aimaniac posted on 27-11-2013 03:36 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I wonder, why do u guys need to debate referring to the Bible, whereas it is widely known Bible is N ... Now tell me, my good friend, how illogical it is for plants and trees to grow if there is no Sun?
go and read from begining...not going to rewrite again and again...
ct_og posted on 27-11-2013 08:30 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kita dah tengok dunia pernah menjalani Zaman Kegelapan walaupun pada ketika itu telah ada kitab Inji ...
ini semua sudah jawap ..tak perlu lah saya nak ulang2 banyak kali
Truth.8 posted on 26-11-2013 11:01 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
is ur own INTERPRETATION .......I am fully understood why God need to stop and rested...
I can even tell my friend :
friends: why we need to observed saturday( sabbath)
Truth.8 : God created 6 days and 7 day rested ..hence we need work 6 days and rest on 7 day . on this day we remember HIM for creating the earth , praise and worshipped HIM
That is reason why GOD ceased work and rested 7th day ....Is not GOD tired but showing us a example how humans should work, rest and worshipped HIM this day called Sabbath to remember HIM...
Interpretation? If you follow this so called debate , you would observe that it is you who is trying to change the meaning of a word to fit your Christian Fundamentalism. You are reading into the bible not from the bible.
The whole of the english speaking world know that 'rest' means to stop what one is doing because of tiredness or fatigue. However you in your Christian Fundamentalism is trying to force the meaning of 'rest' to be an example of how to celebrate the biblical God.
You still have not answered the 3 contentions :
(1) the bible has serious scientific contradiction , vegetation created first then sun
(2) who rested on the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'Son' or the 'Holy Spirit'?
(3) Do all of the angels have arrogance/pride? Where does this arrogance and pride comes from
Truth.8 posted on 27-11-2013 10:21 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ini semua sudah jawap ..tak perlu lah saya nak ulang2 banyak kali
Kalau kamu dah jawab maka pasti kamu tahu bahawa kristian tidak membawa kebenaran tetapi kepalsuan bukan? |
ct_og posted on 27-11-2013 12:33 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kalau kamu dah jawab maka pasti kamu tahu bahawa kristian tidak membawa kebenaran tetapi kepalsuan ...
Dia ni kononnya berpegang teguh pada agama dia, tapi tiada ilmu. Kalau dia cerdik, dia dah nampak kepalsuan kristian.
sam1528 posted on 27-11-2013 12:16 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Interpretation? If you follow this so called debate , you would observe that it is you who is tryi ... Interpretation? If you follow this so called debate , you would observe that it is you who is trying to change the meaning of a word to fit your Christian Fundamentalism. You are reading into the bible not from the bible.
u making a fool out of urself again and again...dont try act that u know well about Bible.
Why Did God Need to Rest on the Seventh Day? By Rabbi Dr. Michael Samuel
While it is true that many translations of the Bible such as the New Revised Version Standard (NRSV), the King James' Version (KJV) and others render the word Shavat as "rested" a more accurate translation of Shavat is "abstained," i.e., "God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because He abstained from all His work which God created to make" ( Gen. 2:4). Nachmanides (12th century) interpreted these words to mean "he ceased to perform all His creative work." Why the need to abstain? Obviously it wasn't because of tiredness! God's resting from creation teaches us that as human beings created in the image of God, we too need to make time for rest and purposely abstain from interfering with creation one day of the week. The passion to create can sometimes be dangerous — especially for a technological society that prides itself on its ability to create, manipulate and control the world around it. There's a great story I would like to share with you from Mrs. Lettie Cowman's wonderful book, Springs in the Valley. In the deep jungles of Africa, a traveler was making a long trek. Coolies had been engaged from a tribe to carry the loads. The first day they marched rapidly and went far. The traveler had high hopes of a speedy journey. But the second morning these jungle tribesmen refused to move. For some strange reason they just sat and rested. On inquiry as to the reason for this strange behavior, the traveler was informed that they had gone too fast the first day, and that they were now waiting for their souls to catch up with their bodies. Then Mrs. Cowman concludes with this penetrating exhortation: "This whirling rushing life which so many of us live does for us what that first march did for those poor jungle tribesmen. The difference: they knew what they needed to restore life's balance; too often we do not." It is incredible to realize that Lettie Cowman wrote these words almost fifty years ago. Later in the Book of Exodus we read: "It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested" ( Exodus, 31:17). A curious note. The Hebrew word for rested, vyenafesh, can sometimes mean rest, ensouled, breath, to catch one's breath, sweet fragrance, passion, and inner being of man. A nefesh can also mean a living being. In the context of Shabbat, God ensouled this day when He rested. Why did God need to rest on the Shabbat day? Was He tired from creating the world? Hardly. The Rabbis wanted to teach us that work is not an end in and of itself. To be healthy, to be free from the problems of earning a livelihood, we must have Shabbat as a day to renew our strength and spirits. Like the natives of Mrs. Cowman's stories, we must have time to renew our spirits, to catch our breath and to become a living being once more. On Shabbat, God created the possibility of renewal, which, in turn, is one of the fundamental teachings of our faith. The concept of the Shabbat is radical in many respects. For hundreds of years Jews were ridiculed for being lazy for resting on the Shabbat day. For the past 500-600 years, the world was seen as one gigantic clock. The universe was seen as an inanimate machine, as was the planet. Even human beings were considered by the likes of the behaviorists and the philosophers of positivism as nothing more than a machine. Many denied that there was even such a thing as a mind or a soul. Such thinking threatens the very existence of our species today. Biological, chemical, nuclear warfare, and our careless disregard of the planet's well-being threatens all of us with the specter of omnicide. It is for that reason we were given the Shabbat. Each of us has a nefesh — a soul. We are not machines. Shabbat comes to teach us that each of us needs to have some sacred space to enjoy ourselves with our families and friends. Shabbat provides the sacred time to feel one with our Creator and Friend. The Shabbat Queen has come to provide our tired spirits with nurturing and healing. Shabbat provides us with the time to enjoy the world in silence and respect. Our work isn't required to keep it going. Shabbat Shalom, a Shabbat of peace. The word Shalom means peace. What kind of peace? How do we attain it? Peace must begin with peace of mind. Peace with ourselves, peace with our health, peace with our wealth — all of these qualities will help us find fulfillment and satisfaction. Shalom also means wholeness. That's what Shabbat is for — a time to find shalom and wholeness in our turbulent lives. On Shabbat we celebrate the day by ceasing from our worries and work, we renew our bodies and soul by resting. One way to celebrate the Shabbat is with good food. Even in their poorest of times, the Jews made every effort to buy the special food and candles that mark keeping the Shabbat. The Shabbat table becomes a holy place where the family shares their joys and wishes together. We also feast on the Shabbat with affection. One of the most terrifying aspects of the technological society is the loss of intimacy. Many people in our culture are desperate for affection, and most do not know how to give it or receive it. Shabbat gives us a special time to deepen our relationships. How many families would benefit were the Shabbat utilized to deepen our relationships with our children? Wouldn't society prosper better? Today in the news (August 23, 1996), two young children were gunned down in Jefferson Elementary School in Brooklyn, NY. The news mentioned that nearly a third of all young boys carry weapons to school. The question that ought to be raised here is why are all these kids so insecure and frightened that they need to carry weapons? The teachers and counselors all pointed out that the families are horribly fractured. There is a profound need for love and healing. We need the Shalom of Shabbat now in our modern, turbulent times, perhaps more so than ever. Shabbat is not a luxury; it is a necessity for a long, healthy life.
Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-11-2013 08:26 PM
ct_og posted on 27-11-2013 12:33 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kalau kamu dah jawab maka pasti kamu tahu bahawa kristian tidak membawa kebenaran tetapi kepalsuan ... Kalau kamu dah jawab maka pasti kamu tahu bahawa kristian tidak membawa kebenaran tetapi kepalsuan bukan?
itu anggapan kamu yg sudah cacat pemikiran...
Truth.8 posted on 27-11-2013 08:21 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
itu anggapan kamu yg sudah cacat pemikiran...
Saya tidak cacat pemikiran tapi sebaliknya kamu. Jika kamu benar maka mengapa perlu ada lebih satu Tuhan sedangkan Allah sendiri kata diri Dia tidak beranak dan tidak diberanakan. Kalau Dia beranak maka macam mana proses Dia melahirkan anak? Kalau Dia ada anak mestilah anak Dia mesti sama dengan Dia. Tak perlulah anak Dia dalam rupa manusia dan tinggal di bumi. Kalau kamu benar maka letakkan ayat Bible yang boleh jawab bila Allah kata :
"Kalau ada di langit dan di bumi tuhan-tuhan yang lain dari Allah, nescaya rosaklah pentadbiran kedua-duanya. Maka (bertauhidlah kamu kepada Allah dengan menegaskan): Maha Suci Allah, Tuhan yang mempunyai Arasy, dari apa yang mereka sifatkan. (Al-Anbiyaa : 22) |
ct_og posted on 27-11-2013 08:52 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Saya tidak cacat pemikiran tapi sebaliknya kamu. Jika kamu benar maka mengapa perlu ada lebih satu ... Saya tidak cacat pemikiran tapi sebaliknya kamu. Jika kamu benar maka mengapa perlu ada lebih satu Tuhan sedangkan Allah sendiri kata diri Dia tidak beranak dan tidak diberanakan sebab saya berakal utk berfikir yg Tuhan itu dua...Yesus dan DIA...itu yg di sebut dlm Bible....masa kedatangan dajjal Yesus akan menghakimi umat dan dajjal di bunuh oleh Yesus...bagaimana Yesus boleh hakimi manusia?? sebab dia adalah Tuhan ....
Truth.8 posted on 27-11-2013 09:01 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sebab saya berakal utk berfikir yg Tuhan itu dua...Yesus dan DIA...itu yg di sebut dlm Bible....ma ...
Jelaslah kamu tidak berada dipihak yang benar bila tiada ayat bible yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan dari Allah yang bertanya tidakkah kalau ada lebih satu Tuhan maka akan kucar kacirlah pemerintahan Tuhan di alam ini.
Dalam Islam pula mengatakan yang membunuh Dajal itu adalah Nabi Isa, bukannya Yesus. Selepas bunuh Dajal, dia akan membimbing manusia mengunakan al-Quran dan menghukum menggunakan undang-undang Allah yang terkandung dalam al-Quran.
Berkata Allah akan adanya Nabi Isa as menjelang kiamat membawa ajaran Allah dari al-Quran adalah seperti berikut :
"Dan sesungguhnya Nabi Isa menjadi tanda kedatangan hari kiamat, maka janganlah kamu ragu-ragu tentang hari kiamat itu, dan turutlah petunjuk Ku, inilah jalan yang lurus. Dan janganlah Syaitan menghalang kamu daripada menurut jalan yang benar. Sesungguhnya Syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagi kamu. Dan ketika Nabi Isa datang kepada kaumnya dengan membawa keterangan-keterangan yang nyata, berkatalah dia : “Sesungguhnya aku datang kepada kamu dengan membawa hikmat ajaran Tuhan dan untuk menerangkan kepada kamu, sebahagian dari perkara-perkara agama yang kamu berselisihan padanya. Oleh itu, bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah dan taatlah kepada ku. (Az-Zukhruf : 61-63)
Truth.8 posted on 27-11-2013 08:19 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
u making a fool out of urself again and again...dont try act that u know well about Bible.
Why Did God Need to Rest on the Seventh Day? By Rabbi Dr. Michael Samuel
While it is true that many translations of the Bible such as the New Revised Version Standard (NRSV), the King James' Version (KJV) and others render the word Shavat as "rested" a more accurate translation of Shavat is "abstained," i.e., "God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because He abstained from all His work which God created to make" ( Gen. 2:4). Nachmanides (12th century) interpreted these words to mean "he ceased to perform all His creative work." Why the need to abstain? Obviously it wasn't because of tiredness! God's resting from creation teaches us that as human beings created in the image of God, we too need to make time for rest and purposely abstain from interfering with creation one day of the week. The passion to create can sometimes be dangerous — especially for a technological society that prides itself on its ability to create, manipulate and control the world around it. There's a great story I would like to share with you from Mrs. Lettie Cowman's wonderful book, Springs in the Valley. In the deep jungles of Africa, a traveler was making a long trek. Coolies had been engaged from a tribe to carry the loads. The first day they marched rapidly and went far. The traveler had high hopes of a speedy journey. But the second morning these jungle tribesmen refused to move. For some strange reason they just sat and rested. On inquiry as to the reason for this strange behavior, the traveler was informed that they had gone too fast the first day, and that they were now waiting for their souls to catch up with their bodies. Then Mrs. Cowman concludes with this penetrating exhortation: "This whirling rushing life which so many of us live does for us what that first march did for those poor jungle tribesmen. The difference: they knew what they needed to restore life's balance; too often we do not." It is incredible to realize that Lettie Cowman wrote these words almost fifty years ago. Later in the Book of Exodus we read: "It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested" ( Exodus, 31:17). A curious note. The Hebrew word for rested, vyenafesh, can sometimes mean rest, ensouled, breath, to catch one's breath, sweet fragrance, passion, and inner being of man. A nefesh can also mean a living being. In the context of Shabbat, God ensouled this day when He rested. Why did God need to rest on the Shabbat day? Was He tired from creating the world? Hardly. The Rabbis wanted to teach us that work is not an end in and of itself. To be healthy, to be free from the problems of earning a livelihood, we must have Shabbat as a day to renew our strength and spirits. Like the natives of Mrs. Cowman's stories, we must have time to renew our spirits, to catch our breath and to become a living being once more. On Shabbat, God created the possibility of renewal, which, in turn, is one of the fundamental teachings of our faith. The concept of the Shabbat is radical in many respects. For hundreds of years Jews were ridiculed for being lazy for resting on the Shabbat day. For the past 500-600 years, the world was seen as one gigantic clock. The universe was seen as an inanimate machine, as was the planet. Even human beings were considered by the likes of the behaviorists and the philosophers of positivism as nothing more than a machine. Many denied that there was even such a thing as a mind or a soul. Such thinking threatens the very existence of our species today. Biological, chemical, nuclear warfare, and our careless disregard of the planet's well-being threatens all of us with the specter of omnicide. It is for that reason we were given the Shabbat. Each of us has a nefesh — a soul. We are not machines. Shabbat comes to teach us that each of us needs to have some sacred space to enjoy ourselves with our families and friends. Shabbat provides the sacred time to feel one with our Creator and Friend. The Shabbat Queen has come to provide our tired spirits with nurturing and healing. Shabbat provides us with the time to enjoy the world in silence and respect. Our work isn't required to keep it going. Shabbat Shalom, a Shabbat of peace. The word Shalom means peace. What kind of peace? How do we attain it? Peace must begin with peace of mind. Peace with ourselves, peace with our health, peace with our wealth — all of these qualities will help us find fulfillment and satisfaction. Shalom also means wholeness. That's what Shabbat is for — a time to find shalom and wholeness in our turbulent lives. On Shabbat we celebrate the day by ceasing from our worries and work, we renew our bodies and soul by resting. One way to celebrate the Shabbat is with good food. Even in their poorest of times, the Jews made every effort to buy the special food and candles that mark keeping the Shabbat. The Shabbat table becomes a holy place where the family shares their joys and wishes together. We also feast on the Shabbat with affection. One of the most terrifying aspects of the technological society is the loss of intimacy. Many people in our culture are desperate for affection, and most do not know how to give it or receive it. Shabbat gives us a special time to deepen our relationships. How many families would benefit were the Shabbat utilized to deepen our relationships with our children? Wouldn't society prosper better? Today in the news (August 23, 1996), two young children were gunned down in Jefferson Elementary School in Brooklyn, NY. The news mentioned that nearly a third of all young boys carry weapons to school. The question that ought to be raised here is why are all these kids so insecure and frightened that they need to carry weapons? The teachers and counselors all pointed out that the families are horribly fractured. There is a profound need for love and healing. We need the Shalom of Shabbat now in our modern, turbulent times, perhaps more so than ever. Shabbat is not a luxury; it is a necessity for a long, healthy life.
Ha ha , so now your excuse is the wrong translation of the KJV (or Gay-J-V) bible? The accurate rendering is 'abstain' not 'rest'. That means you don't know your own bible , after numerous exchanges , the latest excuse is incorrect rendering of the word.
This opens up another question. If man is the carbon copy of your biblical God , how come we feel tired?
You still have not answered the 3 contentions :
(1) the bible has serious scientific contradiction , vegetation created first then sun
(2) who rested on the 7th day? The 'father' or the 'Son' or the 'Holy Spirit'?
(3) Do all of the angels have arrogance/pride? Where does this arrogance and pride comes from
How allah create the earth? creating 24 hrs a day none stop??
Allah berkata :
"Ia menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan cara yang sungguh layak dan berhikmat; Maha Tinggilah Ia dari perbuatan syirik yang mereka lakukan." (Al-Nahl : 3)
"Sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu ialah Allah yang menjadikan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa kemudian Ia bersemayam di atas Arasy mentadbirkan segala urusan. Tidak ada sesiapa pun yang dapat memberi syafaat melainkan sesudah diizinkanNya. (Yang bersifat demikian) itulah Allah, Tuhan (yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan keadaan) kamu; maka tunduklah dan taatlah kamu kepada perintahNya; patutkah kamu – setelah mengetahui kenyataan yang tersebut tidak mahu mengingatiNya?" (Yunus : 3)
"Allah Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya dalam enam masa, kemudian Ia bersemayam di atas Arasy; kamu tidak akan beroleh sebarang penolong dan pemberi syafaat selain dari Allah; oleh itu tidakkah kamu mahu insaf dan mengambil iktibar (untuk mencapai keredaanNya)?" (As-Sajdah : 4)
Dia lah yang telah menciptakan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa, kemudian Ia bersemayam di atas Arasy; Ia mengetahui apa yang masuk ke bumi serta apa yang keluar daripadanya; dan apa yang diturunkan dari langit serta apa yang naik padanya. Dan Ia tetap bersama-sama kamu di mana sahaja kamu berada, dan Allah Maha Melihat akan apa yang kamu kerjakan. (Al-Hadid : 4)
"Bertanyalah (wahai Muhammad): “Siapakah Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan langit dan bumi?” Jawablah: “Allah”. Bertanyalah lagi: “Kalau demikian, patutkah kamu menjadikan benda-benda yang lain dari Allah sebagai Pelindung dan Penolong, yang tidak dapat mendatangkan sebarang manfaat bagi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak dapat menolak sesuatu bahaya?” Bertanyalah lagi: “Adakah sama, orang yang buta dengan orang yang celik? Atau adakah sama, gelap-gelita dengan terang? Atau adakah makhluk-makhluk yang mereka jadikan sekutu bagi Allah itu telah mencipta sesuatu seperti ciptaanNya, sehingga ciptaan-ciptaan itu menjadi kesamaran kepada mereka?” Katakanlah: “Allah jualah yang menciptakan tiap-tiap sesuatu, dan Dia lah Yang Maha Esa, lagi Maha Kuasa”. (Ar-Ra'd : 16)
ct_og posted on 28-11-2013 03:00 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Allah berkata :
"Ia menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan cara yang sungguh layak dan berhikmat ...
enam masa atau hari?? kalau baca Bible DIA merancang begitu teliti supaya manusia dpt menilai maksud tersirat ciptaan nya...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 28-11-2013 11:04 PM
sam1528 posted on 27-11-2013 11:53 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , so now your excuse is the wrong translation of the KJV (or Gay-J-V) bible? The accurate re ...
God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. How come ???
Let first talk about Karma:
Karma is a form of judgment and punishment. If we are sent back to earth to suffer for the sins we committed in our past life this is punishment. The effect of our action takes place instantly, but we only become aware of it in the other word where the veils are removed.
Another problem with Karma is that it is unjust to punish someone without telling him for what crime he is being punished. If this world is a school, as some religions believe, we must be told what lessons are we supposed to learn. How can a loving God punish people without telling them why and how can we learn anything if we are not told what are the lessons we need to learn?
Karma is a false doctrine and like all false doctrines it is harmful. It makes one indifferent towards the plight of those who suffer. It presupposes that the less fortunate among us deserve their lot.
False beliefs are always harmful. This is perhaps the best parameter to know whether a doctrine is true or false. If a doctrine is beneficial for the society, it is likely that is it true. If it is harmful it is most certainly false. For example, a doctrine that promotes hate and war, like Islam, must be false. Karma promotes class apartheid and casteism.
If you believe your suffering is divinely ordained, striving to improve your life will become a cognitive dissonance. The biggest plague that has hindered the progress of India is casteism which is the result of the belief in karma.
We don’t come to this world to be punished or to learn a lesson, or as Muslims say, to be tested. Our consciousness is not a creation of God; it is a piece of God. It is uncreated and unblemished. It can be soiled, just as water can be soiled. But even the filthiest water can be restored to its pristine purity. This is true also in the case of our soul.
Everything that is in God is also in us. Think of your body. You are made of some 100 trillion cells. Each cell contains the blueprint of all of you. The entirely of your being is present in every cell. Likewise, the entirely of God is present in every person. Each soul is a minute image of God.
We know everything that God knows. That knowledge is hidden to us while we are in this physical form. In this world we live in isolation. We are like a water molecule on the dry land. We don’t have the memory of the ocean from which we came from. But when we go back to our source, we become one with it and remember all its knowledge. Remembering God means re membering with all other souls and rediscovering our oneness with the universe.
Truth.8 posted on 28-11-2013 10:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. How come ???
Let first talk about Karma:
Karma is a form of judgment and punishment. If we are sent back to earth to suffer for the sins we committed in our past life this is punishment. The effect of our action takes place instantly, but we only become aware of it in the other word where the veils are removed.
Another problem with Karma is that it is unjust to punish someone without telling him for what crime he is being punished. If this world is a school, as some religions believe, we must be told what lessons are we supposed to learn. How can a loving God punish people without telling them why and how can we learn anything if we are not told what are the lessons we need to learn?
Karma is a false doctrine and like all false doctrines it is harmful. It makes one indifferent towards the plight of those who suffer. It presupposes that the less fortunate among us deserve their lot.
False beliefs are always harmful. This is perhaps the best parameter to know whether a doctrine is true or false. If a doctrine is beneficial for the society, it is likely that is it true. If it is harmful it is most certainly false. For example, a doctrine that promotes hate and war, like Islam, must be false. Karma promotes class apartheid and casteism.
If you believe your suffering is divinely ordained, striving to improve your life will become a cognitive dissonance. The biggest plague that has hindered the progress of India is casteism which is the result of the belief in karma.
We don’t come to this world to be punished or to learn a lesson, or as Muslims say, to be tested. Our consciousness is not a creation of God; it is a piece of God. It is uncreated and unblemished. It can be soiled, just as water can be soiled. But even the filthiest water can be restored to its pristine purity. This is true also in the case of our soul.
Everything that is in God is also in us. Think of your body. You are made of some 100 trillion cells. Each cell contains the blueprint of all of you. The entirely of your being is present in every cell. Likewise, the entirely of God is present in every person. Each soul is a minute image of God.
We know everything that God knows. That knowledge is hidden to us while we are in this physical form. In this world we live in isolation. We are like a water molecule on the dry land. We don’t have the memory of the ocean from which we came from. But when we go back to our source, we become one with it and remember all its knowledge. Remembering God means re membering with all other souls and rediscovering our oneness with the universe.
This is hilarious. I asked a very simple question :
You stated that God does not feel tired. Per your belief , humans are carbon copy of God. How come humans get tired?
Why are you blabbering about
- 'karma' lah
- 'Islam promotes hate and war' lah (not knowing that 80% of the killings in the history of this world comes from Christianity)
- 'soul is image of God' lah
However not answering the question. Do you understand english? I can google translate the question in tamil for you ....
So how .... tambi?
sam1528 posted on 28-11-2013 11:40 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
This is hilarious. I asked a very simple question :
You stated that God does not feel tired. P ...
Thanks for brining up the topic . it show how muslims think and react. Seriously, I am curious…are u guys stupid or islam shape u peoples? Ok, let me explained GOD DNA….all of us have little DNA fromGOD . maybe part of it I think.. Why I said this, simple:
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became aliving soul. Genesis 2:7 When God breathed into Adam nostril to bring life, it show part of HIS DNA in us.
That’s why we can see how humans can be creative in many fields. Some can make mold from soil tocreate idols like humans and their gods…etc. This part of GOD DNA can make us spiritual if one can understand this. Of course satan will try to stop this in many way…
If we able to understand GOD DNA, I guess we can totally be spiritual .but Muslims failed to understand this because they are ‘hamba pada allah’ where else we Christians are Children of GOD… because part of HIS breathed in us like our Father… that is different between ur allah and mine…
Last edited by Truth.8 on 29-11-2013 11:39 AM
sam1528 posted on 28-11-2013 11:32 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , it is clear , the one with lesser intelligence is you. 'Rest' and 'abstain' are 2 differen ... How did Allah create the earth with a 24 hrs non stop? Simple the earth is created orbiting around the sun and the earth spins on its own axis thus giving the 24 hrs period. You never learn scince issit?
any verses to support? if true this what ur quran claimed, it failed...is not part of God idea... God is all powerful....when HE create the earth...it was pure dark and void. thats make sense...
than by HIS Light(Genesis 1:3)...thru HIS power, vibration and engery all came to life....thats makes sense.... came plants, sun , moon , stars, big bang and etc....
Thats reason GOD used HIS light .....it was HIS light that first creation like plants came...
You see how much different your teachings and mine...if one to read my writings and Bible....100% peoples will agreed on me and make sense....
Clearly, your quran cannot be word of god....
Last edited by Truth.8 on 29-11-2013 10:32 AM
Truth.8 posted on 28-11-2013 03:41 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
enam masa atau hari?? kalau baca Bible DIA merancang begitu teliti supaya manusia dpt menilai ma ...
Ada pun disebut masa di sini disebabkan hanya Allah yang tahu berapa lamanya tempoh bagi sesuatu masa itu. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa 1 masa itu adalah melambangkan 1 hari sedangkan 1 hari di sana mengambil masa lebih dari 1000 tahun. Penciptaannya bermula pada hari Ahad dan berkahir pada hari Jumaat. Di sini pada setiap hari itu berlaku satu peringkat di mana peringkat pertama adalah di mana ianya daripada satu bahan yang tunggal dan homogen iaitu sama dengan bahan kamilan padu yang dinyatakan dalam Surah Al-Anbiya ayat 30.
Berkata Allah :
"Dan tidakkah orang-orang kafir itu memikirkan dan mempercayai bahawa sesungguhnya langit dan bumi itu pada asal mulanya bercantum (sebagai benda yang satu), lalu Kami pisahkan antara keduanya? Dan Kami jadikan dari air, tiap-tiap benda yang hidup? Maka mengapa mereka tidak mahu beriman?: (Al-Anbiyaa : 30)
Ini dibuktikan bila Asimov [1982] menyatakan: “Pada tahun 1927, ahli matematik Belgium Abbe Georges Edouard Lemaitre menyarankan bahawa semua jirim asalnya datang daripada satu telur cosmos yang mempunyai kepadatan yang amat sangat, yang meledak dan melahirkan alam semesta yang kita ketahui pada hari ini." Pada tahun 1992, NASA telah melancarkan sensor yang sangat peka COBE ke ruang angkasa bertujuan mencari kesan tersebut dan ia berjaya menangkap beberapa gambar bukti bahawa wujudnya kesan radiasi tersebut. Rupa gambar yang diambil seperti bunga mawar. Ini dikatakan oleh Allah dalam al-Quran seperti berikut :
"Selain itu sungguh ngeri ketika langit pecah-belah lalu menjadilah ia merah mawar, berkilat seperti minyak." (Rahman : 37)
Selepas berlakunya perpisahan itu maka berlakulah peringkat-peringkat yang seterusnya yang setiap satunya mempunyai proses yang mengambil masa yang amat lama. Boleh sahaja Allah menjadikan alam ini dengan sekelip mata bila Allah berkata "Jadilah kamu" jika Allah berkehendak. Tapi Allah tidak berkehendak demikian, maka dijadikan alam ini dalam 6 masa yang mengambil masa yang amat lama bagi menjdai hikmah kepada manusia bagi memikir dan mencari kebenaran yang ada di alam ini. Yang berfikiran sempurna aje yang dapat ilmu yang benar dari Allah. Yang tak berfikiran sempurna saja yang akan menidakkan kebenaran yang ditunjukkan oleh Allah. |
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