View: 6101|Reply: 30
leh pregnant ke kalau...
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honey nk tnye..
the fren of mine ngadu kat honey..
die gan bf die wat sumthing yg xsepatutnye..
die isau lau2 die pregnant..
but there is no penetration happen..
just dat boy 'thing' gesel kat my fren nye faraj..
4 about..10sec..
air mani laki tu xkuar lagi..
tp air mazi laki tetap ade sperma skit kn..
tp xmsuk..
leh pregnant jugak ke?? |
Reply #1 pink_honey's post
Reply #3 mayyonnizz's post
tul gak kn..
lau dh tuhan kate jd..jd gak..
tu die gah isau tahap gaban r tuh.. |
alahai.. honey n kawan honey ni umur brape??
benda simple mcm tu x kan la x tau..
kalau x tau x payah la berangan nak main..
belajar dulu kasi pandai sikit..
byk2 la mebaca utk tambah pengetahuan..
x payah tanya2 buat malu aje dah la benda maksiat pulak tuh..
:@ :@ :@
psstt.. sorry honey, aku ni mmg menyampah dgn org yg buat maksiat tapi x tau malu.. |
aku rasa tak ...kot.
tp biar je dier risau....
biar ada rasa nak taubat,menjauhi perkara terlarang tuh. |
Reply #7 bluetiara's post
Lari topik sket ek..(xde kena mgena ngn kesihatan)
camner lak if ko ad kenalan yg suka buat maksiat,
tp ms mula2 knl dulu mane la ko tau dia suka 'buat'..
ko tggl kan jugak ker??aku serba salah laa..dia kawan yg baik..
mmg baik sgt,in terms of,tu lah..hidup
dia 'sesat' sket..aku xpernh komen or sentuh psl private life dia..
tp,rs cm same2 dosa la pulak sbb x prnh nk tegur dia..![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
intz is right.
Is it possible to get pregnant without penetration?
Pregnancy occurs when a male's sperm burrows into a female egg (fertilisation). The sperm is one of millions that are contained in a man's semen (the liquid produced when a man ejaculates or comes). The egg is released from one of the woman's ovaries (ovulation) about 12 -15 days before her next period.
Millions of sperm are also found in the liquid produced by the penis as soon as it is erect (hard). This means that a man doesn't have to ejaculate for pregnancy to occur.
Sperm enter the woman's body through the vagina. Then they make their way through the cervix and womb to the fallopian tubes where the egg is fertilised.
Therefore, it is possible to for a woman to get pregnant without having sexual intercourse (penetration), if there is a chance of any sperm getting into the vagina.
For example, a woman can get pregnant if there is sperm on her fingers and she puts them into her vagina. It would also be possible for pregnancy to happen if the man ejaculates close to the entrance to the vagina or if his erect penis comes into contact with the body near the vagina.
If you think that sperm could come in contact with the vagina in any way, the best way to avoid pregnancy is to use contraception. Only condoms can provide protection against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you use a condom, it should be put on the penis as soon as it is erect to prevent any sperm from coming into contact with the vagina.
and check these out ... ancy-questions.html |
Reply #6 intz's post
aku rasa depends on mcm mana dia punya gesel..
kalau setakat kat luar tu, x masuk so aku rasa x de apa2..
mcm kes kawan kau, aku rasa dia dah masuk tapi x penetrate kat dalam..
so, air mazi tu dah masuk ke dalam..
and kes kawan honey ni, dia ckp kat luar, x masuk pun..
so, aku dah baca ramai sgt org dok tanya pasal benda ni..
and kebykkan doktor ckp selagi x masuk, chances utk lekat tu mmg rendah..
tp, kuasa Allah jugakkan..
kita ni merancang aje.. |
Reply #10 herbivor's post
thnx 4 da info..
mmg la kemungkinan tu rendah..
tp kuase tuhan kn..
hrp2 die x pregnant r..
tp bia die isau smpi taubat.. |
Reply #11 bluetiara's post
Betol sesangat..
Kuase Allah SWT.Sape kite nk lawan.. |
Reply #9 intz's post
adex just bg pendapat jer,...
dulu masa adex masih di IPT...
ada gak beberapa classmate & roomate adex yg cenggini perangainyer...
lebeh memeranjatkan adex...
kekwan adex yg perangai cenggini ni berasal dari kampung...
sedangkan adex yg asal dari KL ni pon tdk berkelakuan cenggini..
memula.. mmg adex biarkan...
adex x penah kacau sosial life dia...
tapi. bila adex bertanya pada seorg senior yg mmg kuat skit bab agama nih...
dia suh adex nasihatkan dia...
katanye.. adex lagi berdosa.. bersubahat...
then bila adex nasihatkan dia...
memula tu dia xleh terima... marah2 adex..
then bila dia ter"peknen"...
barulah waktu tu dia sedar....
kita leh nasihatkan kawan kita...
sebab kalau kita sayangkan dia... kita hargai persahabatan kiter ngan kwan kita tuh...
nasihatlah dia dgn cara baik....
dia nak terima ok.. x terima pon ok..
cuma kita dah lepas dari satu beban...
maap eik.. terpanjang plak..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
lagi menyedehkan...
kalau yg dah kawen bertahun2 tuh... still xder rezeki nak dapatkan anak...
tapi bile yg belom kawen...
sesuka hati bermaksiat2 nih..
senang je lekat,..
itu tandanya TUHAN menentukan segalanyer....
lebeh meyakitkan...
bila tgk semua tu adalah dari sikap org melayu.. org ISLAM kiter...
sempena bulan ramadhan ni...
marilah kita bersama2 bermuhasabah diri...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Reply #13 pink_honey's post
tapi kalau dah mmg sikap org KITA...
selagi x terkene batang idung sendiri...
selagi tu xkan tau baik buruk sesuatu perkara...
kalau kali ni kawan awak tu bernasib baik...
nasihatkanlah dia... |
Reply #16 chez_adex's post
ada artikel yg pernah saya baca, ada this girl had her period missed, so she consulted a doctor. she insisted that she is still virgin when doctor confirmed that she's pregnant.. bf pun dia takdak, kata dia.
korek cerita, rupernya girl ni suka clubbing dan suka menari rapattt rapattt dengan lelaki.. so doktor tu assume yg air mazi lelaki tu terkena undies girl, dan meresap ke dalam vagina.
dengar tak logik kan? tapi itu yg terjadi.. kisah benar plak tu. sori takdak keratan original artikel tu.. paling kesian, that girl tak tau sapa yg mengandungkan dia! isk isk iskk.. |
Reply #19 tsunade_sama's post
kuasa Tuhan... x siapa tahu..
sekarang ni Tuhan bayar cash...
berhati2lah.... |
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