All Abt Hongkong and Hongkong Disneyland part2
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Reply 1832# lavender
Lavender!! kite pun g oct tp pegi 17/10 - 21/10...
naik AA total cost for 2 adult+2kids = rm1898
booking dok Chi residence 279 (kt Yau Ma Tei) for 4hari3mlm + extra bed = HKD3900/RM1533 (lebeh kurang la ye)
lps dok Chi Residence ni..kami pindah dok disney Hollywood hotel lak for 3hari2mlm (bilik park view)= HKD3740/RM1470
kat disney ni...i dpt pakej tido 2mlm = dpt tiket disney park 2 hari berturut2 utk we all
xsabar nk pegi...tp risau gak psl budget perbelanjaan...dgn pening nk bwk stroller xabis2 lg ni
my kids umur 5tahun and 3yrs..dua2 jenis lasak n jenis cepat penat berjalan n dua2 berat badan semangat betol
thread ni i dh abis bc..tp ala2 xingat sgt la..
tgu dh hampir nk pegi nanti...baru buat plan bebetol
ada sape2 tau keadaan HK masa bulan oct..bule la share..dr segi cuaca dia sejuk ke..panas ke |
eh ada pembetulan di sini!
yg Disney Hollywood tu total cost utk 3hari2mlm + tikect masuk 2hari = HKD5112/RM2010 |
disneyland hongkong ok ke?
insyaAllah pegi middle of july |
Reply 1843# c_apple
tak best...tak reccomend pon..klu nak g theme park pergi ocean park... |
disneyland hongkong ok ke?
insyaAllah pegi middle of july
c_apple Post at 28-6-2011 16:01 
Kalau you dah pernah pergi Disneyland in other countries, you akan rasa Disneyland Hong Kong sangat tak best. Tapi kalau you first timer and belum pernah pergi Disneyland kat mana-mana countries, it is OK for you to visit  |
Post Last Edit by amaryusof at 9-7-2011 11:02
InsyaAllah, akan pergi HK pada 21-26 Okt ni via SIN ...
Tp, 2 mlm tido di Shenzhen (hotel kat HK mahal sgt) sbb nk readjust accommodation cost, hehehe ...
Akan pergi dgn kwn ... so sape2 yg pergi time tu, bleh la nk plan jenjalan sesame ker, 
TBH, bace thread ni rase macam buat virtual trip plak, rase mcm dh bese pergi walhal baru nk gi utk kali pertama  |
InsyaAllah, akan pergi HK pada 21-26 Okt ni via SIN ...
Tp, 2 mlm tido di Shenzhen (hotel kat HK ma ...
amaryusof Post at 9-7-2011 10:59 AM 
actually ade je hotel yg murah..kene pandai cari..tp kalau stay kat holiday inn or hotel yg berbintang nih mmg le mahal |
Reply 1845# antiQue
kenapa tak best..? keluasan kecik kerr?
sblum ni pernah laa sampai disneyland/sea tokyo dan disney paris |
Reply antiQue
kenapa tak best..? keluasan kecik kerr?
sblum ni pernah laa sampai disneyland/sea ...
hirai_saza Post at 10-7-2011 10:38 
Generally, people yg dah pergi disneyland in other places normally tak suka Disneyland Hong Kong.. tapi depends lah on your preference..
My own experience, I dah gi Disneyland Paris, and I gi Disneyland Hong Kong gak. Hong Kong is much much smaller. This can be an advantage sebab dia kecik so can cover within short period, tapi for me, I rasa cam tak puas. The rides are not as challenging. You possibly find most of the rides a little babyish. Masa I gi, queue nak masuk pun menyakitkan hati sikit. Bersepah-sepah. And when you have a scenario where those from mainland china and other asian countries berebut, potong queue bagai, memang rasa tak best lah.
But for first timer, those yg belum pergi ke mana-mana Disneyland before, rasanya they will enjoy Hong Kong disneyland. |
actually ade je hotel yg murah..kene pandai cari..tp kalau stay kat holiday inn or hotel yg berb ...
opie5662 Post at 9-7-2011 12:41 
from airport nak pegi USA hostel tu naik apa? saya nnti smp HK malam...dr klia 4pm |
from airport nak pegi USA hostel tu naik apa? saya nnti smp HK malam...dr klia 4pm
eveready Post at 14-7-2011 09:44 PM 
tak pasti la..tp rase naik MTR bole kot...turun kat stesen tsim sha tsui..opie dulu sbb dr macau...so, kami dr ferry terminal la....kitorang jalan kaki dr ferry terminal sampai nathan road... |
Hi all, aku baru balik dari HK & macau, kat HK stay kat Benito hotel, dekat gile ngan stesen tsim sha shui, tak sampai 5 mins pun jalan, bilik mmg kecik, standard hotel2 kat HK tp mmg bersih sgt. shopping factory outlet kat tung chung mmg heaven, and skrg ni tgh summer sale, aku mmg borong baju kat H&M, uniqlo & Mooji. gi disneyland panas gilerrr, make sure pakai topi. kat macau plak stay kat the westin, jauh skit dari tempat2 casino/venitian, tapi bilik dia mmg heaven, dia punya toilet besar hotel room kat HK huhuhu |
Post Last Edit by lilyflower at 16-7-2011 22:59
Smlm buka website Disney..... 1 august Nanti ticket entrance Disney dari hkd350 naik ke hkd399... Tp Kalu beli online skrg still dpt harga lama but ticket valid 6mths la.... Pastu Kalu beli ticket kat peak booth dpt free payung Disney.... |
Reply 1853# plastic_flower
Wah.... Selamat pulang... Kongsilah citer and gambar... |
Smlm buka website Disney..... 1 august Nanti ticket entrance Disney dari hkd350 naik ke hkd399... Tp ...
lilyflower Post at 16-7-2011 10:57 PM 
aku dulu beli kat hotel..hkd330 je..tp klu dah naik nnt tatau la bape plak....tp kalau naik 399 rasenye mahal sgt la tiket..disney HK nih bkn beso sgt pon |
Reply 1855# lilyflower
hihihihi...nak menempek pic tuh tak reti. recommand sgt gi shoping kat Tung chung, sume murah2, sempat aku rempat jam swatch & kasut crocs. makanan kat disneyland mahal mintak ampun....air meneral HKD2O, hotdog HKD 40, sbb dah tak larat sgt beli jerk laa, dia punya souvenier2 pun boley tahan harga. |
Reply 1857# plastic_flower
Tung chun tu kat citygate outlet ke? |
Reply 1858# lilyflower
a'aa dia same station MTR ngan cable car Ngong Ping, kat situh ade food court 'Food Republic' jugal, ade 1 kedai halal |
Nak tanya sikit. Airasia nie turun HKIA ker Macau???? |
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