rnadiasabrina Finally met this little cutie #putrirayshajemyma and we bonded right away. It's a pretty amazing feeling when her sincere and pure eyes looks straight into my eyes as though she wants to tell me something. It happened for quite some time after this picture was taken. Such a comfort. Subhanallah. She looks so much like Rayfal too! @rizalashramrnt @FashaSandha
Post time 10-12-2014 03:07 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kakasotong posted on 10-12-2014 02:44 PM
lookforthesign Aaaaaand it was a family affair last night at @lookforthesign with these Supergrilled ...
Qal dah ngan Jejai ya...see...muka Qal dah nampak berseri
Aritu kat umah Tah..monyok lembik je..Qal mesyi happy dpt sama2 ngan daddy, ibu n adik2
N bagus Fasha ni..cuti2 sekolah dia ajak Mahsuri tinggal sama2 dia..