Baru dapat call dari adik, katanya Dr kata wife dia kena kanser hati. Nak tanya sikit, maaflah kalau soalan bodoh..kanser hati ni dengan hepatitis B sama ke? Sapa-sapa ada info tolonglah yea. Adik kata dia dengan anak diapun dah ke Hospital untuk check darah. Aku sedih sangat coz sil aku tu tengah pregnant sekarang ni..due bulan Sept. nanti.
Mintak tolong sesangat kalau sesiapa ada info.. |
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Please read this.
Many degenerative diseases are associated with low levels of Glutathione (GSH) including cancer.
What is GSH? GSH is a tri peptide amino acids compose of Cysteine, Glycine and Glutamic Acid.
GSH is our body master anti oxidant manufactured by our liver. GSH is a vital immune cell component, an antioxidant, detoxifying agent and anti aging factor.
Maintaining optimum levels of GSH in our body is important to fight against the development of chronic diseases and other adverse health conditions. Function of GSH include
neutralizing cell damaging free radicals
binding heavy metals and detoxifying the liver
The results of low levels of GSH include fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, joint pains and allergies. More serious conditions including heart disease, cancer, lupus, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma. |
Please get advice from the below Alternative Medical practitioners. They too treat cancer cases.
Pertama Complex, KL: 603 2692 0253
Bdr Baru Selayang, Batu caves: 019 3356388
Subang Taipan: 5631 9728
Damansara Hgts: 603 2094 1335
Cheras, KL: 012 2187433
Ipoh: 016 5240863/ 012 5240863
PJ: 016 225 6098
Subang Jaya: 603 5631 7751
Shah Alam: 603 5510 9357
Setapak, KL: 019 3647690
In Alternative Medicine, they treat the root that cause the disease. In Western Medicine they treat only the symptom. Detox and immune boosting is important in cancer treatment. High levels of toxins in our body and poor immune function are one of the main causes of cancer. So it is very important to remove the toxins in our body and at the same time boost up our immunity. Our body can heal and fight against cancer cells provided we have the essential nutrients. |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #1 maklongna's post
kanser = sel yang rosak
hepatitis b = virus |
Reply #3 SONofODIN's post
Thanks for your info.
Sorry, just want to know how much their fees. |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #5 maklongna's post
call aje lah .... lepas tu info kat sini tq |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #5 maklongna's post
call aje lah .... lepas tu info kat sini tq |
Originally posted by maklongna at 5-7-2007 02:19 PM
Thanks for your info.
Sorry, just want to know how much their fees.
Bukan murah. Fee depends on patient's condition and also on how many types of products to prescribe. |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #8 SONofODIN's post
hmmm produk ape? herba ke? |
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 5-7-2007 12:41
Please get advice from the below Alternative Medical practitioners. They too treat cancer cases.
In Alternative Medicine, they treat the root that cause the disease. In Western Medicine they treat only the symptom.
...jangan bias sangat....tak baik tawww... |
Originally posted by kyroll75 at 5-7-2007 06:36 PM
hmmm produk ape? herba ke?
Combination of many types ie detoxification, cleansing, antioxidants, immune boosting etc.
Toxins from food and environmental pollution may caused cancer by damaging our healthy cells.
Therefore, the cancer patients need to take the correct detox and cleansing products to remove the toxins from the body.
Cancer cells proliferate because of the collapse of our immune system. By taking the right antioxidants and immune boosting nutrients may enhance our immune function so that our body can fight with the cancer cells. In Naturopathy or complementary medicine, they don't treat the disease. We allow our body to heal itself by taking the right supplementation. |
Originally posted by blackmore at 5-7-2007 07:15 PM
...jangan bias sangat....tak baik tawww...
Not bias, just telling the truth.:victory: |
Kanser hati terjadi apabila sel kanser berkembang pada jaringan hati. Kanser hati yang banyak terjadi adalah Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC merupakan komplikasi akhir yang serius dari hepatitis kronis, terutama sirosis yang terjadi karena virus hepatitis B, C dan hemochromatosis.
Pemeriksaan untuk mendeteksi kanser hati : AFP, PIVKA II
Kanser hati dapat disebabkan oleh bahan karsinogenik(bahan yang boleh sebabkan kanser) diantaranya aflatoxin, polyvinyl chloride (bahan pembuatan plastik), virus, dll. Aflatoxin merupakan racun yang diproduksi oleh Aspergillus flavus dan dapat mengkontaminasi makanan selama penyimpanan, seperti kacang-kacangan, padi & ubi kayu terutama pada daerah tropikk. Hepatitis B dan C mahupun sirosis hati dapat berkembang menjadi kanser hati
The liver is a common site of metastases from a variety of organs such as lung, breast, colon and rectum. When liver metastases occur at the time of initial diagnosis of the primary tumor, they are described as synchronous. If detected after the initial diagnosis, they are described as metachronous. The liver is frequently involved since it receives blood from the abdominal organs via the portal vein. Malignant cells detach from the primary cancer, enter the bloodstream or lymphatic channels, travel to the liver, and grow independently. We do not understand the mechanism of how a tumor cell can leave the primary site and grow in specific organs. Potentially, the environment of the liver is suitable to the growth of certain tumor cells. Once a tumor begins to grow in the liver, it receives its blood supply from the hepatic artery.
Liver Cancer
Also called: Hepatocellular carcinoma
Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It filters harmful substances from the blood, digests fats from food and stores the sugar that your body uses for energy. Primary liver cancer starts in the liver. Metastatic liver cancer starts somewhere else and spreads to your liver.
Risk factors for primary liver cancer include
- Having hepatitis
- Having cirrhosis, or scarring of liver
- Being male
- Low weight at birth
Symptoms can include a lump or pain on the right side of your abdomen and yellowing of the skin. However, you may not have symptoms and the cancer may not be found until it is advanced. This makes it harder to treat. Treatment options include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or liver transplantation
hepar kita ada satu je, jadi cuba lah jaga sebaik mgkin, begitu juga jantung, mujur juga hepar@ hati ni walaupun 88% rosak atau dibuang masih boleh digunakan |
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eh..cop..soli tuan lumah...kanser hati if i'm not mistaken something yg kite bleh prevent kan?mean thru jab for hep a &b..yg haku pasan babies ado le amik jab nih...pehtu org nak gi berjln 3rd world...agak2 org mcm kite2 nih kene ker?maklum ler tetiap ari mkn kat luar kan.. |
Tima kasih daun keladi di atas segala respons yang diberikan. La ni aku dalam dilema lah pulak, mana taknya SIL aku tu sepatah haram pun tak kata apa (dia memang jenis moody sikit) adik aku suruh tanya direct dengan dia tapi boleh dia kata kat adik aku dia tak mau cakap dengan aku, aku pulak yang terover lebihnya. Rasa menyesal la pulak pi menyibok..apa yang aku print dari internet tentang penyakit ni dok terbungkang kat situ. For your info SIL aku ni Misi.. mungkin dia ada lebih maklumat dari aku. Aku rasa mungkin dia ni dijangkiti Hepatitis.. sebab adik aku kata dr kata hati dia tak rosak lagi dan Dr dah check darah adik aku dan anak-anak dia lepaih tu cucuk ubat kat depa anak beranak. Masalahnya kalaulah betoi Hepatitis..bukankah ianya boleh berjangkit? Macamana dengan kami yang tinggal berdekatan dengan dia..maksud aku kami semua buat rumah dekat-dekat, nak kena pi cucuk jugak ka? Aku pun risau jugak pasai anak-anak dia mak aku yang jaga dan anak aku dan anak dia pun selalu kongsi makan atau minum..ish macamana..apa yang patut aku buat? Apa langkah pencegahan yang patut aku ambil? Tolonglah bagi pandangan.......mintak maaflah kalau mungkin bagi sesetengah orang pikiaq, soalan ni bodoh dan tak perlu nak tanya, tapi aku memang betoi-betoi tak reti bab-bab lagu ni.. |
maklong..dia masih dlm keadaan terkejut lgk kot ngan berita tuh..give her time..kasik bertenang dulu.. |
Reply #16 honeybee1802's post
Tak honey dia memang macam tu, kalau dia gaduh dengan adik aku pun habis kami semua termasuk mak aku dia tak cakap kalau hari angin elok tu okey la..Tapi selalunya moody la, kami aje yang hemoi.. kadang kita teguq tu langsung dia tak sahut.. Aku pun boleh tahan jugak kalau nak buat angin, tapi disebabkan aku kesiankan adik aku, tu yang aku buat-buat tak kisah..lantaklah. |
berapa kos rawatan kanser tu? |
kyroll75 This user has been deleted
Reply #15 maklongna's post
biasa ler tuh orang yang ada masalah kesihatan biasanya mudah marah, tersinggung cuba dia amalkan gaya hidup yang sihat pasti lain...... |
klu hepatitis B memang boleh berjangkit, resiko untuk terkena hepatitis B kalau melalui perkutan@cutaneus@ kulit adalah 30%, compared dgn HIV hanyalah 0.3%, ini menunjukkan hepatits B sangat senang bejangkit, so memang kena hati hati |
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