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Nak hire penulis/pengarang buku

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Post time 4-11-2008 05:45 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Saya nak hasilkan satu buku pertanian. Saya ada fakta tapi tak begitu mahir/berbakat utk menulis dalam bahasa yang menarik.

Adakah terdapat khidmat menulis buku? Saya akan beri fakta dlm bentuk point form, penulis tulis semula dlm ayat yang sesuai.

Agaknya berapa caj khidmat macam ni? Buku tu dalam 100 mukasurat.

Sesiapa yg berminat, atau kenal dgn penulis freelancer yg macam ni, mohon telefon saya di 0193852700 atau PM saya.

Terima kasih.

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Post time 7-11-2006 01:49 PM | Show all posts

pengalaman menulis novel / ingin menjadi penulis

Post Last Edit by mardhiah12 at 28-7-2009 09:05

saya pernah cuba menulis novel tetapi gagal untuk menghabiskannya...bukan tidak ada ide, tetapi entah...mungkin kerana kesibukan kerja atau kerana tidak mendapat pendidikan atau ilmu mengenainya...menulis sekadar suka-suka saja...novel yg saya tulis tu, setakat ini saya tidak dapat menyatakan berapa ketebalannya...tetapi ia mengambil masa 4 jam utk menghabiskan bacaan .. Satu pertanyaan, bagi mereka yang cuba0cuba hendak menulis novel, apa biasanya masalah yang anda hadapi...masalah saya ialah saya mengambil masa yg lama untuk menulis satu-satu ayat...walaupun akhirnya saya berpuas hati dengannya tp masa yg lama membuatkan saya x lah berpuas hati sangat..

[ Last edited by  limau_nipis at 3-3-2009 08:16 AM ]



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Post time 8-11-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 irzalanny's post

bagi alycia, walau pun alycia bukan berkecimpung dlm bidang penulisan ni, tp sbenarnya alycia minat membaca.. xkisahlah apa bahan bacaan sekali pun, buku ke, novel, majalah... dan alycia rs alycia mempunya bakat dalam menulis, sbb bila dkt pejabat, ramai rakan2 yg minta alycia tolong betulkan ayat diaorg bila buat laporan, kertas kerja, minit mesyuarat...

sebenarnya bg pendapat alycia, masalah yg dihadapi :
1. bakat - tp bukan masalah utama, sbb bakat boleh diasah
2. teknik dan gaya penulisan - ni masalah utama. sebab bg novelis yg dah terkenal dia ada gaya penulisan sendiri yg boleh mempengaruhi pembaca membaca tulisan mereka. teknik ni yg kita kena belajar..
3. imaginasi - untuk memperkembangkan plot ke plot, atau sesuatu watak, kita kita imagine apakah plot seterusnya, watak tu akan jd apa...
4. study - maksudnya kita kena study untuk jadikan sesuatu watak tu berkesan.. misalnya kalau watak tu jd dokto, kena study mcm mane kerja doktor, waktu kerja, suasana kerja... dlm kes ni alycia paling tabik pd Norhayati Berahim sbb cara dia hidupkan sesuatu watak tu memang hidup.. menunjukkan yg dia betul2 study watak yg dia ciptakan tu..



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Post time 9-11-2006 07:37 AM | Show all posts
novel tak pernah, cerita pasal travel pernah hantar ke magazine, dapatlah rm 300.00.

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Post time 16-11-2006 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Minat gak nak cuba... masalahnya tak de masa nak berangan...hehe.. bila ada idea pulak susah nak di terjemahkan dalam bentuk tulisan.... kira tak berbakatlah tu...

anyway, masalah utama rasanya, tak pandai nak kembangkan plot.... idea selalu berubah2 and bila dapat idea baru, tak pandai nak connectkan idea tu....

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Post time 16-11-2006 05:15 PM | Show all posts
sama la ngan aku ni ha.. dulu bleh jer nak siapkan cerpen tapi skang cerpen pun takleh nak abiskan. must be becoz i'm too bz working. kadang2 bila ada idea tu nak je cepat2 carik laptop and taip tapi slalunyer tak sempat la... kekeke.. sempat hilang dulu..

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Post time 28-12-2006 10:21 AM | Show all posts
aku memang banyak membaca, tapi tak pernah menulis.... buat karangan masa sekolah menengah tak kira kan... huhuhu...
anyway.... pada pendapat aku, untuk membangkitkan emosi dalam hasil penulisan tu yang susah. di malaysia ni tak ramai penulis yang mampu buat macam tu. bagi aku, novel gemersik kalbu (penulis dia aku dah lupa) merupakan novel yang ada banyak emosi. lagi satu novel hamparan kasih (kalau tak salah ini penulis baru, amy batrisya) merupakan novel yang buat emosi aku macam roller coaster.



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Post time 28-12-2006 04:42 PM | Show all posts
hehehhe, i masa sekolah dulu rajin le tulis cerpen. antar sana sini. pernah menang le juge. sajak pun i tulis. tapi sekarang nak tulis sebaris ayat yg bunyi ala2 novel or cerpen mcm x jadi je.

tapi itry gak. nun ade dlm writer's room. tapi ala2 malu je nak baca balik:nyorok:



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syrzreen This user has been deleted
Post time 28-12-2006 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Time belajar dulu selalu gak aku htr cerpen ke majalah2 ngan masuk pertandingan. 3 kali gak aku menang.Salah satu diterbit jadi buku under DBP. Lepas tu ada tulis novel tapi sampai skarg lum abis tulis lagi.. Time keje ni susah nak cari masa...Sebelum tulis kene study dulu...



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Post time 29-12-2006 12:18 AM | Show all posts
teringat aku, dulu2 tak de computer, tulis tangan je. lepas tu bila nak hantar kena salin balik cantik2. kedai fotostat pun tak banyak.



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Post time 29-12-2006 09:05 AM | Show all posts
kekangan? laptop kong...duh...

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syrzreen This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2006 10:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by smeetasmitten at 29-12-2006 12:18 AM
teringat aku, dulu2 tak de computer, tulis tangan je. lepas tu bila nak hantar kena salin balik cantik2. kedai fotostat pun tak banyak.

:tq: Betul tu... tulis tangan je dulu. Kat kertas kajang atau buku tulis sekolah tu... Bila dah rasa ok baru taip kat type writer dodulu...



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Post time 29-12-2006 10:47 PM | Show all posts
kekangan menulis?
biler nak menulis tapi takde idea....idea flow tak bagus. i think dat wud be the worst eva!



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Post time 21-2-2007 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Selalunya tulis tentang diri sendiri, perasaan hati, naluri dan suasana sekeliling, Bila mood tak ada, susah nak tulis, tapi bila ada mood pulak idea tak datang2...



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Post time 23-2-2007 10:07 AM | Show all posts
my opinion, one of factor is time management problem..
if terlampau busy or tak cukup masa, badan pun penat, then camane idea nak datang, mood pun hilang.. if byk idea pun memang tak sempat nak tulis time busy tu..

also kena tahu bila mood menulis tu.. different people, different approach.. cam prego penah baca somewhere, one of penulis novel ni akan spend time before subuh utk siapkan novel dia (tak ingat nama penulis tu), for her masa tu laa paling ideal utk dapatkan mood or idea..
may be u can check urself, time mana paling ideal nak tulis novel..



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Post time 4-8-2007 11:33 PM | Show all posts

Kepada Penulis dan Bakal Penulis

Just nak bagitau tentang satu software yang amat berguna kepada para penulis menulis/menyiapkan novel masing-masing.oh by the way, software ni free.

What is it? Free story writing software

Who wrote it? Simon Haynes, an author with three novels in print

Why are you qualified? I've been designing and writing software for twenty years, including multi-user accounting programs and stock charting software. When I write a program it has to satisfy my needs, and I'm the end-user from hell. One little bug is enough to ruin my day, and so my programs might not look all that flash but they're very stable.

Okay, so what's special about yWriter? To me, writing a book is just like writing computer software. When designing a software program you break big problems (tasks) into little ones. Then you break those down into smaller and smaller problems until each can be tackled easily. In a similar fashion, you can divide a novel into three parts (beginning, middle, end), then break each of those into chapters, and then break those chapters down into scenes. 'All' you have to do then is write the scenes.

A scene is a pleasant chunk to work on - small and well-defined, you can slot them into your novel, dragging and dropping them from one chapter to another as you interleave strands from different viewpoint characters and work out the overall flow of your book. You can also drop a scene completely if you've written yourself into a dead end, without feeling you've ground to a complete halt.

Of course, you can't just write a bunch of unrelated scenes. You need an overall design goal ... your plot. yWriter will generate a number of different reports from your scene and chapter summaries, from a brief scene list to a comprehensive synopsis. If you update the 'readiness' setting for each scene it will even generate a work schedule showing what you have to do to meet your deadline for the outline, first draft, first edit and second edit.

yWriter also allows you to add scenes with no content - just type a brief description and you can pretend you've written it. This is great for the parts you're not ready to write yet, or for when you get blocked. Skip over that part and come back later! Unfinished scenes, rough ideas ... it's so much harder to keep track of them when they're all pasted into one long word processing document.

I really struggled over my first novel because I wrote whole slabs of text into a great big word processor file and tried to make sense of the whole thing at once. I then tried saving each chapter to individual files with great long descriptive filenames, but moving scenes around was a nuisance and I couldn't get an overview of the whole thing (or easily search for one word amongst 32 files)

yWriter may look simple, but as the author of three books written with this tool I can guarantee it has everything needed to get a first draft together.

Best of all, yWriter is free.

Organise your novel using a 'project'.
Add files to the project, each containing a chapter.
Add a summary to each file, showing the scenes in each chapter.
Print out summary cards, showing the structure of your novel.
Display the word count for every file in the project, along with a total.
Saves a log file every day, showing words per file and the total. (Tracks your progress)
Saves automatic backups at user-specified intervals.
Allows multiple scenes within chapters
Viewpoint character, goal, conflict and outcome fields for each scene.
Storyboard view, a visual layout of your work.
Re-order scenes within chapters.
Move scenes from one chapter to another.
Automatic chapter renumbering.

By the way, if you want to get published you might like to read some of my articles on writing

kalau nak download software ni pegi ke alamat di bawah. ... riter_Download.html



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Post time 4-8-2007 11:36 PM | Show all posts
salah post

[ Last edited by  sixret at 4-8-2007 11:39 PM ]

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Post time 1-11-2007 10:30 PM | Show all posts

Nak jadi Penulis Buku

Aku teringin nak jadi penulis buku ...tapi tahu tahu cara-cara nya ...macam mana nak belajar menulis buku ni ...kat mana ..macamcam dia punya pendapatan yg akan kita dapat nanti  ...boleh sapa-sapa tolong bagitau ...

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Post time 1-11-2007 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by roslankasim at 1-11-2007 10:30 PM
Aku teringin nak jadi penulis buku ...tapi tahu tahu cara-cara nya ...macam mana nak belajar menulis buku ni ...kat mana ..macamcam dia punya pendapatan yg akan kita dapat nanti  ...boleh sapa-sa ...

pembetulan ... bukannya tahu tahu ..tapi ..tak tahu cara-caranya

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Post time 1-11-2007 10:41 PM | Show all posts
wat cerita tentang kehidupan kat sekolah, cam Harry Potter, nanti pelajar2 minat nak baca..

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