Future World is an upcoming American science fiction action western film, directed by James Franco and Bruce Thierry Cheung, from a screenplay by Chung and Jay Davis. It stars James Franco, Suki Waterhouse, Jeffrey Wahlberg, Margarita Levieva, Snoop Dog, George Lewis Jr., Cliff 'Method Man' Smith, Lucy Liu and Milla Jovovich.
The film is scheduled to be released on May 25, 2018, by Lionsgate Premiere.
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James Franco have addressed tat sexual accusation matters
Actually he been in the producer & writer field, quite sometime back...
But most propably karya ciptaan dia not tat exposed..
(James Franco may perhaps be one of the most academically accomplished actors (an "extreme scholar") in Hollywood history: besides his BFA in English from UCLA, he has two MFA degrees - both in writing - from Columbia and Brooklyn College, and a third MFA, in film, from New York University)
at first masa tgk muke mila jovovich as thumbnail...
i was like yes! harap ade something la kan...
tp the minute i tgk trailer....
i'm not a fan of this type of movie...
mcm mad max tu...i x tgk pun....xde yg menarik pd manja..
tp..so far i rs James Franco pun...xde bakat dlm mengarah but i belum pernah tgk lagi filem2 arahan die yg lain...but just by looking at this...nampak biase2 je for me...
i feel u...crita mad max is categorise as Post-Apocalyptic fiction with action
actually bnyk film yg ada this themes, dystopia world..
and to name one with explicit scenes & violent...is mad max
storyline is something out of this world, bukan jenis happy or nice ending
therefore yep not for everyone
ai love milla jovovich...
so im curious, crita apa nih....kak milla sanggup berlakon under james franco