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Post time 19-1-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
I'm not sure if this topic has been discussed here....anyone here is experiencing it or has overcome this problem is welcomed to share..i rasa i ni ada inferiority complex eventhough my friends and colleague said that i looked confident...hhmm i'm a bit confused ...i teringin nak tau if anyone here is facing the same thing..

[ Last edited by  dexa at 20-1-2007 10:51 AM ]

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Post time 19-1-2007 02:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 mistyQue's post

eh mcm vit b complex je.....well i'm experiencing the same thing too.....i did looked and act confident but tuhan je yg tau dlm hati camne...i'm also looking forward for some advice related to this 'inferiority complex' syndrom especially on how to handle the interviewer if they underestimate my!!!i nak pg interview ni...

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ainil This user has been deleted
Post time 19-1-2007 04:44 PM | Show all posts
bukan term tu untuk pondan dah mereka yang ada masalah otak je ka??

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Post time 19-1-2007 06:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 ainil's post

really?????i'm not pondan ok..hehe

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Post time 19-1-2007 07:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 mistyQue's post

inferiority complex in what terms -
kawan2 u kata u nampak confident
tapi u kata u ada inferiority complex -

kena explain sikit ni -

bila hadapi boss ka -
bila bersama kawan ka
environment yang camana?

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Post time 20-1-2007 03:23 AM | Show all posts
inferiority complex masalah rendah diri, low self esteem, anggap orang lain lebih baik whether real or imagined. aku ada masalah ni, tapi masalahnya, belum dapat diperbaiki.

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Post time 20-1-2007 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by farahsultan at 20-1-2007 03:23 AM
inferiority complex masalah rendah diri, low self esteem, anggap orang lain lebih baik whether real or imagined. aku ada masalah ni, tapi masalahnya, belum dapat diperbaiki.

saye jugerrr!!!

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Post time 20-1-2007 10:50 AM | Show all posts
inferiority complex tu adalah perasaan merasa rendah diri -
it usually happened  cuz lot of different reasons -
obesity -  gemuk - kalau dalam class or among friends dia berbadan besar
dia akan merasa rendah diri -
lambat pemahaman - terutama dalam class bila guru mengajar -
usually lambat tangkap apa yang diajar -
appearance - such as muka banyak jerawat batu ka,  mata juling teruk sangat ka,
buah dada terlalu besar ka,  etc --
those can trigger the inferior complex -

biasanya perkara ni berlaku bila kita sentiasa nak compare kan diri kita
dengan peers kita --
and especially for teenagers and late teens - this feeling is not unusual -

pada saya the best thing u can do to decrease the feeling bit by bit is -
dengan improve diri with things that you are good at!
for example - in sport -- kalau u good in sports -- tumpukan dalam improvekan
diri dalam sesatu event tu -

or  if u are good in certain subject -- selalu cuba menolong kawan2 yang you
rasa not as good or lambat terima lesson tu --

juga selalu participate di dalam class bila guru2 bertanya -- or alwayz try to
find some questions in certain subject you not so good at-

among friends -- jangan cuba nak berlumba2 - tunjuk siapa kaya, siapa ada hp mahal,
bapak siapa bawak merc yang besar  etc etc --  more to  -- kalau among friends, you
cuba adapt dengan cara invite them to come to your place - macam study group ka,
tu akan kita rasa kita contribute something -

i shall think of something else -- but basically -- kena tahu apa kelebihan diri kita
dalam sesuatu perkara  itu -- and alwayz strive to improve and make it better -

the fact you realize u have this inferiority complex is good already -   and what we
can do it - try to diminish this  as time passing by -


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Post time 21-1-2007 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mistyQue at 19-1-2007 01:56 PM
I'm not sure if this topic has been discussed here....anyone here is experiencing it or has overcome this problem is welcomed to share..i rasa i ni ada inferiority complex eventhough my friends a ...

aku pon ada masalah mcm gitu jugek. apa aku buat was, aku baca buku2 self help, antaranya by dale carnegie,etc. bila ko baca, ko apply apa yg dia cakap. insyaALlah.

& bykkan bergaul dgn org2 yg 'hi profile'.

& percayalah 'kuntum khairu ummatin'.

& yakinlah idup kao bukan sekadar utk idup lalu mati. ko ada mission dlm idup ni.

& semo tu akan tingkatkan self esteem ko.

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2007 11:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 ainil's post

itu bkn masalah otak...ini masalah keyakinan dgn diri kita.....masalah dalaman nie...

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2007 11:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 dexa's post

mcm yg farah kata....rasa rendah diri.../rasa org lain lagi bagus but in the actual fact I can be better than them and sometimes it's proven that I cud do things that i thought I could not....and perasaan ni membuatkan i takut nak cuba perkara baru,....let's take an example...bila i nak minta kerja ..i tgk dia punya job scopes &  responsibilities..and most of the time I wud fell that I wud not be up to the expectation...and my friend (who I rasa mmg tak berkebolehan as compared to me and other ppl also hv the same opinion) tak kisah dgn apa2 pun and wud just apply for it...without fear or any low self-esteem....I'm struggling to overcome this feeling...ada lagi sbnrnye...tapi ceritanya cam tu la....

tp when i asked my friends/colleague...they wud say that I jer yg rasa tak blh buat/tak confident...and my hb said the same thing too/....

u pernah rasa tak...

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ainil This user has been deleted
Post time 22-1-2007 04:36 PM | Show all posts
i understand that feeling..memang teruk kan!!!tp for me malas nak layan je lah...

banyak benda lain kita boleh fokus..dr fikir benda2 yang macam tu baik fikir macam mana nak betambah anggun, berkeyakinan dan beketerampilan..

ramai yang alami masalah ni..bezanya antara teruk dan peringkat mild sahaja...i met to this type of people as well...but i found out that what make a people 'a great people' is thier personality..

i met handsome guy but after kenal perangai semua berterabur larii...i met not so handsome guy buy i found almost everyone like him... i also met not pretty lady and not smart too but she never complaint...

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syahaniz This user has been deleted
Post time 1-2-2007 01:35 PM | Show all posts
kindda.....agree with Dexa

how to overcome?

General rule: ingatkan dan tekadkan dalam hati " moga2 usahaku ini dapat membantu beliau". Contohnya

kalau ada rasa inferior dgn bos: ingatkan dlm hati waktu nak propose pd dia "moga2 proposal ni dpt mebantu/menyelesaikan masalah beliau"
kalau nak gi interview: "moga2 candidature aku ni, dapat meringankan tanggungan syarikat ini"
Kalau pada teman yg 'kurus': ....s.d.a.

maka teruskanlah dgn.....
p/s "apalagi yg boleh aku propose utk terus membantu bos aku?"
p/s "Syarikat mana lagi yg mungkin merasa terbantu dgn pengalamn/pelajaran/kehadiran diri akuni?"
p/s "Apalagi yg si 'Gemuk' ni boleh buat utk terus mebantu kawanku si 'Kurus' ni?"
......sebenraanya saper yg inferior 'aku' ke 'dia' ?....

Lazimnya inferiority complex berasal/berpunca dari......... perasaan@fikiran@perbuatan@sifat.... mementingkan diri @ byk melihat diri.
Tahap kritikalitinya - bergantung pada tahap 'punca'nya.

Oleh yang demikian, saranannya ialah....selesaikan masalah "org2 lain", utk menyelesaikan masalah anda....
inferior bantu superior [email protected] bantu inferior.

p/s my single cent

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Post time 1-2-2007 08:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ainil at 19-1-2007 04:44 PM
bukan term tu untuk pondan dah mereka yang ada masalah otak je ka??

Biasanya perasaan rendah diri yangmenghantui atau dialami oleh seseorang terutamanya apabila hendakberjumpa atau berinteraksi dengan orang lain (yang dianggap mempunyaikelebihan dalam segala galanya seperti pangkat,harta,pelajaran,keturunan dll) disebabkan keadaan yang menimpa keatas dirinya sepertimiskin,tidak berpendidikan tinggi,cacat anggota dan sebagainya.

Untuk mengatasi perasaan ini ,kalaukita orang Islam kita kena reda hakikat hidup yang menimpa keatas dirikita adalah hetentuan Tuhan.Kita kena teguhkan iman, kuatkan semangatjuang dalam diri untuk tidak mudah mengaku kalah atau ikut perasaanbahawa diri kita tak berguna, hina dan serba kekurangan berbandingdengan orang lain.Pertama ukuran atau nilai keatas seseorang bukandiatas pangkat,harta,keturunan atau pendidikan semata mata tetapi lebihutama bergantung kepada hemah,budi bahasa,hati budi , timbangrasa,keberanian (menegakkan kebenaran) dan keikhlasan hati seseorang.

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Post time 2-2-2007 11:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #11 mistyQue's post

mcm yg farah kata....rasa rendah diri.../rasa org lain lagi bagus but in the actual fact I can be better than them and sometimes it's proven that I cud do things that i thought I could not....and perasaan ni membuatkan i takut nak cuba perkara baru,....let's take an example...bila i nak minta kerja ..i tgk dia punya job scopes &  responsibilities..and most of the time I wud fell that I wud not be up to the expectation...and my friend (who I rasa mmg tak berkebolehan as compared to me and other ppl also hv the same opinion) tak kisah dgn apa2 pun and wud just apply for it...without fear or any low self-esteem....I'm struggling to overcome this feeling...ada lagi sbnrnye...tapi ceritanya cam tu la....
tp when i asked my friends/colleague...they wud say that I jer yg rasa tak blh buat/tak confident...and my hb said the same thing too/....
u pernah rasa tak...

to apply a job yang you tengok scopes and responsibilities dia too high -
shouldnt stop you from applying UNLESS memang bukan bidang you -
i mean if you are an economics graduate - why you wanna apply
job dalam bidang architecture -- just a small example -
tapi  boleh apply dengan mana2 bidang yang ada kena mengena -
such as business development officer ka, admin manager ka -etc etc -

kalau dapat interview and you worried - banyakkan review/ study
tentang company tersebut and ask questions from friends yang
bekerja jawatan yang sama  -- just find something that related to it
so that tak ada rasa worries -
interviewers will know you are nervous - and it wont look good ---
kalau kita sendiri tak confident tu land the job camana dia nak offer
kita kerja tu --

to overcome -- read alot, mix with friends yang bukan selalu merendah
diri sangat dalam pekerjaan --

inferiority complex -- i had this once upon a time cuz i can't hardly speak in
english -- i can write, fine - i can read, fine -- but when it comes to speak -
i start menggelabah and wont utter the word --  

until finally - kita ada buat exchange student -- local student kena pick satu
malay student  and jadi buddy -
erika -- my buddy picked me - and i have no choice but speak in english with her
and she been helping me lots -- throughout -- and improve my self esteem some more -

and since then - i have no problem with this language - in fact i worked in oversea
for few years and mixed with lots of canadian and american -  

same goes to you --  to overcome - u need to find something yang boleh trigger
or boost your self esteem - i.e mix with friends yang sokmo beri encouragement -

[ Last edited by  dexa at 2-2-2007 11:22 AM ]

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Post time 7-2-2007 01:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #15 dexa's post

dexa, thanks for sharing this

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Post time 11-2-2007 02:13 AM | Show all posts
Bentuk keyakinan

揝aya tak yakinlah untuk lulus dalam peperiksaan ini?

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Post time 11-2-2007 10:03 PM | Show all posts

erm bleh

sebenarnyer nie berkaitan keyakinan diri
u all kene banyakkan motivate diri sendiri
belilah buku2 motivasi
kalau ader duit lebih join kem2 yang bleh naikkan imej diri
good luck K!
jgn putus asa..
usaha, doa dan tawakkal

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Post time 12-2-2007 02:19 PM | Show all posts
my pegangan since 12 yrs ago- PMA

P - Positive
M - Mental
A - Attitude

i found this in an advert from US. i visited LA back then...
i think positive thinking will elevate us from all bad influence and thinkings we normally do.

also read books on Positive Thinking and How to be Happy.
serius...kurang sket PHD dlm diri memasing.

insya allah this will overcome inferiority complex

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2007 04:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 dexa's post

now I'm fighting the low self esteem in myself...i am constantly reminding myself that the rest are no better than fact I think I cando as good as they can, if not better...actually I noticed that I hv this inferiority complex thing since I was schooling coz sometime ppl make fun ( they still do) coz I am small in size..including my late mom who consistently told me of my shortcomings....but i told myself that i am in a better position that i am perfectly healthy...not handicapped that i need special attention...also, I was not given the exposure that I every time I wanted to do sth like join the mountain climbing, further my studies oversea late mom always discouraged me....she always had her own reasons...and the worst when she did not express her believe in me for having capable of doing she said that she was afraid that I failed in my SRP when she knew that I was the best student in the school...and the fact that she said she was concerned about that already killed the confidence in me...all my life I was afraid of what is ahead of me until I cant see what I've got untill ppl around me told me so....I really feel so small about myself...not only that I am physically small but what I feel inside is also small....I always feel uncomfortable with my own self..alwis feel like ppl are watching what I'm doing etc...

now that it's too late coz i let go everything that i have always wanted to do/ experience....

this is what I hv done to overcome this feeling....for instance, when ppl stare ate me...I assume that they admire me, probbaly for the contacts that I wear ...or simply becoz I attract their I manage to ignore the voices that discourage me from being confident....I'm trying to instill as much confidence in myself....and this book that I'm reading--mirror miroor- gives me insights into the real facts of life, making me realise that despiute my shportcoming, I shud be thankful that I am a normal person.

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