hi all,
doc, leh x explain to me bout givin bith on water? tul ke tht way is easier n less pain? cn u plzz explain to me al tht? honey nk sgt2 tau bout diz.... |
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Reply #1 honey_dew_melon's post
kalo takmo sakit pki epidural
tak rase pe |
oo... tp honey nah dgr org ckp lain cara kte givin birth len sakitnye coz graviti ke ape nth is tht true? kan ade byk cara nk deliver baby ade yg dudk, yg dlm air n etc... |
Reply #3 honey_dew_melon's post
sky bkn dr.
tkpe klau abg sky online, sky tanye die |
k thx sky! |
water birth-wikipedia
Water birth is a method of giving birth, which involves immersion in warm water. Proponents believe this method is safe and provides many benefits for both mother and infant, including pain relief and a less traumatic birth experience for the baby. However, critics argue that the procedure introduces unnecessary risks to the infant such as infection and water inhalation.
antara advantages:
Speeds up labor
Reduces blood pressure
Provides significant pain relief
Promotes relaxation
Conserves her energy
Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
Reduces perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies
tapi ade disadvantages:
water inhalation
and susah nk estimate blood loss
kat tmpat tines ade pool utk water birth ni..kat m'sia ada ke spital yg offer water birth ni..? |
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Reply #7 honey_dew_melon's post
hehe honey tingin nk water birth gk ker ..tines kat belah2 europe..kat tmpt tines ni ada tp diorang mcm xpraktik secara meluas lg..rsnya org2 cni pon cam takut nk try water birth ni kot..mayb klo ade yg request die watla kot... |
oo org sane pon stil tkt2 g org cni lg la huhuh honey stil young teenager g sesaje je nk tau bout diz cam interesting je hehehe |
...kaedah water birth nie ada ke terdapat kat local spital kita??...rasa2nya tidak...tapi kalau honey duk di oberc...mungkin dapatlah merasa kalau itu yang diinginkan.. |
tak lemas ke baby tu lam air..huhu |
Reply #12 awoks's post
ade la risk drowning ..tp kalo careful manage ,selamat kot..tp research ckp ade kes nearly drowning in water birth ni.. |
drowning? ermm honey ase percentage nk drowning tu ckit sgt coz I think babies can actually breathe underwater quite easily until they are exposed to the oxygen-carbon dioxide mix of 'air' we have on earth ermm tul x doc? |
Reply #11 blackmore's post
huhuh jgn mrh mod honey jz curious sgt nk tau.. tp y kt msia x de ye? ni kan better dr conventionl way o deliverin baby?? |
baby tu kalo besar nanti mesti pandai berenang kan... |
chanel 733 dulu selalu kuar rancangan ni..baby drowning jgn risau coz tali pusat dia still ada lagipun doc n staff nurse suma tak kan bg baby tu lm dlm air sejurus pas baby tu dah 100% kuar..
tp sni still takde kan? tgk barat jer yg ade.. |
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