally accepted.

On their way home, Wen Zhu ran into Siu He, and Zao told her unknowingly of the situation that Zhi Suo was injured and being hospitalised. Siu He immediately rushed to see Zhi Suo. Her anxiety over Zhi Suo's condition was too great for her and she stood outside the door stealing a glance at Zhi Suo. At the same time, Zhi Suo was planning to tell Cai Lin that he is unable to marry her. That he loves Siu He and that if he marries Cai Lin, he will regret it for the rest of his life. Siu He who saw Cai Lin and Zhi Suo together did not hear their conversation. She turned away sadly thinking that the two are still together.

Tai Fung is at the stadium for his test but he kept looking for Siu He. Cai Lin decided that it was no point holding Zhi Suo back and told him that she saw Siu He in the hospital. Zhi Suo immediately dashed out. Seeing his reaction, finally convinced Cai Lin that Zhi Suo will forever have Siu He in his heart. Just as Zhi Suo rushed down, Siu He has already boarded a taxi.

Siu He went to the stadium and apologized to Tai Fung for not turning up in time. She continued on with how worried she was about Zhi Suo's injury and whether he'd be all right? How long will he be in the hospital and her tears rolled down as she asked Tai Fung. Seeing her so sad, Tai Fung knew the only thing he can do for he. He rushed to the hospital and dragged Zhi Suo out (whom at the same time was planning to look for Siu He). When Zhi Suo saw Siu He at the stadium, the two looked at each other with tears in their eyes and went into each other's arms. Zhi Suo kept saying that he was sorry that he had caused so much pain for Siu He. Tai Fung was smiling at one corner feeling happy that they are back together with tears in his eyes.

At the wedding, Tai Fung and Chan Zhu stood side by side as the representative for the groom but Zhi Suo was late for his own wedding. And when he arrived, his suit was already ruined and Tai Fung had to lent him his own suit. Before he entered the wedding hall, Zhi Suo finally called Tai Fung "brother".The ending is the picture of the whole family ...finally happy together.

(Translated HT episode recap by Shirley of BD Yahoo! Group)

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Post time 30-12-2003 02:13 AM | Show all posts

HAPPY TOGETHER - an overall view

At last, the wedding photo says it all.....All In the family Happy Together, looking forward to their Beautiful Days Hehe, can't help, jangan marah ^_^.

                                      Happy Together - SBS 1999


Personally, I have mixed feeling about the drama masa ia mula ditayangkan. Terasa macam dalam mimpi pula, since I've been talking about the drama dengan some of you here (you know who you are ^_^) and suddenly ntv7 siarkan the series in the Dinner Treat slot. What a pleasant surprise.

Secondly, bila ntv7 yang siarkan HT and not TV2, rasa down juga sebab it will definitely be dubbed in Mandarin. Nasib baik jumpa HT vcd in the Korean version.....

Happy Together, if you search for the synopsis, images & drama info memang tak banyak. There are only 1 or 2 reviews on the internet but the official SBS site dah lama luput. Drama ni seolah-olah "terketepi" despite the all-star cast that it had on the series. But the all-star cast pun tak semestinya memainkan peranan sangat sebab only in 2000, baru all of them jadi famous. Dan juga mungkin sebab Happy Together lebih menjurus kepada drama berkonsep keluarga. Drama Korea pula mula "meletup" starting in 2000 with the likes of AIMH & AAE, just to name a few.

Happy Together: definitely a feel-good family drama, well-worth watching especially in the original version :2cool:.

[ Last edited by katt on 30-12-2003 at 10:16 PM ]

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Post time 30-12-2003 02:22 AM | Show all posts

The HEART of Happy Together

Tai Fung, sebenarnya hanya seorang yang biasa, simple & tidak begitu menarik. Kalau terjumpa pun, mungkin tak akan dipandang dua kali but he has the biggest heart, full of love and laughter. He's the one whom you can rely on. This lovable happy-go-lucky guy sebenarnya sangat setia dan mementingkan hubungan kekeluargaan. Walaupun banyak kekurangan diri tapi dia tak pernah berputus-asa apalagi menyerah kalah. Dia mungkin banyak cakap dan suka berjenaka but when it comes to family matters, he's dead serious.


Secara peribadi, rasa agak pelik sedikit mula-mula watching LBH especially in Happy Together. It's like going back in time knowing that LBH had created such a strong image of Min-chul in Beautiful Days and In-ha in All In. So, it was quite funny & awkward at first watching him in the role of Tai Fung. Tai Fung yang comot, kelakar, selamba, sedih dan serius......all in one. Even immature & a bit childish at times. Such extreme combinations in one drama.

IMHO, LBH definitely shines as the lovable brother in the drama but his true powerful performance as an actor is still as Min-chul in Beautiful Days, getting better with In-ha in ALL IN.

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 28-12-2003 02:04 PM:
Watak TF pulak cam Chang Joon dlm Present, Hyung Chul or more famously known as Pengarah Yun dlm All About Eve, Hyun Sung dlm My Love, Patji n Chul Woong dlm Glass Shoes. The ones who faithfully stay by the side of someone they love in thick n thin without expecting something in return and just let fate decides whether love will land in the other person's heart. Characters that warm our hearts.  

Exactly. ;)

Hehe, Takki you forgot one, a very important one.....Sung-jun in Snowman . Now, these 2 ada persamaan bila mereka tak dapat the girl of their dreams. Yang lain-lain tu semuanya happy ending, kan?

Undeniably, Tai Fung's the most likeable & best-loved character in Happy Together.

                            >> The emotions of Tai Fung <<

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Post time 30-12-2003 02:46 AM | Show all posts

Still on Tai Fung and his siblings ^_^

Now, LBH as Tai Fung in Happy Together, a character so comot & simple but it's fine since he is quite an actor, versatile & talented. Cuma, kadang-kadang a few of us here (including me ) tersilap when we said that we saw glimpses or flashes of Min-chul & In-ha in Tai Fung's character. Hehe, shouldn't it be the other way around since HT diterbitkan dulu sebelum BD dan AI? IMHO, even as the big brother yang  selalu tersengih-sengih, comot & selamba, bila dia serius atau marah.......menakutkan!




He's basically not a bad person, just someone yang tersilap dalam membuat pilihan hidup. Nasib baik dia mempunyai kekasih yang amat memahami di samping abang yang begitu bangga dengannya. Zhi Suo, he wanted to forget the past so badly that he couldn't see straight, apa yang lebih penting. Even family pun jadi tak penting. Dan akhirnya, hidupnya menjadi lebih tertekan. Berbeza dengan Tai Fung,  Zhi Suo tak  pandai langsung nak menyembunyikan perasaan hatinya yang tertekan atau susah-hati. Walaupun dia nak mengelakkan Siu He daripada turut merasa sedih tapi segala ekspresi dan body-languagenya menunjukkan yang sebaliknya.

Do read Takki's review on Zhi Suo, very detailed and very true.....IMO.  Kalau kita "geram" dengan Zhi Suo, maknanya SSH berjaya melakonkan watak ni, kan? :2cool:

JOO MIN SOO - Xu Chan Zhu
Rasa simpati melihat watak Chan Zhu yang membesar dengan perasaan dendam dalam hatinya. Walaupun katanya dia benci ibu & bapa tirinya tapi sebenarnya dia keliru memandangkan perkara yang berlaku di samping termakan kata-kata nenek & ibu saudaranya ketika masih kecil. Even though dia kata dia bencikan ibunya sendiri, I believe dia lebih merinduinya. Chan Zhu mungkin mahu menerima Tai Fung tetapi tak tahu dengan apa yang patut dilakukannya dan bagaimana untuk melakukannya. Nasib baik ada Tai Chi yang tinggal bersamanya walaupun sekejap, the one yang berjaya membuka hatinya semula. Juga Pu He yang tidak disangkanya kawan karib Tai Fung. The 2 persons yang paling rapat dengan Tai Fung inilah yang menjadi penghubung kepada Chan Zhu & Tai Fung tanpa mereka sedari.

Walaupun JMS sebagai Chan Zhu dalam HT tak menerima Tai Fung sebagai adiknya tapi dalam mv To Heaven, sekali lagi dia memegang watak kakak kepada LBH.

The middle child yang tersepit antara Chan Zhu/Zhi Suo dengan Tai Fung. Probably not that pretty according to a man's view (hehe, yellow?) but to me.....comel je dia ni. Walaupun kurang setuju dengan perkahwinannya dengan Zao Pi Tao but that's how the story goes. Such a rebel dengan Chan Zhu tetapi manja & ceria bila dengan Tai Fung. Wen Zhu berjaya mengubah cara hidup Zao Pi Tao (especially in the last episode) so, good for both of them.

[ Last edited by katt on 31-12-2003 at 02:07 AM ]

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Post time 30-12-2003 03:22 AM | Show all posts

The 2 guys

Hmm......selain daripada Tai Fung, 2 watak lain yang memberikan "comic-relief" kepada drama ni adalah the 2 gangster-guys, Shen Ye & Zao Pi Tao. Walaupun funny, these 2 have very contrasting characters......


No wonderlah Cha Tae Hyun ni ramai peminatnya. He's so funny & cute. Suka dengan watak Shen Ye, such a lovable character & very entertaining.  Another favourite character in Happy Together ;). Selain daripada Tai Fung, watak Shen Ye mempunyai daya tarikannya yang tersendiri. Kasih-sayangnya pada Lun Zhu, walaupun nampak macam main-main tapi sebenarnya sangat mendalam. Such a sweet, sweet guy.....asyik kena buli je, even for a samseng like him. :2cool:

Hmm, nampaknya kena pergi cari vcd My Sassy Girl lepas ni. Anyone else?

JO JAE HYUN - Zao Pi Tao
Hmm.....this character. Walaupun watak PT dah berubah jadi baik dan agak funny bila bergandingan dengan Shen Ye terutamanya tapi still tak boleh nak "ngam" dengannya. The first impression of him is still so strong, unfortunately. Sungguh berbeza sekali Zao Pi Tao dengan Han Pil Seung.

Entahlah.....maybe it's just me or maybe because JJH's such good actor, perhaps.

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Post time 30-12-2003 12:22 PM | Show all posts


Tai Fung & Siu He (+) Zhi Suo

[quote]Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 28-12-2003 02:04 PM:
TF chooses to just be by SH&#8217;s side n tries to ease her pain. CL yakin yg dia mampu buatkan ZS lupakan SH sooner or later, tapi TF sedar yg dlm hati SH hanya ada ZS. CL memang nak &#8216;singkirkan&#8217; SH terus dari hati ZS, tapi TF mainly just takes care of SH in ZS&#8217;s absence. Maybe jugak sbb SH tu ex-tunang adik dia. CL punya cinta tu nampak &#8216;tamak&#8217;, TF lebih ikhlas n terima seadanya. Pd dia, tak guna nak paksa

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2003 02:06 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-12-28 01:22 PM:
Tadaima, minna-san! (Kalo ade org yg bosan sbb Takki asyik letak 憈adaima

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Post time 31-12-2003 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 30-12-2003 02:22 AM:
Hehe, Takki you forgot one, a very important one.....Sung-jun in Snowman . Now, these 2 ada persamaan bila mereka tak dapat the girl of their dreams. Yang lain-lain tu semuanya happy ending, kan?

betol tu!! nasib baik ada jugak orang yg ingat kat Sung Jun.. hehe (ni pon tgh dgr soundtrack Snowman)

JO JAE HYUN - Zao Pi Tao
Hmm.....this character. Walaupun watak PT dah berubah jadi baik dan agak funny bila bergandingan dengan Shen Ye terutamanya tapi still tak boleh nak "ngam" dengannya. The first impression of him is still so strong, unfortunately. Sungguh berbeza sekali Zao Pi Tao dengan Han Pil Seung.

mmg pon.. tak tahan nak gelak bila tengok Zan Pi Tao ni kalo nak dubandingkan dgn Han Pil Seung versatile la kira dia ni, jadi apa2 pon menjadi je

Wen zhu tu lawa per.. muka yg manja2 gitu. so sweet bila dia dgn Tai Fung.

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Post time 31-12-2003 11:09 AM | Show all posts
tumpang sat yer.. tuan thread

korang penah tengok tak cite cina kat tv 2 kul 3.30 ke 4.30 kut (tak berape ingat) aritu dia tayangkan cite yg mmg sebijik sebijol tiru cite Love Generation.. adoii tak tahan nak tengok sbb mmg setiap scene tu ada diorg tiru, cuma diubah ikut kesesuaian la, cam part tetpei kene potong rambut tu dia buat kene spray rambut tgk satu episod pon dah tahu diorg tiru LG. the thing is, hero dia Daarik Wan HK actor yg penah aku minat dulu sbb dia ada tgn cantik yg belakon cite Blood of Good and Evil, kalo korang ingat la. tapi bila tengok cite bodoh gitu tak lalu aku nak tgk. lagipon Lg tu best sgt, so bila tgk ditiru camtu mmg nampak sgt laa kelemahan dia. tapi cite tu dah habis, skang ni ganti dgn cite yg ditiru drpd cite Secret Lover k-drama yg Kim Min Jong berlakon tu.. huh.. rupenye tiru aje yer

[ Last edited by kEk_KeL@d| on 31-12-2003 at 11:19 AM ]

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Post time 31-12-2003 01:07 PM | Show all posts

The Sassy Girls

KIM HA NEUL - Chen Siu He
First impression of KHN memang tak mengecewakan. Such a fresh and sweet actress, memang comel dari segi penampilan & suara. There's something about her ;).

No wonder ramai yang bercakap pasal this talented actress. As Siu He, she gets along really well with Zhi Suo, Tai Fung & Tai Chi but her hearts clearly belongs to Zhi Suo. Lucky guy!

She is without a doubt,Tai Fung's " guardian angel". Walaupun dia adik yang bongsu tapi nampak dia yang menjaga abangnya; disediakan bilik, dibelikan baju & diberikan duit. Sayang betul Lun Zhu pada Tai Fung, mungkin sebab pesanan abangnya pada gambar tu. Lun Zhu tak kisah pun kalau abangnya tak kaya, etc asalkan Tai Fung ada bersamanya. All that she wants is to be with him, walau badannya sakit namun Tai Fung juga yang difikirkan dulu, above all else.

Jeon Ji Hyun definitely had a good chemistry dengan LBH macam SMA (Min-ji) in Beautiful Days. Suka tengok their brother-sister relationship. So heart-warming & sweet.

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Post time 31-12-2003 01:14 PM | Show all posts

Alahai TV2

Originally posted by kEk_KeL@d| at 2003-12-31 11:09 AM:
korang penah tengok tak cite cina kat tv 2 kul 3.30 ke 4.30 kut (tak berape ingat) aritu dia tayangkan cite yg mmg sebijik sebijol tiru cite Love Generation.. adoii tak tahan nak tengok sbb mmg setiap scene tu ada diorg tiru, cuma diubah ikut kesesuaian la, cam part tetpei kene potong rambut tu dia buat kene spray rambut  tgk satu episod pon dah tahu diorg tiru LG.

Memang, memang.....diciplak habis jalan cerita Love Generation. Lagi satu part "baling cincin" tu, juga sama dengan LG. :sp:

Bukan ke ini drama Cina terbitan tempatan, kalau tak silaplah......

TV2 these days dah "tak pandang" lagi drama Korea mahupun drama-drama impot yang lain. What a pity......

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Post time 31-12-2003 01:19 PM | Show all posts

Off-topic lagi....

Hehe, Captain....

Tumpang menyelit kejap . Kira oklah kot, since it's LBH-related.....jangan marah, ne ^_^. The award ceremony is scheduled today.


12/30/03 - Lee Byung Hun and Song Hye Gyo will attend "2003 SBS Acting Awards" ceremony on 12/31. They decide to appear together in this meaningful event because they co-starred in SBS drama "All In" and fell in love after they completed the drama. Both of them are nominated in some categories of the awards.

Info credits Cindy of

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Post time 31-12-2003 01:32 PM | Show all posts

Points to Ponder

1 - Do you see Tai Fung as orang kasar or just an "overgrown kid"? Or what? Share your thoughts ^_^.

2 - Tai Fung dan Lun Zhu berkongsi bapa yang sama manakala Chan Zhu, Zhi Suo, Wen Zhu & Lun Zhu mempunyai ibu yang sama. Tetapi mengapa kesemua mereka mempunyai nama keluarga atau surname yang sama iaitu Xu (or Suh in Korean)? Adakah bapa Tai Fung dan bapa CZ, ZS & WZ mempunyai nama yang sama secara kebetulan ataupun ketiga-tiga beradik tu terpaksa mengambil nama bapa tiri bila ibu mereka berkahwin lain?

3 - Walaupun Tai Fung hanya seorang pemain baseball yang kemudiannya bekerja sebagai tukang cuci tapi perasan tak yang baju T yang dipakainya semuanya jenis branded? Nike, Adidas dan Sports Replay. Ok, Sports Replay tu memang one of the main sponsors. Tanpa perlu berkot & bertali leher, rasanya Tai Fung punya attire lebih "berjenama" not to mention lebih "colourful" berbanding apa yang dipakai Zhi Suo, IMO.

[ Last edited by katt on 31-12-2003 at 01:33 PM ]

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Post time 31-12-2003 02:00 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by whitedove at 2003-12-29 11:16 AM:
takpe, katt...teruskan usaha...8 Januari dah dekat dah... tapi rasanya 8tv tayang Loving You dulu tak?

Ye tak ye jugak.....lupa pulak pasal tu. Loving You dulu, kot :re:.

At least bolehlah take a short break from SSH . Hehe, jangan marah.....

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Post time 31-12-2003 02:09 PM | Show all posts

Countdown to 2004

From Invitation to Ad-Madness ^_^ to Invitation (again!) followed by SWAT Police to Guardian Angel and Popcorn to Cheers For The Women and finally Happy Together, the thread has been through it all.....the ups and downs in 2003, not to mention the criticism so here's wishing all of you

[fly]Selamat Tahun Baru 2004[/fly]

[fly]  to all the thread regulars & new friends [/fly]

[fly]* wishing you every success & happiness always *[/fly]

Hehe, apa you all punya azam tahun baru 2004 ni? Mine? Heheh......believe it or not, my new year resolution is to find something to cure my addiction to internet forums. But easier said than done......entah-entah azam tinggal azam je.

If that doesn't work, I'll probably stop at 2000.....maybe, if only I have the willpower ^_^.

[ Last edited by katt on 3-1-2004 at 03:36 PM ]

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Post time 31-12-2003 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 31-12-2003 02:09 PM:
Hehe, apa you all punya azam tahun baru 2004 ni? Mine? Heheh......believe it or not, my new year resolution is to find something to cure my addiction to internet forums.  But easier said than done......entah-entah azam tinggal azam je.

uik.. jangan la gitu.. kalo bukan katt, sape lagi informer yg paling best kat sini, tak gitu forumers sekalian bak katt jugak, the more, the merrier.. hehe

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Post time 31-12-2003 04:12 PM | Show all posts
nampaknye ntv7 pon dah mcm other station gak, berehat jap dr k-drama. padahal byk lg cite korea yg best yg belom ditayangkan. nampaknye thread ni pon nak berhibernasi jugak ke? aii.. dah tak tau lagi nak lepak mana pas ni, kene cari thread lain la nampaknye..:eek:

tak lama lagi All About Eve akan ditayangkan balik, tak tahu lagi hari tapi yg confirm kul 1.30.. time tu sape ajela yg boleh tengok.. nampaknye vcr saya pon kene overtime lagi ..hehe

[ Last edited by kEk_KeL@d| on 31-12-2003 at 04:14 PM ]

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Post time 31-12-2003 04:15 PM | Show all posts

to all forumers

[size=-1][size=-2]Happy New Year!!

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Post time 31-12-2003 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Happy New Year, everybody! Apa resolusi baru? Hopefully, resolusi lama dah tertunai sebelum mula dgn resolusi baru, hehehe...

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