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Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 07:28 PM Moon mana moon?
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:15 PM Nasio pe tu...
Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 11:13 PM pas sahur esok leh rempit umah baru lak.
Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 07:28 PM Serimoon where r u?
tari replied at 14-4-2022 11:16 PM Yeah yeahh
Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 11:15 PM lagi tigo
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:16 PM Nonton star...Remy
tari replied at 14-4-2022 11:17 PM Udah nyampei neng
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:12 PM Oh .. gule kawoh gok...
Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 11:16 PM hahaha. nasio=manusia
Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 10:16 PM hahaha. nasio=manusia
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:15 PM Orbitting
ciksurie replied at 14-4-2022 11:17 PM tengok pokya cocodei akhir..tapi ngantuk nie
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:12 PM Sedap tengok tu
Tashu replied at 14-4-2022 10:17 PM minat remy ke?
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:13 PM minum teh saffron
seribulan replied at 14-4-2022 11:17 PM Haah...baru perasan..kawe ingat nasional koh
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