sori guys...saya nak tanya pasal cold sore ni...bahaya tak yerr???
n macam mana lah bleh jadik cold sore ni??
sebelum ni tak penah kena pon...tapi sejak dtg uk ni dah dua tiga kali jugak kena...
is it sebab perubahan cuaca or sumthing...pedih sey...
ok...tenkiu in advance... |
Cold sores disebabkan oleh herpes simplex virus type 1. Ianya tak bahaya. Biasanya sore tu akan hilang sendiri dalam tempoh 10 hari. Kalau selalu sangat dapat jangkitan ni boleh ambil ubat antivirus saperti zoovirax. |
herpes??...cam sifilis laa pulak |
Its not syphilis. Herpes tu common virus - even shingles pun virus herpes jugak.
What works for me is mega dose of Vit C plus other antioxidants. Insyallah within 3 to 4 days clear up. But as soon as you notice its coming you must take action:
1. Reduce stress. If you are stressed it'll get worse & lambat clear up. Suffer woo....
2. I take Vitamin C - 1000 mg 3x sehari. Morning, afternoon and night.
3. Other vitamins for skin - Vitamin E, evening primrose.
Hope it'll clear up for you soon & doesn't recur. |
Reply #4 AnitaSabrina's post
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