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Author: Presiden_Lanun


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Post time 2-4-2014 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 2-4-2014 05:18 PM
guna auto mode je sis.

Auto mode eh, hurmm nanti nk try, kalau fail lagi sekali akk
cari lerr Changa or Eva...

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Nazrulism posted on 2-4-2014 03:37 PM
Rakyat bodo masih boleh diterima tapi bila kerajaan bodo boleh kena tipu.. tu macam mana?

kerajaan kita x bodo..kita tersepit
apa yg boleh kita buat kalau pun kita tahu sapa2 punya keje...
semua melibatkan blok2 besar...
US x payah dtg pun kita dah ranap kena attack atas bawah by Thai n Spore n Oz..
setakat boleh nego supaya passenger selamat...


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Post time 2-4-2014 05:31 PM | Show all posts
honeybee1802 posted on 2-4-2014 05:19 PM
feeling like that also dear....takleh nampak dgn mata kasar...but kalo if ibu mangsa yg punya hub  ...

Kan kan?... sbb iol tgk interview mak2 penumpang tu sumer yakin anak tyeol hidup lg ..... instint mak kan kuat ..

I mean mereka mmg sedar dan terima keyanytaan anak 2  samer ader dh mati atau belom .. kira boleh terima kenyataan lah tpi ... kalau hidup mereka terima , kalau mati pon mereka terima , redha dan pasrah ..

Yg amazingnyer ...memasing yakin ..... anak masih hidup ..

Mungkin betol ....

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:31 PM | Show all posts
PrinCessMaya posted on 2-4-2014 04:59 PM
kaka Changa..klu ko jd PM mesti semua tak sesukar skrg kan..x yah nk semak bagai..ilang je terus i ...

kah kah kah padan muka kau...changa


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Post time 2-4-2014 05:36 PM | Show all posts
lavendernovella posted on 2-4-2014 05:31 PM
Kan kan?... sbb iol tgk interview mak2 penumpang tu sumer yakin anak tyeol hidup lg ..... instint  ...

sama jua dengan kes pprt kat ipoh yg enggan tanam bangkai anak mereka sbb katanya anak mereka innocent tak mencuri.
dan sama jua dgn kes penyanyi along yg family nya enggan terima anak udah mati walaupun dah siap sahkan dna kat mayat pelbagai.

itu instinct caprut nama nya sis.

duniawi ini tidak berjalan dengan alasan instinct sis. melainkan ummah melayyu  sunni felda pprt caprut.


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Post time 2-4-2014 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Setakat hari ni ader tak bowing dan rolsss rocye  kuar stetment aper2.... takut iol terlepas pandang ... kalau ader boleh share link ... nk stadi .

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:40 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 2-4-2014 04:58 PM
MH370: Perjumpaan dengan anggota keluarga penumpang China lancar

BANGI: Ketua Pengarah, Jabatan P ...

kenapa agaknya pertemuan dgn pihak prc diadakan secara tertutup.  Rakyat M'sia tak perlu tau ke atau tidak mahu wartawam M'sia sensasikan wawancara pc yg disampaikan?

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Masa kecik2 dolu.. bebudak curi beskal dia campak dalam parit, pastuh lama skit dia panggil jiran ckp jumpa body tak laa salahkan dia curi beskal...

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 2-4-2014 05:36 PM
sama jua dengan kes pprt kat ipoh yg enggan tanam bangkai anak mereka sbb katanya anak mereka inno ...

Sama aje puak yg pakai instinct ni dgn puak yg suka syurga & neraka kan orang.....

Aku tunggu mimpi ustaz episod 3.... dah ada yg tepek ke?

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:48 PM | Show all posts
bidacool posted on 2-4-2014 05:46 PM
Sama aje puak yg pakai instinct ni dgn puak yg suka syurga & neraka kan orang.....

dalam proses karang cerita kot sis.

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:52 PM | Show all posts
nolya posted on 2-4-2014 05:40 PM
kenapa agaknya pertemuan dgn pihak prc diadakan secara tertutup.  Rakyat M'sia tak perlu tau ke at ...

hari tu menteri transport kata nak dedahkan maklumat sekiranya dipersetujui oleh pakar,
so mungkin diorang dedahkan maklumat yang tak nak kita tahu


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Post time 2-4-2014 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 2-4-2014 05:36 PM
sama jua dengan kes pprt kat ipoh yg enggan tanam bangkai anak mereka sbb katanya anak mereka inno ...

Aku ckp tentang naluri seorang ibu dalam konteks kehilangan dan misi pencarian Mh370...bukan hidup dlm penafian .... ader beza tu

Walopun aku ni org melayu , hidup dalam alam melayu dan beragama islam , tpi aku sedar dunia ini dah berabad2 dlm globalization , ader mcam2 bangsa2 ada mcm agama, aku hormat masing2 ..mungkin ko x sedar sbb aku syak ko ader OCD , sebb keterlaluan meripit wording , felda, caprut, sunni, pprt, ummah ..

Oohh jgn luper, ko jugak guner bahasa melayu kat sini ....


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Post time 2-4-2014 05:56 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 2-4-2014 08:38 AM
owh memang di mesia macam tu ke?

iols tengok ok je memasing letak sticker parti kegemaran memas ...

Akk tampal sticker PAS ok jerrr...

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Post time 2-4-2014 05:58 PM | Show all posts
mata manusia di dunia telah "ditutup" oleh Allah swt..termasuk la mata aku…tak nmpk mana pi MH 370…cuma "dibuka" dengan cerita…ancaman…spekulasi…kesedaran…supaya muslimin n muslimat lebih berhati2...

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Post time 2-4-2014 06:03 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia police have clues on MH370 but also warn that case may never be solved

Police said on Wednesday that they have clues on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 but details cannot be revealed as it may jeopardise investigations.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar also warned that authorities may never learn what caused the mysterious disappearance of flight MH370, as a three-week-old criminal investigation has so far been inconclusive, the Sun Daily reported.

Mr Khalid said the leads to possibly solving the case are linked to one of the four aspects of the investigations - hijack, sabotage, the psychological state of all crew members and their personal issues, according to the report.

"We are sorry but we cannot reveal any details of the case as it may affect prosecution or a trial if there is any in the future,'' the police chief said.

"We are very thorough in our probe. Even the four tonnes of mangosteens in the aircraft cargo is being investigated....Investigators are looking into who ordered them, paid for them and plucked and packed them from an orchard in Muar.

"That is how in-depth this probe is going," he said.

The Sun Daily also quoted the police chief as refuting news reports that a flight simulator belonging to Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah that was subjected to investigations by police and the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has been cleared of any suspicion.

"It may be cleared on one aspect but we have to look into other areas as well. No, it has not been cleared," he said at a press conference after a function at the Police Officers' College on Wednesday.

Mr Khalid said only the 227 passengers on board the flight have been vindicated while the crew members are still under investigations. To date, 170 people have been interviewed, among them family members and acquaintances of the crew and passengers.

He said investigations on the mechanical aspect or airworthiness of the aircraft is being probed by the Department of Civil Aviation and Malaysia Airlines.

He denied claims by a foreign daily that the FBI and Australian authorities had proposed to take over investigations.

"These are all speculations. The agencies from both countries have not written to me or made such requests. Everybody knows their jurisdiction," he said.

He also debunked news reports by foreign dailies that quoted unnamed high-ranking Malaysian police sources, saying such information was mere speculation.

"None of them spoke to my officers and the information in these stories are untrue.

"The Minister of Transport (Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein) is considering suing these news sources for the false information they are disseminating," he said


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Post time 2-4-2014 06:04 PM | Show all posts
pembacaan untuk ummah2 bimbo hadam

Searching for the Missing Malaysian Jet at the Ends of the EarthThe surface of the moon is more familiar than the floor of the Indian Ocean.
The southern Indian Ocean is shown in this image taken by a Royal New Zealand Air Force plane searching for the missing jet on March 22, 2014.

[color=rgb(170, 170, 170) !important]PHOTOGRAPH BY JASON REED, REUTERS

Laura Parker
Jim Gibson, who runs one of the world's largest salvage companies, sent an autonomous underwater vehicle and a crew of nine to Australia last week, ready to hunt for the black boxes once debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is identified.
His company,Phoenix International, based in Largo, Maryland, has assisted in more than 50 aircraft recoveries, including the search for Air France Flight 447, which crashed into the Atlantic in 2009, and the space shuttle Columbia, which broke up over Texas in 2003, killing all seven astronauts on board.
But none of his team, as far as he knows, has ever been to the patch of the Indian Ocean where the search is under way.
Why would they? There's nothing there, say those who have traversed it. No shipping lanes, no fishing grounds, not even any land to speak of, except for a handful of craggy islands claimed by France in the 1840s that remain uninhabited today. Beneath the surface, the ocean floor lies between 6,500 and 13,000 feet (1,980 and 3,963 meters) deep, with largely unexplored trenches, canyons, and volcanic ridges.
"We probably know more about the surface of the moon than we do the area we're going to be operating in," he says. "You're really out there in an area of the world that's not very forgiving."
Heavy Seas, Howling Wind
The isolation of the sea that swallowed up the Boeing 777 is only the first in a list of challenges confronting those trying  to solve the riddle of its disappearance. Distances are daunting. Search planes operating out of Perth, capital of the state of Western Australia, must fly up to four hours to reach the zone. Combined with the four-hour return trip, that leaves only two hours to scan the waters for objects obscured by swells and whitecaps. In fact, if the region is known for anything, it is for a continuous howling wind.
"You are halfway between Africa and Australia, ten days from Perth and ten days from South Africa," says Matt Jolly, master of theBraveheart, a 120-foot ship that transports tourists and the occasional British diplomat toPitcairn Island, famous as.the South Pacific home to descendants of the H.M.S. Bounty's mutineers. "The farther south you get, you start getting into some relentlessly heavy seas."
Flight 370 disappeared on March 8, about 40 minutes after departing Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing. The plane turned abruptly away from its northeasterly route, flying west and then south toward Antarctica. No one knows why. The only conclusion, announced on March 24, was that the jetliner ran out of fuel and crashed into the empty vastness of the southern Indian Ocean, killing all 239 passengers and crew on board.
The search zone is immense. For 11 days, it was centered roughly 1,500 miles (2,414 kilometers) west of Perth, a two- to three-day trip by ship. As the search progressed, the zone edged south toward the latitudes named by 18th-century sailors for their ever-increasingly foul weather: the Roaring Forties, the Furious Fifties, and, finally, just above Antarctica, the Screaming Sixties.
Predictably, bad weather and rough seas hampered efforts to find hundreds of objects of various sizes that have been spotted by satellites from China, France, Thailand, Japan, and the Colorado-based firm DigitalGlobe, which passed images it had captured onto the Australians.
New Search Zone
On Friday, after new models of the jetliner's possible speed and fuel burn were calculated, the search zone shifted about 700 miles (1,126 kilometers) north. Thenew estimates reflect the possibility that the plane burned more fuel, meaning it may not have flown as far south as originally thought before crashing, according to authorities at theAustralian Transport Safety Bureau, which detailed the shift. The new zone is smaller, about the size of New Mexico, and closer to Australia, reducing travel time and allowing for longer search times. The weather has also cleared.
On Saturday, eight aircraft joined six ships to search about 97,300 square miles (252,006 square kilometers) in the new search zone. A Chinese search plane spotted three objects of various colors in the new search area, according to theAustralian Maritime Safety Authority.
The Braveheart spent January and February transiting this area, as Jolly took clients between Perth and Durban on South Africa's east coast.
"If you're up high, it's not difficult to navigate," he says. "Sailors used to hook around Africa and head east with the easterly flying airstream. It's very well known, and it's been used for years and years."
Still, winter is closing in. And with it will come bad weather and rough seas.
Phoenix International, a contractor to the U.S. Navy, also sent aTowed Pinger Locator to Perth, which will be used in the hunt for the jetliner's black boxes. The pinger locator can detect the black boxes as deep as 20,000 feet (6,096 meters) beneath the surface, Gibson says.
Salvage Operations in a "God-Awful Place"
Finding the debris, which will lead to the wreckage and in turn lead to the black boxes, doesn't mean the chore will get any easier. Salvage operations to retrieve crucial parts of the wreckage could take months. If the wreckage lies deeper than 20,000 feet—and there are canyons that deep in the area—specialized submersibles known as ROVs will have to be deployed to roam the ocean floor searching for plane parts.
"There could be lots of rocks and ledges and any number of things that add a whole new dimension," Gibson says. "And with the equipment we're using, you also have to get it from the deck of the ship into the water. In heavy weather, that can be extremely difficult work."
That also assumes the search will progress that far.
Walter Munk, a world-renowned oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, knows firsthand what the search teams are up against. He is one of the few scientists who has worked in the region.
In January 1991, Munk, now 96, visited Heard Island, a mount of volcanic rock about 2,500 miles (4,023 kilometers) west of Australia, to measure the effect of climate change by calculating changes in ocean temperatures as a function of acoustic travel times across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
Ten days into a month-long mission, a ferocious storm moved in. All of the equipment was destroyed.
"It is a terrible problem to search in that area," he says. "It's a god-awful place."


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Post time 2-4-2014 06:06 PM | Show all posts
lavendernovella posted on 2-4-2014 05:53 PM
Aku ckp tentang naluri seorang ibu dalam konteks kehilangan dan misi pencarian Mh370...bukan hidup ...

juat nak share naluri ibu kepada salah seorang penumpang
selepas solat hajat, malam tu dia bermimpi,
anaknya pulang kerumah memakai pakaian serba putih
diorang dah tak letak harapan dah....


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Post time 2-4-2014 06:08 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 2-4-2014 05:05 PM
betul tu kak lid.....@atira  bangla salah seorangnya...

Selain dr teori najib tak bertulur... apa lg teori konspirasi aku...
Tu la ko.. asyik melenting ke lobai bodo.. otak tak cukup oksigen

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Post time 2-4-2014 06:08 PM | Show all posts
lavendernovella posted on 2-4-2014 05:53 PM
Aku ckp tentang naluri seorang ibu dalam konteks kehilangan dan misi pencarian Mh370...bukan hidup ...

habis itu sis ingat family mangsa itu tidak hidup dalam penafian kah?

lindungi lah mereka di lautan hindi, panaskan lah badan mereka.

mh370 kami amaty merindui mu, pulang lah ke tanah air !!!


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Post time 2-4-2014 06:08 PM | Show all posts
UK submarine joins MH370 hunt ahead of Malaysian PM visit to Perth

The protracted search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was boosted on Wednesday with the arrival of a British nuclear submarine in the Indian Ocean, ahead of a visit to Australia by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

But in a boost to the search effort, Britain's Royal Navy said the first submarine in the operation - HMS Tireless - has arrived in the area and "with her advanced underwater search capability will be able to contribute to the attempts to locate the missing plane".


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