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Uterine fibroid...fighting it
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terlebih dahulu nk minta izin dr mod utk buat posting...
just to share my experience....
hopefully it can help others
and others can help me also..
I'm married dan ada anak.
My menses dr kecik sampai dh kawen hingga sekarang sentiasa heavy
abdominal cramp tu biasa lh...
lepas beranak pun still mcm tu...
However...for the past 2-3 years, perasan my menses is slightly heavier...
but it will still last about 7-8 days...
after that....kering.
However for the past 3months....
my menses becoming longer....
after 7 hari...nampak mcm nk kering...
tapi still keluar lendir2 hitam....
and it last sampai 13 days....
Mula2 tk risau...further more....saya tkde intermenstrual bleeding
vaginal discharge pun tkde....
mungkin stress people said..klu stress....menses jd shorter
Second month....still macam tu....last for 12-13 days...
I'm getting a bit worried....macam2 ada dlm kpala...
Search the about all those things...
especially about cancer rahim dn kanser pangkal rahim... |
ptg gynae dtg....
dia tunjuk video sekali....
I got big uterine fibroid on my right side....
my endometrium not thickened...looks healthy..she said that she'not worried
lagipun tk nampak blood vessels yg pelik2...(alhamdulillah...lega sket!)
however...she perasan I got endometrial polyp...
dan dia rasa itulah penyebabnye my menses prolong...
she said she dh cut my polyp and will sent for HPE (takutnye )
however in overall...she rasa nothing to worry....
I was discharged on the same day....
and she started me on norethisterone 10mg bd
and also some pain killer.....
perasaan tu rasa lega sket...but still anxious to wait for the final result
balik plak endometrial polyp....
less than 1% associated with cancer....lega sket...
and selalunye associated dgn hormon imbalance...
lepas tu baca pasal norethisterone....
rupanye this is to stop the excessive stimulation of estrogen (rasa je)
but side effects dia....u wil have the post menopausal symptoms...
seperti hot flushes...mood swing...postural dizziness...wieght gain..etc...
ramai yg tkleh tahan side effects dia![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
after few days mkn ubat ni....
dh start ada hot flush.....
bdn rasa cm bloated...
and yes...the postural dizziness mmg ada....skang ni kena bgn selow2....
search lg there an alternative way to this....
ada yg nasihat pasal diet...dan saya rasa ada betul nye...
they said...ada diet kite yg contain estrogen....
they advice avoid soy produt....
they also advice to avoid taking polyunsaturated oil
rupa2nya...polyunsaturated oil tu mcm minyak jagung...minyak canola etc...
dulu sebab org takut pada darah tinggi dan cholesterol...
seme bertukar ke polyunsaturated ini ada masaalah plak pada penyakit ni...
mmg sejak 2-3 house dh tk guna minyak biasa...
seme pakai minyak jagung..canola etc seba my hubby ada high cholesterol
dia org kata....utk kes camni...the best minyak kelapa....
tp mana nk cari minyak kelapa
kt kedai...yg ada pun minyak kelapa sawit... |
Reply #5 orked2006's post's the way kita msk rasanya...we tend to goreng....goreng and minyak yg baik pun jdk tak baik dahh...and cookies...all hydrogenated fatss....add up with more sugar...stress...yummy..datang le penyakit....
actually my problem lain skit dr u..i got endo...but bc2 puncanya hampir sama gaks...excessive oestrogen maybe the culprit...nih perut rs membuncit jekk....ntah ler ari tuh gi follow up takde plak dr mention haper2 bc gaks org ada endo tends to get fibroid jugak...kalo scan nampak mcm mana orked?dinding rahim tebal gitu ker? |
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