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[Dunia] Bukti Genetik: Melayu Berasal dr Tapak Tamadun Hemudu, Liangzhu da Majiabang

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Post time 30-11-2017 07:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by iloveselangor at 30-11-2017 08:22 PM


Hemudu totem

Archaeologists now believe that the Yangtze River region was just as much of a birthplace of Chinese culture and civilization as the Yellow River basin. Various cultures flourished in the regions surrounding the mouth of the Yangze River, where later the states of Wu and Yue would thrive. These culture progressed through a number of stages. The latest phase, called the Liangzhu culture, and is dated to 3500-2000. [Source: Robert Eno, Indiana University /+/ ]

Along the Yangtze archeologists have discovered thousands of items of pottery, porcelain, polished stone tools and axes, elaborately carved jade rings, bracelets and necklaces that date back to at least 6000 B.C. Neolthic residents of the Lower Yangtze are said to have differed physically from inhabitants of the Yellow River sites to the north. Scholars view the Hemudu Culture as a source of the proto-Austronesian cultures. [Source: Wikipedia +]

The main Lower Kuahuqiao sites (minimum number of sites, distribution area, approximate date BP and B.C.): 1) Shangshan (10, Upper Qiantang valley 11,000–8500 B.P. 9050–6550 B.C." 2) Kuahuqiao (5, Upper to lower Qiantang valley, More than 8000–7000 BP, 6050–5050 B.C." 3) Hemudu and Majiabang (70 Hemudu sites concentrated in the Ningshao Plain; Majiabang sites distributed around Lake Tai. 7000–5800 BP, 5050–3850 B.C." 4) Songze (30, Mostly on the Hangjiahu Plain, 5700–5300 BP, 3750–3350 B.C." Liangzhu (300, mostly on the Hangjiahu Plain, 5200–4300 BP, 3250–2350 B.C.. [Source: “The Kuahuqiao Site and Culture” by Leping Jiang, A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, Edited by Anne P. Underhill, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013 ~|~]

Human activity has been verified in the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River as far back as 27,000 years ago, and by the 5th millennium B.C., the lower Yangtze was a major population center occupied by the Hemudu and Majiabang cultures, both among the earliest cultivators of rice. By the 3rd millennium B.C., the successor Liangzhu culture showed evidence of influence from the Longshan peoples of the North China Plain. A study of Liangzhu remains found a high prevalence of haplogroup O1, linking it to Austronesian and Daic populations. [Source: Wikipedia]

The climate in the Lower Yangtze 5000 to 4000 years ago was warm and humid, typical of a mid subtropical zone climate, with the temperature was two to three degrees higher than today. The land was covered by lush growth of evergreen chinquapin and big leave trees. Along with the expanding of the Yangtze River delta towards the sea, the area became farther from the seaside with many lakes and ponds. There many water plants and fruits on the trees all year around. Many big and medium mammals including tigers, elephants, alligators and rhinoceros, in the forests and swamps. Small animals, birds and fishes provided plentiful sources of food.

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Post time 30-11-2017 08:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bangsa melayu berasal dari kuala lanzhou river basin aka kuala lanchau

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2017 08:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 30-11-2017 08:04 PM
bangsa melayu berasal dari kuala lanzhou river basin aka kuala lanchau

Ye betul tu dik....bangsa Cina kata tamadun River Basin Sungai Yangtze ni tapak tamadun diorng....tapi bila dikaji suku bangsa Cina punya tapak tamadun adalah di Inland China.

Sebaliknya tapak Tamadun Melayu  lah yang bertapak di Coastal China.

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2017 08:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 30-11-2017 08:04 PM
bangsa melayu berasal dari kuala lanzhou river basin aka kuala lanchau

Ye betul tu dik....bangsa Cina kata tamadun River Basin Sungai Yangtze ni tapak tamadun diorng....tapi bila dikaji suku bangsa Cina punya tapak tamadun adalah di Inland China.

Sebaliknya tapak Tamadun Melayu  lah yang bertapak di Coastal China.

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Post time 30-11-2017 08:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 30-11-2017 08:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ana arab.


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Post time 30-11-2017 08:26 PM | Show all posts
tembikar tu kt ebay ada jual lazada belum ada lg kan. nanti akak nak buat tembikar tanam wechat biar generasi akan datang tahu bahawa generasi ini budak2 wechat dan insta batak.

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2017 08:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 30-11-2017 08:22 PM

Dekat tamadun Liangzhu ni boleh jumpa macam2 perkakas rumah orng melayu dulu2 dik.

Bekas kemenyan, periuk tanah, labu air, tempayan dsbg nya.

Dan tamadun ni terkenal dengan Black Pottery.....orang Melayu memang terkenal pon dengan Black Pottery macam labu Sayong tu .

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Post time 30-11-2017 08:35 PM | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 30-11-2017 08:04 PM
bangsa melayu berasal dari kuala lanzhou river basin aka kuala lanchau

Teori sampah .. bukankah tamadun awal melayu berkembang sangat maju di Sungai Batu yang kemudian menyeb ar ke seluruh asia .. termasuk tanah besar china ...


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 Author| Post time 30-11-2017 09:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Chinese archeologists discover 5,000-year-old Liangzhu water project
From:Xinhua  Writer:  Date:2016-03-18
Chinese archeologists said they have discovered a large water project dating back about 5,000 years in east China's Zhejiang Province.

The finding, which includes 11 dikes, is located on the outskirts of the provincial capital Hangzhou, and is the oldest large water system ever found in China. It is believed to have combined functions of flood control, transportation and irrigation.

The dikes are near to the ancient city of Liangzhu that existed about 4,500 to 5,300 years ago and was discovered in 2007 in Hangzhou's Yuhang District.

Between July 2015 and January 2016, archeologists excavated three of the 11 dikes, identifying pottery shards of the Liangzhu Culture, said lead researcher Wang Ningyuan with the provincial institute of cultural relics and archaeology. A "mound" excavated between 1996 and 2010 has now been identified it as a dike.

Carbon-dating tests on construction material -- straw and bamboo -- taken from the dikes showed dates of the site as between 4,700 and 5,100 years old.

High dikes erected along the mountains and low ones linking the mountains may have formed three reservoirs, one apparently covering 9.4 square kilometers -- about 1.5 times the area and four times the volume of Hangzhou's iconic West Lake.

Liu Jianguo with the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who carried out geographic information system (GIS) studies, said high dikes were able to resist continuous rainfall of more than 800 millimeters and low ones 1,900 millimeters.

"Maybe our ancestors designed them to counter typhoons that brought torrential rain," he said.

A group of senior archeologists visited the dikes over the weekend. Professor Xu Shijin of Nanjing University speculated that one important purpose of the dikes was to water paddy fields, as poor yields at the time required large-scale planting.

"There were many craftsmen who made jade articles in Liangzhu 5,000 years ago, so they needed a large amount of grain," Xu said. The Liangzhu culture is well-known for exquisite jade.

Researchers said search should be continued to look for spillways and ditches and called for better protection of the site.

Professor Zhao Hui of Peking University said the discovery indicates that the settlement at Liangzhu was highly advanced.

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Post time 30-11-2017 09:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
so, melayu berasal dari china lah?

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Post time 30-11-2017 09:48 PM | Show all posts
semua salah melayu berasal dari salah satu dari 12 kaum yahudi yg hilang tuh tak caya tanya senah kopek layut

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Post time 30-11-2017 10:40 PM | Show all posts
deyyy, Me-layu asal dari Keturah, hokayyy

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Post time 30-11-2017 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orang cina bukan berasal dari pesisir pantai.diorang berasal dari pedalaman China.

Perkataan China berasal dari perkataan Chin yang bermaksud 'tengah' iaitu dari tanah pedalaman.

Orang Chin ini mula berdiri sebagai bangsa bertamadun dan kuat dibawah Maharaja Shih Huang Ti, pengasas kepada Dinasti Chin/Qin.Maknanya perkataan Chin itu berasal dari nama kerajaan yang ditubuhkan oleh Shih Huang Ti iaitu Kerajaan Chin (Kerajaan Tengah) dan penduduknya digelar sebagai orang Chin.

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Post time 30-11-2017 10:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kemudian berlaku peperangan.Kerajaan Chin ini berjaya dikalahkan dan digantikan oleh Dinasti Han.

Sebutan Han kemudiannya menjadi popular dan orang Chin mula memanggil bangsa mereka sebagai bangsa Han. Dinasti Han inilah yang menjadi punca kepada keadaan huru hara di Tanah Besar China bermula dari kurun ke-2 sebelum Masihi kerana pada zaman Dinasti Han inilah orang-orang Chin/Han melakukan perluasan empayar dengan menyerang dan menakluk negeri-negeri yang bukan berbangsa Chin/Han.Yang paling teruk adalah mereka telah melakukan gerakan untuk men'cina'kan bangsa-bangsa yang lain.

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Post time 30-11-2017 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_BeachBoys at 30-11-2017 10:56 PM

Antara bangsa yang menerima serangan ini adalah orang Sukhotai (Thailand) dan Dai Viet (Vietnam).Kedua-dua bangsa ini berasal dari Tanah Besar China.Mereka kalah dan berundur ke Selatan. Pengunduran bangsa ini ke selatan diiringi dengan serangan ke atas bangsa Melayu.Mereka merampas negeri bangsa Melayu dan menubuhkan kerajaan dan negara yang mereka ada pada hari ini.

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Post time 30-11-2017 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sebelum itu telah berlaku pertembungan diantara Dinasti Han dengan bangsa Melayu disebuah daerah yang bernama Jawana yang sekarang ini terletak di dalam negara Vietnam.

Pada awalnya Dinasti Han memanggil bangsa Melayu ini dengan sebutan Kiu-Lin. Bangsa Kiu-Lin inilah yang telah membina kebudayaan Dong-Song yang gendang-gendang Dong-Son ini telah ditemui di Kuala Terengganu dan Kelang.

Peperangan diantara Dinasti Han dan bangsa Kiu-Lin ini berakhir dengan kekalahan Dinasti Han yang akhirnya tumbang pada penghujung abad Ke-2 selepas Masihi.

Tumbangnya Dinasti Han ini telah memberi kekuatan baru kepada Bangsa Kiu-Lin ini apabila mereka menubuhkan 2 buah kerajaan yang kuat iaitu Funan dan Champa.

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Post time 30-11-2017 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bangsa Khmer yang merupakan saudara kepada bangsa Kiu-Lin juga menubuhkan kerajaan mereka di Kemboja. Kemudian penubuhan Kerajaan Sailendra di Pulau Jawa dan seterusnya.

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Post time 30-11-2017 11:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kemuncak kekuatan Funan dan Champa diteruskan oleh 2 buah kerajaan baru iaitu Langkasuka dan Srivijaya yang mana kedua2 nya terletak di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu walaupun Srivijaya kemudiannya telah memindahkan pusat pentadbiran mereka ke Sumatera.

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2017 11:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys replied at 30-11-2017 11:11 PM
Bangsa Khmer yang merupakan saudara kepada bangsa Kiu-Lin juga menubuhkan kerajaan mereka di Kemboja ...

Dari Kajian akak asal usul Khmer dan Melayu ni tak sama. Tapi mereka berkongsi sejarah.

Setahu akak bangsa Khmer ni dari ketamadunan Indus.

Khmer ni sama rumpun dengan orang Asli Malaysia (Aslian), kaum Munda di India, Rohingya dan Bangladesh.

Bangsa diorg yg duduk kat Kemboja tu kalau tak silap akak sebab ikut aliran Sungai Mekong.

Bahasa diorg ni kelompok Austroasiatic

Melayu dan Tai (Thai) Lao, Dai memang dari asal usul nya dari ketamadunan di Coastal China

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