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Dialog klasik dari filem/drama/komedi lama & baru
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haaaaa..dulu aku penah bukak topik ni kat board lain...tetiba jer hilang tanpa dikesan...mana ntah peginya aku pungg tak tau..
aku ni hantu pelem/drama/komedi
baik yang lama atau yang baru
kalo ada dialog klasik tu musti aku spot
baik yang kelakar/meaningful/seram
kengkadang dialog cenggini boleh menyedarkan kita
yang in denial tu boleh tersadar macam paler korang kena hentak gitu
ni sumer yang meninggalkan kesan pada aku :
Filem Madu 3
'Butang baju aku mana dah? Dah tua pun bodo' lol
Filem Ali Setan
'Cinta? Habis pada aku apa? Napsu?' :kant:
Drama Dua Wajah
'Kau jahat, Ilham.' :agr:
Film Hope Floats
'Well you know what, Bernice? Your Daddy promised me the world and he broke that promise and I am gonna break every promise I made to your Daddy!' :cry:
Film Sweet Home Alabama
'The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago..and I never really got it back..' :cry:
Film At First Sight
'Are you leaving the apartment, the building or leaving me?'
Drama Gilmore Girls
'Don抰 you understand that I can抰 talk to you because it hurts talking to you, really hurts! Standing here right now is killing me, okay? Don抰 you understand that?'
errkk buat masa skarang ni jer lah yang boleh otak aku generate..nanti bila aku tingat kang aku tambah ler..
korang pulak? |
apalagi kak loli..
"Tipah tertipu bang...tipah tertipu.."..
tipah tertipu tertipu tipu tertipah..........:lol :lol :lol :lol |
terminator- i'll be back~ |
Runaway Bride - Look, I guarantee that we'll have tough times. And I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us will want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart, you're the only one for me. |
Do you ssmmeeell... what THE ROCK is cooking?- dialog ni pakai tak?
[ Last edited by Browneyes on 12-5-2005 at 08:43 AM ] |
juz keep swimming, juz keep swimming.. - dory from finding nemo |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 28-7-2004 01:37 PM:
juz keep swimming, juz keep swimming.. - dory from finding nemo
FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD :bgrin: - Bruce, Finding Nemo |
- segala macam citer antu... tak larat nak list kan...:kant: |
| bole masuk dlm kategori dialog tak...
:lol :lol :lol |
korang ni sumer....
kang aku hempap satu satu baru tau..
from Gilmore Girls (i love this show!!)
EMILY: You skipped your own cousin's funeral for a cat's funeral?
LORELAI: Not my cousin, mom. My father's grandmother's sister's girl who I've never --
EMILY: You said you couldn't be away from the inn.
LORELAI: Well I couldn't at the time bt I worked it out.
EMILY: For a cat?
LORELAI: It's late. I have a big day tomorrow, Mom.
EMILY: Oh, what? You're going to a racoon's wedding? lol lol:lol |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
show me the money ...........jerry maguire |
I'm flying, Jack from the Titanic |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 28-7-2004 02:38 PM:
i like this one too:ah:
perhatian perhatian
sebarang sembang menyembang tak dibenarkan di thread ini
sesiapa yang melanggar peraturan akan di hukum
cuci lantai jamban selama 3 tahun
now, back to business :
Also from Jerry Maguire
'Come on Jerry, you know this isn;t easy for me..'
'You...complete me.' |
ayah:jamil, bila ko balik nak?
anak:baru juga pak, smlm saya baru nikah satu lagi.
taken dari madu tiga |
"budak2 tak bleh pegang duit bnyk, kasi satu ringgit saje" kata haji bakhil kpd labu.
petikan dari klasik crita labu labi. |
"Bila ia berbunyi, bersatulah kita" dialog dari crita PHSM |
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Category: Negeri & Negara