E/OS LX is an open source linux graphic operating system emulator under GNU GPL 2,0 license, suitable for the execution of Microsoft programs Windows, Apple MAC OS, IBM OS/2, MSDOS and Linux.
About EOS ..
We try to make an OSBOS using a lot of gnu/linux, but aplying BeOS compatibility at APIs level, using an APPSERVER, etc.
Tech Spechs:
E/OS is a open source iniciative for have a operating system like BeOS system, with diferents servers and clients, with a very fast interface like MacOSX, and Be Apis, for have compatibility with BeOS systems. And have diferents drivers for run other types of arquitectures (windows, os2 warp, msdos, linux, freebsd and darwin)
[ Last edited by ascari at 18-10-2006 10:40 PM ] |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
hermm, tak try lagi, maybe akan try after raya nanti, sebab skang connection speed dial up jer.. looks interesting, it is Be based..but dari apa yang i baca kat situ...ia tak run linux, OS X and windows program natively, but instead emulate it..i rasa lah kan...maybe akan slow down machine nyer nie... |
huhuu... nak guna poisoned... huhuu... boleh ke hekk??? :hmm:
emulate tu kira virtually la kan? tak lama lagi akan lebih baik kot. tunggu je la... ;)
[ Last edited by bzzts at 19-10-2006 01:11 PM ] |
standard7 This user has been deleted
wah, canggih gaks yek...
first time dengar... |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by bzzts at 19-10-2006 12:50 PM
emulate tu kira virtually la kan?
yerrps, emulate tu lebih kurang cam err! dalam kamus dwi-bahasa maksudnyer: Meneladani, mencontohi atau meniru.. |
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