Murdered for not fasting during Ramadan
By Pamela Geller - on June 2, 2017
Coexist! Tolerance! Outreach! These pious murders all took place in the West, not in the Middle East. The enemedia does not deign to cover these murders. Apparently they agree otherwise it would be news.
Oldenburg: Von Islamisten auf offener Strasse ermordet weil er das Fasten brach – Wo bleibt die Empörung der deutschen Islamverbände?
Oldenburg: Murdered by Islamists in the open because he broke fast – Where is the uprising of the German Islam associations?
Fred Medforth, June 1, 2017:
On the assassination of a fast-breaking Muslim by one or two Syrian fasting Muslims in Oldenburg:
Just received from one of our arabic-speaking n Kurdish friends Samar Rasheed more info:
His name is Abdul Hanan Jacob’s son of Mustafa.
He comes from the Syrian village of babelit near the city of Afrin. He is a Kurd or Syrian Kurd or Kurdish Syrian.
He was married and has two children.
His murderers belong to the many Fundamentals
Syrians who came to Germany just like him in the last 15 months.