Originally posted by jpl_fan at 16-4-2008 09:07 PM
diorang dah berjaya kat youth..just kena gilap jer..kat first team real ramai sgt dah...tuu yg hantar kat getafe
youth real besa-besanya
1 -> grad youth program
2 -> hantar loan kat mana-mana
3 -> lepas balik real, akan dijual ke kelab-kelab yang berminat pasal tak leh kompete ngan werl klas player kat first team
[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Valencia CF won its seventh King抯 Cup after defeating Getafe at theVicente Calder髇 stadium. It was an exciting an vibrant final and theClub of Mestalla wrote another golden chapter in its history. A date toremember: April 5th, 2008. Valencia CF won its first Cup title back in1941 against Espanyol at Chamart韓. The result was 3-1 and the goalswere scored by Mundo, who scored twice, and Asensi. Eight years later,in 1949, Valencia CF won the title against the best team in thiscompetition, Athletic de Bilbao, thanks to the single goal of Epi. Itwas June, 29th and the scenario was again Chamart韓. Valencia CF lostthe final of the year 1952 due to the bad luck. Our team had a twogoals lead, but the advantage was wasted. In 1954, Valencia CF won thetitle against FC Barcelona. The result was 3-0. Fuertes scored twiceand Badenes was the other scorer. The eleven men of that final were:Quincoces II, Monz
/04/2008 00:32 Valenciacelebrated after rescuing their season with a strong performanceagainst a spirited Getafe side in the Copa del Rey final. Europe nowbeckons for Los Ch