Edited by mbhcsf at 29-8-2016 12:00 AM
Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Evidence for the earth being round: Abu Muhammad said: We are going to discuss some of the arguments against the idea that the earth is round. They said: There is sound evidence that the earth is round, but the common folk say otherwise. Our response – and Allah is the source of strength – is that none of the leading Muslim scholars who deserve to be called imams or leaders in knowledge (may Allah be pleased with them) denied that the earth is round, and there is no narration from them to deny that. Rather the evidence in the Qur’an and Sunnah stated that it is round. … and he quoted evidence to that effect. End quote from al-Fasl fi’l-Milal wa’l-Ahwa’ wa’l-Nihal (2/78) The evidence that the earth is round includes the following:
The evidence that the earth is round includes the following: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night” [az-Zumar 39:5]. Ibn Hazm and others quoted this verse as evidence. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The earth is round, based on the evidence of the Qur’an, reality, and scientific views. The evidence of the Qur’an is the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around [yukawwir] the day and the day around the night” [az-Zumar 39:5]. The word yukawwir (translated here as “wraps around” means to make something round, like a turban. It is well-known that night and day follow one another on earth, which implies that the Earth is round, because if you wrap one thing around another thing, and the thing that it is wrapped around is the Earth, then Earth must be round. With regard to real-life evidence, this has been proven. If a man were to fly from Jeddah, for example, heading west, he would come back to Jeddah from the east, if he flew in a straight line. This is something concerning which no one differs. With regard to the words of the scholars, they stated that if a man died in the west at sunset, and another died in the west at sunset, and there was some distance between them, the one who died in the west at sunset would inherit from the one who died in the east at sunset, if he was one of his heirs. This indicates that the earth is round, because if the earth were flat, sunset in all regions would occur at the same time. Once this is established, no one can deny it. This is not contradicted by the verses in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? And at the heaven, how it is raised? And at the mountains, how they are rooted and fixed firm? And at the earth, how it is spread out?” [al-Ghaashiyah 88:17-20] Because the Earth is huge and its curvature cannot be seen from a short distance, it appears to be spread out and one cannot see anything that would make one fear living on it, but this does not contradict the fact that it is round, because it is very big. However they say that it is not evenly round; rather it is indented or pushed in at the north and south poles. Hence they say that it is egg-shaped.
And Allah knows best.
even sebelum quran ko ditulis oleh pak arab kat padang pasir, manusia dah tau cipta lampu gunakan elektrik..... lu nie bengap kan? ![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
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setahu saya kat board ini pertanyaan demipertanyaan balas kepada anda tapi anda tak jawb satu pun.bukti pun tak ada dalam mendakwa fitnah awak.
teruskan berbuat begini kerana anda boleh dijadikan contoh yg baik
a) manusia yg pincang akal akibat lack of sistem nilai
b) celaru fikiran apabila hanya menggunakan limited knowledge danmembiarkan prejudis menguasai diri tanpa explore dengan mereka yg berauthority dan berpengetahuan
c) atheist nisebenarnya pemikiran abstract mereka dalam menggabung jalin sistem nilai dan pemahaman saintifik mereka amat lemah sebab terkekang dengan empirikal methods yg works well in science based empirical query tapi bukan stable dalam menerangkan soal soal intergrasi ketuhanan , elemen rububiyyah dan penemuan akibat dari aruhan humanisme liberalisme.
sebab tu dalam islam mementingkan paksi ilmu bermulanya dari Allah SWT dan mencapah sebagaimana pun serakan cahaya ilmu tu dalam beribu ribu disiplin akan balikk kepada Allah setelah hamba itu mengetahui betapa besarnya kekuasaan Allah.
d) org seperti anda sering membuat persoalan provokative based on false assumptions
ada prejudicce dalam pertanyaan bukannya ikhlas nak mencari jawapan.
tak apa lagi banyak fitnah lagi banyak kebatilan anda terserlah.
even Sam pun kata , tak de segan ke menunjukkan ketidakmampuan mengausai pengetahuan untuk berhujah kepaad sestiap soalan kami?
sudahlah anda,
ini menunjukkan org islam di malaysia dalam forum ini amat bertoleransi dengan anda yg jahil.
danmenunjukkan SKMM kena buat pengautkuasaan
ini contoh manusia yg menyalah gunakaan kebebasan bersuara, banyak inferred meaning boleh diambil dari tingkah laku anda dalam pelbagai lapis.
kita suruh and ajawab pasal oceanography? |
jawab soalan kat mana quran menafikan bumi ini sfera?
ayat ayat tu semua dalam harmoni..
jawapan di atas bukan jawapan untuk menafikan quran itu salah dalam menyatakan bumi ini bukan rata atau topik asal.
ini strategy anda untuk lari dari topik setelah anda gagal memberikan bukti yg ayat quran salah dalam menerangkan bentuk bumi.
anda juga boleh bawa bahawa tembok besar china dibina sebelum kelahiran prophet Isa As dan Nabi Muhammad saw , tapi ia bukan jawapan.anda boleh juga quoing napoleon ( hahaha ) si kalah itu tapi i amsih bukan jawapan.
astaga..... makin lama makin bebal ko nie....... quran ko tu ditulis oleh manusia kuno padang pasir ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
Ha ha , kalo hamparan karpet pada sphere .... bentuk apa? Oops ... kat ko flaat lah .... tu pasal ko bangang
Mana dia dlm Quran yg kata bumi no flat? Tak mampu jawab sampai skg
Kira ko ni bodoh lah
Edited by mbhcsf at 29-8-2016 12:59 AM
dakwaan anda paling tidak masuk akal : tentang quran ditulis manusia , dan anda cuba menyanggah kebenaran al quran engan membawa hujah alat ygmenggunakan tenaga yg dibuat sebelum al quran , so kalau begitu saya boleh bawa hujah awat tak masukkan tembok besar china - one of the greatest man made object..ia wujud sebelum nabi isa al masih AS , dan prophet muhammad saw lagi
so , it come down on this very fact yg anda tak mampu hujah atas topik tu sendiri, senang lari dari topik dan bawa hujah yg taknejawab persoalan pokok...so kalau begitu senang saja nak bawa ke your level ..dan u boleh pulak sedar kan?
tapi selalunya beginilah awak buat , awak tak menjawab setiap persoalan balas.
teladannya menjadi atheist just required a person to have sub zero level of thinking dan tak dapat kapasiti nak integrate kesepaduan ilmu - satu nilai abstract.
sedangkan islam itu:
Islam Memupuk Bahasa LuhurAkibatnya kini, bukan sahaja para pelajar, tetapi juga para pengajar, mudah rasa bosan dan kurang tertarik dengan syarahan dan bacaan padat berisi untuk santapan budi, namun senang pula terpesona dengan paparan imej beraneka yang memukau indera. Sangat penting untuk Umat Islam sedari bahawa Agama Islam sejak dari awal telah menyedia dan memupuk Umat Islam untuk mencapai tahap tertinggi dalam pemikiran yang benar murni. Apa sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan dengan tahap tertinggi pemikiran? Malah, yang benar-benar dapat bersifat abstrak atau mujarrad itu hanyalah perkara-perkara yang universal, atau kulli. Satu misalan yang pernah disentuh oleh Imam al-Ghazzali dapat menjelaskan lagi erti universal dan abstrak ini. Sebagaimana yang pernah kita alami, pelbagai bentuk dan jenama pena yang mampu ditanggap oleh pancaindera manusia (boleh dilihat oleh mata dan disentuh oleh tangan) kemudiannya dapat dirakam dan dikenang dalam rupa-bentuknya masing-masing oleh daya khayal (atau imaginasi) insan, biarpun pena-pena asal itu semuanya sudah tiada lagi. Makna yang ditanggap oleh akal ini bersifat kulli sekaligus mujarrad. Justeru, makna pena yang sedemikian bukan sahaja tiada terhad tertakluk kepada mana-mana pena tertentu tetapi juga merentas-melangkaui sebarang rupa-bentuk zahir pena yang ditanggap oleh deria insan. Sifat mujarrad dan kulli ini juga, sekiranya diperhalusi, juga mencirikan dua teras Agama Islam: keimanan dengan Allah dengan segala Sifat Kesempurnaan-Nya dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dengan seluruh sifat mulia pada dirinya, baik yang zahir mahupun yang batin. Keimanan sedemikian pula diasaskan atas dasar ilmu, bukan ikut-ikutan, bukan telahan pendapat peribadi, bukan juga ciptaan khayalan diri. Sebaliknya, pemerihalan tersebut serta kesedaran dalam diri mereka yang terbit daripada pemerihalan itu berlangsung tanpa putus melalui kata-kata yang tepat dan jelas; yakni, dengan bahasa yang dipelihara dan dipupuk dalam pendidikan pada pelbagai tingkat. Larangan penggunaan wahana yang mudah diterima oleh deria insani (iaitu lakaran, ukiran dan yang seumpamanya), seiring dengan pemanfaatan sehabis mungkin wahana akal (yakni bahasa yang jelas dan tepat), dalam memerihalkan dan menyedari secara berterusan dua teras agama ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Islam memang menyedia dan memupuk Umatnya untuk mencapai tahap paling luhur dalam pemikiran, iaitu, tahap yang abstrak dan universal.
Menggilap Sifat KeunggulanDitulis oleh Dr. Mohd Farid Mohd Shahran. Posted in Sinar Harian Sifat keunggulan ini pula, sekiranya dimiliki di tahap yang sempurna dan terbaik oleh sesuatu benda dalam kelompoknya bakal menjadikannya lebih bernilai dari benda lain dari kelompok yang sama. Contohnya, batu permata lebih bernilai dari batu-batu yang lain kerana di samping kecantikannya, ia merupakan batu yang paling keras. Begitu juga dengan kuda jenis arabian dianggap antara kuda yang paling hebat kerana kepantasannya berbanding kuda yang lain. Berdasarkan huraian yang diberikan oleh al-Qur’an dan huraian para ulama pengkaji hakikat diri manusia seperti Ibn Miskawayh dan Imam al-Ghazali, keunikan manusia terletak kepada kurniaan akal yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Dengan akal, manusia mampu berfikir dan merenung bukan sahaja mengenai alam sekelilingnya tetapi juga tentang dirinya sendiri. Dengan akal yang sihat manusia mampu membezakan antara kebaikan dan keburukan lantas membuat keputusan dan bertindak hasil penilaian akalnya . Disebabkan keistimewaan ini juga, manusia, berbanding makhluk Tuhan yang lain, diberikan pertanggungjawaban dan amanah untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang sedar akan tanggungjawab penghambaannya ditambah dengan amanah sebagai khalifah yang bertanggungjawab mentadbir alam ini. Dengan kebijaksanaan para Rasul dituruti dengan hikmah para ulama yang telah mewarisi mereka, manusia dan alam keseluruhannya dicucuri rahmah dan kebaikan. Ilmu dan hikmah yang tersebar memandu manusia untuk menjalani kehidupan yang aman dan sejahtera. Kebijaksanaan akan menghasilkan keharmonian dan keadilan dalam masyarakat. Justeru, manusia harus dikembalikan kepada nilai keunggulannya yang telah sedia membeza dan mengangkat martabatnya dalam kalangan makhluk Tuhan, bukan menghina diri mereka “setaraf dengan binatang ternakan malah lebih sesat” (al-A’raf:179).
http://www.ikim.gov.my/index.php ... ap-sifat-keunggulan
As for your particular question, the word دحاها (dahaha) means expanded it and paved it. This was understood by Imam Fakhr ad-Deen ar-Razi, who died in the seventh century A.H. (more than 700 years ago) to mean refer to conform with the globular structure of the earth, because an enormous ball, as he indicated, will always look flat to people on its surface with no end. Imams Ibn al-Qayyem and Ibn Taymeah (from the seventh century as well) concurred with the understanding of the globular earth in their books, at-Tibyan fi Aqsam al-Quran and al-Jawaab as-Saheeh Li-man Baddala Deena al-Maseeh, respectively. This interpretation can be also supported by the following verse: خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ يُكَوِّرُ اللَّيْلَ عَلَى النَّهَارِ وَيُكَوِّرُ النَّهَارَ عَلَى اللَّيْلِ… Sahih International: He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night …. Yusuf Ali: He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night… Dr. Ghali: He created the heaven and the earth with the Truth; He rolls the night over the daytime, and He rolls the daytime over the night… [Surat Az-Zumar 39:5] The rolling or wrapping or overlapping is the translation of the Arabic word يكور which is the verb from the root كور (kaaf – waaw – raa’) from which the word كرة (ball) is derived.
belum keluar pasal earth crust lagi tu..... yang lobai atheis tau bumi tu bulat ajer. lain tak tau. |
kalau cerita point of view dari mata kita kat bumi, memang nampak flat
begitu juga dengan matahari dan bulan.. kita di bumi akan nampak matahari yang kelilingi bumi, bukan sebaliknya ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
jadi mana yang betul ni?? Al Quran ni cerita dari first person view ke, third person view?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
takpe.. untuk cover malu (setelah ilmu sains buktikan bumi adalah sfera), saintis islam dah buat terjemahan baru untuk ayat hamparan tu..
dorang kata maksud "dahawa" tu boleh digantikan kepada telur gak, yakni telur burung unta ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
nampak tak?? ubah2 terjemahan agar selari dengan penemuan sains.. katakan tetiba satu hari nanti saintis dapat tahu bumi ni sebenarnya segiempat, tukang tafsir dan terjemah AQ akan kata maksud "dahawa" tu bermaksud petak pulak ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
kem, ayat quran tu berubah tak?dari zaman berzaman?
u know u argue terjemahannya?
kalau tafsiran berubah tu, bangkem boleh terima
kalau terjemahannya berubah, ini yang takleh diterima ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
sebagai contoh, kalau orang zaman dulu terjemahkan square sebagai segiempat, maka segiempat la maksud perkataan tu dalam bahasa melayu sampai bila-bila pon..
tapi mana boleh, lepas 1000 tahun, ubah pulak sebagai square jadi dataran pulak semata-mata nak selarikan ayat dengan sains ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
kesian orang zaman dulu yang ambik terjemahan square = segiempat
Acong, baru ni saya pergi ke Turin itali melawat Egyptian museum yang terbesar di eropah.
Terlalu banyak artifacts yang dah beribu ribu tahun peninggalan Egypt kuno yang ada kat dalam tu.
Apa yang boleh saya cakap, bible Dan Quran 2000-1400 yang di claim oleh ummah yang mana di turun kan oleh tuhan tu semuanya cerita mitos!![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
You tau acong cara Egypt kuno nak masuk syurga dan neraka juga hampir sama dengan apa yang ada dalam Quran, ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
Pak Arab dan mak Arab sendiri pun tak percaya agaknya Quran tu diturunkan oleh tuhan, sebab tu mereka tak ikut sangat ajaran sebenarrrr Islam.
Bersepah berjudi Kat kasino, makan kat restaurant yang ada hidang babi( tapi saya tak boleh nak buktikan mereka makan Babi). Dia orang tak kisah pasal halal haram makanan.
Edited by Lobai_Atheist at 29-8-2016 05:53 PM
tu para 'ilmuwan' hujatul isle yg cakap bumi nie FLAT......... Lagi mau auta? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
umat islam anggap bumi terletak atas seekor lembu (why lembu? lembu suci milik hindu?)
Flat Earth and the Qur'an
From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam
This article takes a closer look at some of the Qur'anic verses that imply its author assumed the earth is flat.
The fact that the earth is not flat has been known for thousands of years. The Ancient Greeks Pythagoras (570 - 495 BC), Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) and Hipparchus (190 - 120 BC) all knew this. The Indian astronomer and mathematician, Aryabhata (476 - 550 AD) knew this. And so did the early Christian scholars Anicius Boëthius (480 - 524 AD), Bishop Isidore of Seville (560 - 636 AD), Bishop Rabanus Maurus (780 - 856 AD), the monk Bede (672 - 735 AD), Bishop Vergilius of Salzburg (700 - 784 AD) and Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274 AD). In fact, contrary to what we are often told, the sphericity of the earth was common knowledge among early medieval Europeans[2] and the Holy Roman Empire from as early as 395 AD used an orb to represent the spherical Earth.[3]
If the Qur'an is a letter-by-letter dictation from Allah, it should also concur with this fact that was known throughout the world before its revelation, and it should contradict the flat earth model widely believed in by the 7th century Bedouins of Arabia.
Qur'an 15:19
والارض مددناها والقينا فيها رواسي وانبتنا فيها من كل شئ موزون
Waal-arda madadnahawaalqayna feeha rawasiya waanbatnafeeha min kulli shay-in mawzoonin
And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.
Qur'an 15:19
مَدَدْ = madad = protract , reach , elongate , extend , draw out , lengthen, stretch out , spread out , sprawl , dilate , reach , range , unwind , outstretch , pervade.
Qur'an 20:53
الذي جعل لكم الارض مهدا وسلك لكم فيها سبلا وانزل من السماء ماء فاخرجنا به ازواجا من نبات شتى
Allathee jaAAala lakumu al-ardamahdan wasalaka lakum feeha subulan waanzala mina alssama-imaan faakhrajna bihi azwajan min nabatinshatta
He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.
Qur'an 20:53
مَهْدًا = mahdan = (Noun) cradle or bed, (verb) flatten, smoothen, smooth, level, cement, grade, ram, plane, roll, flat, level off.
Qur'an 43:10
الذي جعل لكم الارض مهدا وجعل لكم فيها سبلا لعلكم تهتدون
Allathee jaAAala lakumu al-ardamahdan wajaAAala lakum feeha subulan laAAallakum tahtadoona
(Yea, the same that) has made for you the earth (like a carpet) spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels) therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the way);
Qur'an 43:10
مَهْدًا = mahdan = (Noun) cradle.or bed, (verb) flatten , smoothen , smooth , level , cement , grade , ram , plane , roll , flat , level off
Qur'an 50:7
والارض مددناها والقينا فيها رواسي وانبتنا فيها من كل زوج بهيج
Waal-arda madadnahawaalqayna feeha rawasiya waanbatnafeeha min kulli zawjin baheejin
And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)-
Qur'an 50:7
مَدَدْ = madad = protract , reach , elongate , extend , draw out , lengthen, stretch out , spread out , sprawl , dilate , reach , range , unwind , outstretch , pervade , lengthen
Qur'an 51:48
والارض فرشناها فنعم الماهدون
Waal-arda farashnahafaniAAma almahidoona
And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: How excellently We do spread out!
Qur'an 51:48
فَرَشَْ = farasha = provide with furniture , flatten , outspread , pervade , circulate , cement , grade , unwind , stretch , expand , flat , range , reach , ram , spread out , lengthen , sprawl , unfold , level off , roll out , level
الْمَهِدُونَ from مَهِدُ = flatten , smoothen , smooth , level , cement , grade , ram , plane , roll , flat , level off
Qur'an 71:19
والله جعل لكم الارض بساطا
WaAllahu jaAAala lakumu al-ardabisatan
And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out),
Qur'an 71:19
بِسَاطًا = bisaatan = drugget , carpet , rug from the verb بسط = outspread , flatten , flat , even , ram , grade , level off , outstretch , pave , level , smoothen , roll , cement
Qur'an 78:6
الم نجعل الارض مهادا
Alam najAAali al-arda mihadan
Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse,
Qur'an 78:6
مهاد = flat land , flat , plain , ramming
Qur'an 79:30
Many Islamist apologists attempt to deflect criticism that the Qur'an promotes the mistaken belief of a flat earth by the word dahaha used in Qur'an 79:30, commonly translated as ‘spread’ or ‘stretched’.
Arabic: والارض بعد ذلك دحاها
Transliteration: Waal-arda baAAda thalika dahaha
Literal: And the earth/Planet Earth after that He blew and stretched/spread it. [4]
Qur'an 79:30
Qur'an Translations
Yusuf Ali: And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse); [4]
Pickthal: And after that He spread the earth, [4]
Arberry: and the earth-after that He spread it out, [4]
Shakir: And the earth, He expanded it after that. [4]
Sarwar: After this, He spread out the earth, [4]
Hilali/Khan: And after that He spread the earth; [4]
Malik: After that He spread out the earth, [4]
Maulana Ali: And the earth, He cast it after that. [4]
Free Minds: And the land after that He spread out. [4]
Some translations have attempted to translate the word dahaha to mean made egg-shaped or like an ‘ostrich egg’.
Khalifa: He made the earth egg-shaped. [4]
QXP: And after that He made the earth shoot out from the Cosmic Nebula and made it spread out egg-shaped. ('Dahaha' entails all the meanings rendered (21:30), (41:11)). [4]
Apologetic Claims
Anyway, to answer your question about why did Allah Almighty use the word "dahaha" in Noble Verse 79:30, well it's because the word is the most precise out of all. It describes the roundness and the flatness of the earth at once. [5]
Some will also claim that the root word for dahaha is duhiya which means ostrich egg.
4. Earth is geo-spherical in shape
The Qur’an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse:
“And we have made the earth egg shaped”. [Al-Qur’an 79:30]
The Arabic word Dahaha means egg shaped. It also means an expanse. Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an ostrich which is geospherical in shape, exactly like the shape of the earth.
Thus the Qur’an and modern established science are in perfect harmony.[6]
Nevertheless, many Muslims still cling to the belief that dahaha means an ostrich egg, despite the scientific difficulty this presents in that the earth is an oblate spheroid while the ostrich egg is a prolate spheroid. Thus the earth and the ostrich egg are dissimilar in three dimensions.
A further apologetic is to point to a game played by Meccans in their attempt to link dahaha with roundness.
In 79:30, Allah says,
[Transliteration] Waal-arda baAAda thalika dahaha [79:30]
The key word in the above verse is “dahaha”. In Arabic, there is a phrase, “iza dahaha” which means “when he throws the stones over the ground to the hole”. The hole is called “Udhiyatun”. “Almadahi” signify round stones according to the size of which a hole is dug in the ground in which the stones are thrown in a game. “Almadahi” also signify a round thing made of lead by the throwing of which persons contend together. So there is a signification of ROUNDNESS in the root of the word “dahaha”. According to some etymologists, the word for the “egg of an ostrich” also has the same root as “dahaha”. They also take from this that the earth is of the shape of the egg of an ostrich. Latest science findings confirm that the earth is not exactly spherical but the earth is an ellipsoid, i.e. flattened by its poles,[ just like the shape of an egg of an ostrich].
The Arabic words for “flat” or “level” or “straight shaped” are “sawi” and “almustavi”. There is not a single place in Quran where there is any indication of the earth being “flat” or “straight shaped”. The word “faraash” in 2:22, 51:48; the word “wasia” in 4:97, 29:56, 30:10; the word “mahd” in 20:53, 43:10, 78:6; the word “basaat” in 71:19; the word “suttihat” in 88:20; and the word “tahaaha” in 91:6, all may mean, “to spread”, “to expand” or “to extend” with slight differences in their connotations but none signify the earth being straight-shaped or flat.[7]
The contention that almadahi and udhiyatun conveys the concept of roundness which they link to the root of dahaha is false for the reason that the 'roundness' of the almadahi and udhiyatun is only in two dimensions. The almadahi is round like a piece of Arab bread (i.e. shaped like a disc) and the udhiyatun is also round in two dimensions. Nevertheless, one of the meanings of dahaha is to 'throw' and that is the derivation of the words 'almadahi and udhiyatun'.
Daha and Duhiya
In Arabic, each word must be derived from its root. The root usually consists of three letters that can be manipulated, by adding vowels, prefixes and suffixes in order to produce different words with different meanings. For example, "ka-ta-ba" (to write) is the root for many words such as kitab (book), maktaba (library), katib (author), maktoob (written), kitabat (writings) et cetera.
Let's now take the word mentioned to mean egg of an ostrich, "Duhiya". This word is not a root. It is a noun and is derived from "da-ha-wa", the same root that the verb "dahaha" comes from. Furthermore, Duhiya does not even mean the egg of an ostrich. This is what the most respected dictionaries have to say on this subject:
Lisan Al Arab
الأُدْحِيُّ و الإدْحِيُّ و الأُدْحِيَّة و الإدْحِيَّة و الأُدْحُوّة مَبِيض النعام في الرمل , وزنه أُفْعُول من ذلك , لأَن النعامة تَدْحُوه برِجْلها ثم تَبِيض فيه وليس للنعام عُشٌّ . و مَدْحَى النعام : موضع بيضها , و أُدْحِيُّها موضعها الذي تُفَرِّخ فيه .ِ
Translation: Al-udhy, Al-idhy, Al-udhiyya, Al-idhiyya, Al-udhuwwa:The place in sand where an ostrich lays its egg. That's because the ostrich spreads out the earth with its feet then lays its eggs there, an ostrich doesn't have a nest.
الدَّحْوُ البَسْطُ . دَحَا الأَرضَ يَدْحُوها دَحْواً بَسَطَها . وقال الفراء في قوله والأَرض بعد ذلك دَحاها قال : بَسَطَها ; قال شمر : وأَنشدتني أَعرابية : الحمدُ لله الذي أَطاقَا
بَنَى السماءَ فَوْقَنا طِباقَا
ثم دَحا الأَرضَ فما أَضاقا
قال شمر : وفسرته فقالت دَحَا الأَرضَ أَوْسَعَها ; وأَنشد ابن بري لزيد بن عمرو بن نُفَيْل : دَحَاها , فلما رآها اسْتَوَتْ
على الماء , أَرْسَى عليها الجِبالا
و دَحَيْتُ الشيءَ أَدْحاهُ دَحْياً بَسَطْته , لغة في دَحَوْتُه ; حكاها اللحياني . وفي حديث عليّ وصلاتهِ , اللهم دَاحِيَ المَدْحُوَّاتِ يعني باسِطَ الأَرَضِينَ ومُوَسِّعَها , ويروى ; دَاحِيَ المَدْحِيَّاتِ . و الدَّحْوُ البَسْطُ . يقال : دَحَا يَدْحُو و يَدْحَى أَي بَسَطَ ووسع
Translation: To daha the earth: means to spread it out. Then it mentions a couple of Arabic poems that confirm this meaning. Anyone who can read Arabic will find this to be the definitive proof that Daha means to spread out.
Al Qamoos Al Muheet
(دَحَا): الله الأرضَ (يَدْحُوهَا وَيَدْحَاهَا دَحْواً) بَسَطَها
Translation: Allah daha the Earth: He spread it out.
Al Waseet
دَحَا الشيءَ: بسطه ووسعه. يقال: دحا اللهُ الأَرض
Translation: To daha something: means to spread it out. For example: Allah daha the Earth.
Lane's Lexicon
Dhaheelath see dahl, near the end of the paragraph. dhahhal One who hunts, or catches game, by making use of the dhahool so in the verse cited voce dhahool l. (TA.) Dhahil Very rancorous, malevolent, malicious, or spiteful; wont to hide enmity, and violent haired, in his heart, and to watch for opportunities to indulge it, or exercise it. (Az, TA.)
Dhahool (an arabicized word from the Pers. Dhakhool) A thing which the hunter of gazelles sets up (for the purpose of scaring them into his toil or into the neighbourhood of his place of concealment), consisting of pieces of wood: (S : ) or a thing which the hunter sets up for (the purpose of scaring) the (wild) asses, (K, TA,) and As adds, and the gazelles, (TA,) consisting of pieces of wood like short scars (K,* TA) stuck in the ground, with some pieces of ragged cloth upon their heads; and sometimes set up at night, for (the purpose of searing) the gazelle, with the addition of a lighted lamp; (TA; ) (whence) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, Wa Yashrabna Ajnan Wannujoomu Ka’annaha Masabeeh dahhalin Yuzakkee Zubalaha
(And they drink water that is altered for the worse in taste and colour, while the stars are like the lamps of the hunter by means of the Dahool when he make. their wicks to blaze brightly): (TA : ) the pl. is dawaheel (K.)
1. Daha (., MM_b;,, 1,) first pers. Dahouth aor, yad'hoo inf. N. dahoo He spread; spread out, or forth; expanded; or extended; (S, Msb, K; ) a thing; (K; ) and, when said of God, the earth; (Fr, S, Mb, 1V; ) As also daha first pers. dahaithu (K in art. daha) aor. yaad’heae inf. n. dahae: (Msb, and K in art. dahae : ) or He (God) made the earth wide, or ample; as explained by an Arab woman of the desert to Sh: (TA : ) also, said of an ostrich, (S, TA,) he expanded, and made wide, (TA,) with his foot, or leg, the place where he was about to deposit his eggs: (S, TA : ) and, said of a man, he spread, &c., and made plain, even, or smooth. (TA in art. dhaha ) - Also, said of a man, (K,,) aor. yad’hoo, inf. n. dahwu(TA,) i.q. Jamie as also daja; on the authority of 1Abr. (TA.) (You say, dhahaha He compressed her; like as you say, dhajaha.) _ Also He threw, or cast, and impelled, propelled, oi removed from its place, a stone, with his hand (TA.) One says also, to him who is playing with walnuts, abidil maddha va adhhuhu, meaning (Make thou the distance far, and) throw it. (S,TA.: See also midh’hath, in two places. And of a torrent one says, dhaha bilbat’hai It cast along (the soft earth and pebbles in its course; or drove then along). (TA.) And of rain, one says, dhaha Al hissa an waj’hil Ardhi (S,Msb) It drove the pebbles from the surface of the earth; (Msb; ) or removed them. (TA.) (See also dhaha, in the next art.) And aldhahwu bilhijarathi also signifies The vying, one with another, in throwing stones, and striving to surpass (in doing so); as also al Midahath (inf. n- of dahee). (TA marra yad’hoo inf.n. dahow said of a horse, He went along throwing out his fore legs without raising his hoofs much from the ground. (S,TA.) = dhahal bathan The belly was, or became, large, and hanging down; (Kr, K; ) and Indhahee (the belly) was, or became, wide, or distended: (MF : ) or both signify it (the belly) became swollen, or inflated, or big,. and hung down, by reason of fatness or disease; as also Dhau and Indah (TA in art dooh.) 3. Dhahee inf.n. Mudahath: see 1. 5. Thud'hee He spread out, or extended, himself; syn. Thabassuth. (K: in art. Daha.) You say, nama fulan fathadhahha Such a one slept, and (extended himself so that he) lay upon a vide space of ground (TA in that art.) - And thadhahhathil ibilu fil ardhi The camels made hollows in the ground where they lay down, it being soft; leaving therein cavities like those of bellies: thus they do only when they are fat. (El-'Itreefee, TA in art. Daha. ) 7. see 1, last sentence. 9. id'havi (of the measure if’alath for if’alle like Ar’awa) It (a thing, TA) was, or became, spread, spread out or forth, expanded, or extended. (K.)
Dhahin (act. part n. of 1). Allahumma dhahil Mad’huwwath in a prayer of ‘Alee, means O God, the Spreader and Expander of the (seven) earths: (TA : ) al Mdhuwwath (properly) signifies the things that are spread, &c.; as also Al Mudh’hiyyath. (TA in art. dhaha ) _ Al’Matharuddahee The rain that removes (or drives) the pebbles from the surface of the earth. (TA.)
Ud'hiyy (S.K) (Originally od'huwa of the measure Uf’ool from dhahaithu but said in the S to be of that measure from dhahouthu the dial. var. dhahaithu not being there mentioned,) and and id’hiyy and Ud’hiyyath and ud’huwwath (K) The place of the laying of eggs, (S, K,) and of the hatching thereof, (S,) , of the ostrich, (S. K. ) in the sand; (K; ) because that bird expands it, and makes it wide, with its foot, or leg; for the ostrich has no (nest such as is termed) Ush (S: ) pl. Adahin (TA in the present art.) and Adahee (i. e., if not a mistranscription, Adahiyyu agreeably with the sing.): (TA in art. dhaha and mudhhiyya (likewise) signifies the place of the eggs of the ostrich. (S.) (Hence,) binthu Adh’hiyyathun A female ostrich. (TA.)_(Hence also,) Al Udkhiyyu and Al Id’hiyyu A certain Mansion of the Moon, (K, TA,) (namely, the Twenty-first Mansion,) between the Na’aai’m sa’dha zabih (more commonly) called Al Baldath likened to the Adhahhee of the ostrich. (TA.)
Ud’huwwath and udh’hiyyath: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places: - and for the latter, see also mid’hath, below.
Mad’han see ud’hiyy
Mid’hath A wooden thing with which a child is driven along (yud’ha), and which, passing over the ground, sweeps away everything against which it comes (K, TA.) - Accord. to Sh, A certain thing with which the people of Mekkeh play: he says, I heard El-Asadee describe it thus: Almadahiyy and Almasadiyy signify stones like the (small round cake of bread called) qursath, according to the size which a hole is dug, and widened a little: then they throw those stones (yad’hoona biha) to that hole and if the stone fall therein, the person wins; but if not, he is overcome: you say of him yad’hoo and yasdoo when he throws the stones (Iza dhahaha) over the ground to the hole: and the hole is called ud'hiyyath. (TA.) (Accord. to Freytag, the authority of the Deewan El-Hudhaleeyeen, A round thing made of lead, by the throwing of which persons contend together.)
Almadhuwwath and almad’hiyyath see Dahin,
1. Dhaha first pers. Dhahaithu,aor. yad’ha inf.n. dhah’ya: see 1 in art. Dhahoo.__ dhahaithul ibil (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) I drove the camel,; (K; ) as also dhahaithuha (TA.)
(4 mentioned by Freytag as on the authority of the K is a mistake for 5.)
5 (mentioned in this art. in the V and TA): see art. Dhahoo
7 (mentioned in this art. by MF): see art. Dhahoo.
Dhah’yath A single act of dhahy, i. e. spreading, (Msb.) = A she-ape, or she-monkey. (K.) dhihyath A mode, or manner, of dhahyu, i. e. spreading, &c. (Msb.) = A headman, or chief, (R, K, TA,) in an absolute sense, in the dial. of El-Yemen, (R, TA,) and particularly, of an army, or a military force. (K, TA.) AA says that it signifies "a lord," or "chief," in Pers.; but seems to be from dhahahu aor. yadh’hoohu, meaning "he spread it, and made it plain or even ;" because it is for the headman or chief to do this; the a. being changed into LS as it is in swibyath and fith’yath; and if so, it belongs to art. dahoo. (TA.) (Accord. to Golius, the pl. is dihau; but I think that it is more probably dhahan.) It is in a trad. that what is called Albaithul Ma’emoor (q.v. in art. Amr) is entered every day by seventy thousand companies of angels, every one of these having with it a dhih’yath and consisting seventy thousand angels. (TA.)
Ud’hiyyun and Id’hiyyun see art. dhaha.
Ud’hiyyath: see ud’hiyyu, in art. dahoo, in two places.[8]
Note above that Lane also translates dahaha to mean the place in the sand where the ostrich lays its eggs, and not the eggs themselves.
Qur'an 88:20
والى الارض كيف سطحت
Wa-ila al-ardi kayfa sutihat
And at the Earth, how it is spread out?
Qur'an 88:20
Notice the word سَطَّحَ . If you do a word search in an Arabic Qur'an text file you will find the word سطحت , feminine for سَطَّحَ
سَطَّحَ = outspread , unfold , unroll , roll , lengthen , level , range , pave , pervade , circulate , grade , reach , even , level off , spread out , prostrate , plane , outstretch, flat , flatten , even , smoothen.
Qur'an 91:6
والارض وماطحاها
Waal-ardi wama tahaha
By the Earth and its (wide) expanse
Qur'an 91:6
kesian - awak tak berani nak huraikan surah az zumar ayat yg saya bawa sebab terang terang kalau awak huraikan ayat az zumar tu , awak akan dapati the earth is round. |
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