..poetry's most powerful lines ever written...
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Tegarkah aku menjadi seperti Siti Khadijah,
Agung cintanya pada Allah dan Rasulullah,
Penawar hati kekasih Allah,
Susah senang bersama tempuhi…
Bisakah kudidik atma ini seperti Siti Aisyah,
Isteri Rasulullah yang bijak,
Perdorong dalam berjihad,
Dalam sukar dan kepedihan,
Tiada sukar untuk dilaksanakan.....
Tumpah mutiara saljuku.....
Melihat pengorbanan puteri solehah,Siti Fatimah...
Akur dalam setiap perintah,
Taat dengan perintah Allah,
Taat dengan abuyanya,Rasulullah…
Taat dengan suami yang sentiasa berjihad,
Tak memiliki harta dunia,
Layaklah dia sebagai wanita penghulu syurga..
Tika amarah kuasai diri,
Ingin aku intip serpihan sabar,
Dari catatan hidup Siti Sarah.....
Panglimaku,Amir Al-Askar....
Tabahkan jiwaku,
Setabah Umi Nabi Ismail,
Mengendong bayinya yang masih merah,
Mencari air penghilang dahaga,
Di terik padang pasir merekah,
Di tinggalkan suami akur tanpa bantah,
Pengharapannya hanya pada Allah,
Itulah wanita Siti Hajar...
Aduhai,mujjahidku pelindung dunia kahirat...
Bimbinglah diri ini,
Dalam mencari arti kebahagiaan hakiki,
Dari kebahagiaan seri kandi Rabiatul Adawiyah,
Imamku,Amir tercinta....
Pimpinlah tangan ini,
Agar teguh dalam syariat,
Seteguh sri kandi agung Summayah,
Kini ku rela menjadi Anulmardhiah,
Menjadi kekasih dunia dan akhirat,
Mati dalam dakapan seorang imam,
Bersinar indah harum tersebar,
Bagai wangian pusara Masyitah……….
Oleh Nailofar.
“Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be...”
― William Wordsworth
“Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
“Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
More than cool reason ever comprehends.
The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact:
One sees more devils than vast hell can hold,
That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic,
Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt:
The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.”
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
“The Weaver
My life is but a weaving
between my Lord and me;
I cannot choose the colors
He worketh steadily.
Oft times He weaveth sorrow
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I the underside.
Not til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.”
― Benjamin Malachi Franklin
After All Have Gone
By Mai Der Vang
I once carried my mollusk tune
All the way to the lottery of gods.
Rain was the old funeral choir
That keened of a hemisphere
Moored under lampwings.
Clouds never left. I knew
The lights would shine clearer
If I closed my eyes, just as
I knew the Pacific would teach
Me to sleep before tying my
Name to the flaming. Here I
Am now at the end of amethyst,
Drizzling another lost sunrise
Inside the quilt of your hand. |
"Here we go blindfolded into 2017"
Lilly Gibbons
A Long Limerick for the year gone by
There were many who believed in ideals,
Fretting about in their heels,
With bollards and plackards,
They marched and nattered,
All hell they would repeal.
ISIS let rip in the east,
Fear more important than peace,
Assad called the Russians
We heard the percussion,
Aleppo mourned daily deceased.
The climate was caught unawares,
When it realised nobody cares,
The smog came in strong,
Al Gore wasn't wrong,
When people flirt with despair.
Brexit was no laughing matter,
The public blind to what they were after,
Trigger at the ready,
It isn't looking steady,
For a kingdom with too many actors.
Trump, we thought at first glance,
Didn't have much of a chance,
But Hilary's scandal,
Left the US at a stand still,
Now the world's in Russia's trance.
Farewell to the icons we'll pine,
Our culture was built on their spine,
Prince, Bowie and George,
With legends we forged
The moments that will surpass time.
Ireland became a haven for a few
Pity there wasn't a queue,
With a fight for corporate heads
Banks left dry and bled,
Tech an oligopoly? Who knew.
Aleppo left drenched with no fate,
The little reaction to late,
UN cries unheard,
Media reports blurred.
It's hard to keep up at this rate.
Silicon Valley is offering free food,
to workers becoming robots or goods,
12 hour days,
extraordinary pay,
But with no creativity they're screwed!
Sporting greats made their way to the stage,
this year's Olympics causing outrage,
medals were plenty,
seats were empty,
And controversy graced every front page.
Here we go blindfolded into 2017
Only the wealthy living the dream,
while most young folk,
believe politics a joke,
Tell me, is it time for a new regime? |
Jim Davis
Butterfly Brain
What life does
A butterfly see
Pretty black
Fleeting eyes
Butterfly vision
Unquenched love
For flower's colored vista
Though I expect
They often think
They are solely
Living a short life
Only eating and pooping
Defined as
Caterpillar forever
Or, does their mind
Metamorph also
Now, it's little brain
Like the angel's
Holds thought to fly
Released to drift free
Astonished to rise
Chasing flower's nectar
Until too dark to see
Or bloom unrevealed
Anyway, as it is
Seen by you and me
A soaring glory
Of handiwork divine
A life sublimed |
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Satu Percakapan Singkat - Zurinah Hassan
tentang cinta kita pada hidup
mungkin tak banyak perbezaan
tentang cinta kita pada puisi
itupun tak ada perbezaan
tetapi kau lelaki
dan aku perempuan
di situlah letaknya perbezaan
Seorang lelaki
Membebaskan diri untuk membataskan pilihan
Seorang perempuan
membataskan pilihan untuk membebaskan diri
Ingatan Pada Suatu Kasih Yang Tak Jadi ~ Zurinah Hassan
kau tak berdaya berterus-terang
dan aku tak berdaya mentafsir
kau mengatur gambar-gambar
dalam sebuah album yang indah
sedang aku tidak pernah melihat gambar-gambar itu
kita telah bertemu
dalam sebuah mimpi yang menggembirakan
tetapi aku lebih gembira
bila terjaga dari mimpi itu.
Yang Pasti ~ Zurinah Hassan
Kau mungkin bukan lelaki terbaik
Tapi buat perempuan sepertiku
Mungkin tidak ada yang lebih
Aku mungkin tidak mendapat segala-galanya
Tapi dengan keadaan begini
Aku tidak meminta
Yang lebih baik
Usahlah bertanya apakah aku bahagia
Aku juga tidak menyoal perasaanmu
Kerana kadang-kadang bila terlalu mahu memasti
Orang jadi semakin ragu
Terlalu berbicara dan banyak menganalisa
Orang jadi semakin tidak tahu
Aku mungkin kurang pasti
Tentang apa yang telah kukatakan
Tapi yang pasti
Kita tidak perlu terlalu pasti
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Vijay Seshadri, 1954
We hold it against you that you survived.
People better than you are dead,
but you still punch the clock.
Your body has wizened but has not bled
its substance out on the killing floor
or flatlined in intensive care
or vanished after school
or stepped off the ledge in despair.
Of all those you started with,
only you are still around;
only you have not been listed with
the defeated and the drowned.
So how could you ever win our respect?--
you, who had the sense to duck,
you, with your strength almost intact
and all your good luck. |
Beyond Fluorescence" by Julianne Buchsbaum (2005)
Soon this place will go strange on us in the white afterglow
of electrical storms, the skin of winter,
in the Dammerung of a power outage, I dream
of downed wires and the picked locks of neighbors'
homes and all the houses on the street where I live,
the bars on windows, the sense of threat and death,
because when slag glows on the outskirts of town,
it burns all the hands that come near it, all the eyes,
wildflowers, all things that fire hurts are hurt by it,
even insects lose their wings and float down flooded
ditches. Soon there will be no one but strangers to take
our place because somewhere at the end of this place
is another place where animals materialize by the highway,
where no one will know why you went when you left
that morning with no license or address, your face already
roughened by the moon, umber leaves, with a madness
for anonymity, at the edge of a hint of a garden, no laws
to follow, gleaming, towards the Northern horse latitudes,
past the cattlebrown of cornfields, beyond fluorescence
and leather, beginning to renounce what you had stolen,
leaving alluvial deposits of land to fence and feathergrass,
forgetting fires that burned, glass that broke in your hand. |
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From My Heart
Mrs. Creeves
Published on November 2007
A million stars up in the sky
one shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
a love that comes from me to you
The angels sing when you are near
within your arms I have nothing to fear
You always know just what to say
just talking to you makes my day
I love you honey with all of my heart
together forever and never to part.
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Love is giving ...
"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything."
— T. Tolis
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Buku menangis
kala para pembaca
yang baru mencicipi sedikit ilmu
sudah merasa lebih pintar dari Tuhannya
Lalu berusaha merubah aturan pada kitab suci
dan mencoba membuat hukum sendiri
yang dirasanya lebih manusiawi
yang dianggapnya sesuai jaman kiwari
Padahal dia hanya berbekal sejimpit ilmu
tanpa bekal pengetahuan agama yang memadai
beraninya buat aturan sendiri
menganggap Tuhan hanya tahu masalalu
dan ayat-ayat sucinya tidak sesuai masakini.
Jadilah agama ditafsirkan sekehendak hati,
tanpa landasan yang jelas untuk dikaji,
malapetaka bagi seluruh negeri
bila ajaran mereka diikuti
Provided by
Yudhasmara Foundation
"Rencana Allah itu lebih indah dari apa yang kita bayangkan, dan inilah cara Allah melindungi dirimu. Berbaik sangkalah, meski saat ini kau tak tahu di mana dan kapan jodohmu mendekat, pernahkah sebelum kamu meminta untuk didekatkan dengan jodohmu kamu berpikir untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah terlebih dahulu? Jodoh itu rahasia Allah, sehebat apa kita setia, selama apa kita menunggu, sekeras apa kita bersabar, semua telah ditetapkan-Nya."
Panji Ramdana 2016 |
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Whatever befalls us has its meaning; though it is often hard to grasp. In the Book of Life every page has two sides. On the upper one, we inscribe our plans, dreams, hopes; the reverse is filled by providence, whose verdicts rarely match our desire.
Layla & Majnun, Nizami. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi