Annyeongha-Seyong, this is MYNAME’s Seyong.
Thank you for being with us for MYNAME’s first fanmeeting.
I was a trainee for about 5 and a half years, and I’m fortunate to have debuted with MYNAME.
Coming up to Seoul alone and leaving my parents at 17 years old was not easy.
But having the fans during my trainee period, and even now, made it easier for me.
I’m very touched and thankful that I can have this birthday party with a lot of people.
The fans were shouting “Don’t cry!”
Because now I’m here in front of everybody, not alone, but as MYNAME.
There are a lot of staff members who have also helped us out in that period.
And I’m very happy that I get to do this with all of you whom I love.
You’ll go together with us to the end right?
Fans: YESS!
You promised me!
Thank you so much! And also a big thank you to all the H2 Media staff who made this for us.
I’m very thankful to everyone.
You know Seonjin Noona right? She’s our team leader. Her throat hurts and she has to undergo surgery tomorrow. Thank you very much for doing this for us.
Really, thank you very very much to everyone.
I love you MYNAME fans!
Source: mynamevalue
Translation: MYNAMESG
5 thn jd trainee~~
tp ms kat gmbr fanmeeting tu kemain manja lg dok lentok kat jinnie
pix click : SINI
Reply 162#chibi_mawad
ms memula aku baca pn mcm x cayee . bg aku kalo 2 3 thn dh biasa. tp 5thn lebih.
kannn?? motip sgt seyong dok manje2 ngan jinnie. aku pn trcari2 inssoo..dimanakah
vid tu ak x dpt tgk..aku nk tgk ms seyong bc msg tu, kalo ikot translate tu ada ms dia pause..sure dia thn sebak
Reply 163#Fergien
5 taun tuh kire nye cm ok lg kot.ade yg lg lame jd trainee sampai 7-8 taun.
bestnye gi fanmeet.jeles.huhuhu.
nk tanye, ko de twitter x? leh kte saling polo mengpolo.
name ak same je kt porem ngn twitter.
bestnyer dpt pi FM dorg!! gunwoo!! apsal dia buat mulut kembung2 nih? geram~~!!!!!!!!!
InSoo.. omo~~ apsal nampak mcm sexy mexy mamt ni walopun tee sempoi jer nih? mencik! jeles!! tolongla suh dorg ni mai Malaysia!!
Reply JUSTcircle
gunwoo ni kdg2 namapak dia comel; kdg nampak dia emsem.. n kdg2 nampak dia,, eei ...
Fergien Post at 14-11-2011 12:54 PM
gunwoo tuh kecomelan dia dtg biler dia blur.. mcm x tau apa.. mcm masa sibuk main tab tuh.. blur apa org ckiter pasal dia.. and kalo dia sibuk pilih2 fashion dia pun comel.. nampak hensem biler dia start nyanyi menari.. pastu kalo mulut jahat dia tuh lafazkan apa2 plak.. nampak dia kewl giler kan? dah la mata besar!!! geram.. hehehe!
ni belum tepek kan?
kekeke! aku rasa belum kan? aku tepek jer la.. kalo dah. nanti aku delete.
JUSTcircle Post at 14-11-2011 13:03
omma ya!! somel je jinnie ngn seyong nih!! ak tgk translation kt yt part seyong ckp psl jinnie.
tatau btol ke x translation nih.uwaaa!! kalo dorang dtg m'sia ak sanggup wat loan. hahaha!!
Seyong: Actually about that... Chaejin was coming out of the bathroom when I happened to be wanting to go in. So I was opening the door, and Chaejin was standing higher than me, so just right at that moment when he came down... *kiss*
btw,sumpah somel gunwoo dok kt tepi pintu kete tuh dok sandar!!!.ngn mata beso die tuh.jeles ak.nk mate beso gk.
Reply nzhass79
tgk hangul tulis Noel sunbaenim time baju cekelat tuh lalu.chibi_mawad Post at 15-11-2011 12:51 AM
ms tu diaorang nk nyanyi ker?? mmg camtu ek, setiap kali sunbaenim lalu mesti greet camtu? adoii la jenuh kalo camtu...
tp siyes nampak sopan jer... kalo kat sini hado
Noel ek???
Seyong: Actually about that... Chaejin was coming out of the bathroom when I happened to be wanting to go in. So I was opening the door, and Chaejin was standing higher than me, so just right at that moment when he came down... *kiss*
masa JC dok ckp sal seyong ngan jinnie nih, jenuh akak dok cari, tang mane la si seyong ni wat camni.. sbb akak tgk skip2...
pastu tgh2 dok tgk mende len terdengar seseorg ckp `poppo'... tros tgk kat clip tu... hah, jumpe dh...
somel gile la seyong muke dia nampak matured laaaa....
agaknye kan kalo ada vid ms si seyong nk masuk n jinnie nak kuar dari bilik air ni, sure lg cumillll...
ms tu diaorang nk nyanyi ker?? mmg camtu ek, setiap kali sunbaenim lalu mesti greet camtu? adoii ...
nzhass79 Post at 15-11-2011 09:18
agknye tu adlh strategi dorang tok lebay di kenali oleh senior2 dorang sesume pakai name dorang kt badan bg orang tau .kiyoo~
mawad xtau cemane muka Noel nih. tp tau dlm group nih de 2 orang je. rase cm nyanyi lagu balada je.
yg vid behind the show tuh, gigih tgk walopon x phm sgt pe yg dorang ckp. tp seyong memang nmpk pandai ape2 pon seyong yg dok tgh ckp. ledo dok senyp kt tepi
omma ya!! somel je jinnie ngn seyong nih!! ak tgk translation kt yt part seyong ckp psl jinnie.:lo ...
chibi_mawad Post at 15-11-2011 12:30 AM
comel kan?!! geram giler.. si gunwoo plak.. masuk2 jer duduk cenggitu buat gaya kewl dia.. bercakap x hengat.. mmg kena sgt la LEDO nyer title tok dia.. gaya LEDO x menahan..
Jinnie ni~~~!!! dok terima jer apa Seyong buat.. suker giler aku tengok si Seyong nyakat2 maknae.. geram!!!
Insoo kat belakang.. chomel kan? tembam dia.. ekceli bukan comel.. tapi macam aku rasa comel sbb aku geram biler dia buat flying kiss then dah la tembam.. pastu cari2 port nak tunjuk muka biler gunwoo mai.. gunwoo halang dorg nyer muka nak air..