encikotot posted on 27-8-2013 12:53 PM
emm kdg2 kite nih hntam jek kan elle....
kdg2 bile dh cmpur2 baru sdp...heheheh
betul betul...dah mak masak lauk ikan pastu ada ayam...so kita pun makan la dua dua sekali...
sedapnya teringat lauk ikan masak lomak cili api..............
Elle_mujigae posted on 27-8-2013 10:34 AM
I think Aiira had said something about, it is not good to eat fish together with egg....or is it c ...
Chicken and egg boleh darling becaus it is from the same type of food. Poultry.
Whilst, fish and egg... well, it is seafood and poultry... tak digalakkan.
Any seafoods tak elok dimakan bersama dengan makanan darat (chicken, beef, mutton, milk etc).
encikotot posted on 27-8-2013 03:38 PM
samalaaa...aku pon xbrape suke de fb2 nih....
muak tgoklaaa..busan..
Amboii cara you cakap mcm tak suka benor....
fb is not that bad la....okay je boleh saling keep in touch with friends........
Suka buat random spam kat wall kawan...haha...