DBSK did indeed break the record for the largest fanclub in the world. If you call Guiness World Records, they will confirm it. It is a fact that they hold the highest number of registered fans in a fanclub. However, Guiness World Records is debating whether or not to publish this record in their next book.
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 13-8-2008 07:11 AM wawa jongmal... yokatta.... tak sangka deme dapat menyaingi mat salleh ekkk... bagus bebenor ... tahniah to them esp my ledo abe ho
abechun speaking ngeh.. klux silap junsu kot soh speaking.. dan2 abechun x mo sbb dah lama x speaking.. tp me dengo ok je hehe... abemin nmpk cam ngantuk mesia x termasuk.. baru ingat nk join wakaka..pasan2..abechun rambut rock lee
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 13-8-2008 08:13 AM uishh abe ho ni memain lak... me n omma sangat bangga.. kali ni kalo deme dtg mesia, me akan turun.. dah 2 kali missed