Pulau Pinang bakal kehilangan status tapak warisan dunia?
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Shorter hotels keep Penang on Unesco list
KUALA LUMPUR: The United Nations cultural agency will keep the capital of Malaysia's resort island of Penang on its list of World Heritage Sites after government officials agreed not to allow high-rise hotels.
Malaysian officials voiced fears last year that George Town would lose its status as a World Heritage Site because of plans to develop four hotels that would violate Unesco restrictions on the height of new buildings within the city's core.
Penang officials approved the plans before Unesco designated George Town as a World Heritage Site in July last year.
They had been uncertain whether to scrap the hotels' construction for fear of being sued by the developers.
Unesco's World Heritage Committee decided in a meeting that ended Tuesday in Seville, Spain, that it would keep George Town on the list, an official who attended the meeting said in an e-mail received Wednesday.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity because a formal announcement hasn't been made.
The decision came after Malaysia assured the committee that the height of the planned hotels would be reduced to about 60 feet (18 meters), abiding by Unesco's prescribed height limit of roughly five stories for new buildings.
Penang's chief minister, Lim Guan Eng, assured Unesco in a letter dated June 4 that the developers have agreed to comply with the guidelines. The letter was made public last Friday.
Unesco added George Town and Malacca city to its list last year, saying both "constitute a unique architectural and cultural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia."
A spot on the list helps attract tourists and grants from the UN's World Heritage Fund. - AP |
Taniah, pr kali ni buat decision yg baik walaupun hotel2 approval yg dibuat oleh bn dulu.
Good start. Tapi for sure bn yg iri hati akan cuba buat pelbagai halangan atau pembinasaan supaya negeri2 pr akan 'nampak gagal' pemerintahannya
go to hell bn |
Georgetown tapak warisan dunia Unesco, 7 Julai cuti umum
GEORGETOWN: Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng mengumumkan pada 7 Julai setiap tahun bermula tahun depan, sebagai cuti umum bagi Pulau Pinang bertujuan menyambut ulang tahun perasmian bandar Georgetown sebagai tapak warisan dunia Pertubuhan Pelajaran, Sains dan Kebudayaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (Unesco).
Beliau berkata demikian selepas merasmikan sambutan ulangtahun pertama perasmian bandar Georgetown sebagai tapak warisan duniaUnesco di sini, hari ini. |
Balaci2 bn yg benci org pg start meroyan lagi |
Semua approved pada tahun 2007.
Sekarang ada 3 pilihan bagi kerajaan negeri:
1) gantirugi kpd developer pasal plan dah approved by ex gov.
2) berunding dgn developer supaya merendahkan plan kpd 5 t ...
herrhughie Post at 22-11-2008 14:26 
cemane approved 2007 baru nak initiate tahun neh...? apa bingai duit takdak ka...? |
25# QAX
bagi Tsu Koon chan lari diri dulu... |
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