B Abe Pekin "Iman KakiSebokSebok" Kena Rembat!
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choyyyyy dah mencurangggg ghopenyeee
khenss sis setelah meols stalk ig heshe, heshe nak jual moto tu around april khensss
komen chuolsss bakalan kene report yachhh spt @kakiseboksebok tibe2 hilang jahhh
adooiiii.. mek smngat nak tau perihal imannnnnn |
Edited by fynnkakiblock at 2-8-2017 03:43 PM
meols speku lepas tgk abam kin semakin tiada pinggang hanya perut jahhh kakmaya mula beralih ke abam tahh
Meols and Pekin masih on yach.
Cinta masih utuh. Two timing pun masih dedua jantans terkejar2 kan meols. 
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Kosser lah maya darina kaki report! Huh! 
kakiseboksebok replied at 2-8-2017 03:18 PM
Sekiusssss meeee?
Huduhnya awak |
Motep personal attack meols? Meols report kat momod. 
Pekin terlebih makan soda bicarbonate masa raya aritu  |
Cash sbb abe pekin tipu psl iman ke ni |
barulah sepadan dgn awek jari dompot dia yg kejap british,kejap american itewwwww.. mana pi awek tu pon tak taulah.dah melayang kena tiup dek angin kot.
fynnkakiblock replied at 2-8-2017 03:22 PM
khenss sis setelah meols stalk ig heshe, heshe nak jual moto tu around april khensss
Acah2 hilang la tu. Takut org ckp dia x leh bayar |
Takziah... kalau dpt bolehla rembatkan pencuri tu |
Iman sah curik moto ko tu peks. Sapa suh tak kawen dia  |
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