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Takleh connect to internet wirelessly pakai router, pakai LAN cable OK
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Tumpang tanya sapa2 boleh tolong aku troubleshoot problem ni.
Problem sekarang tak boleh connect ke internet secara wireless, tapi boleh connect ke internet pakai LAN cable. Router model Belkin dan OK lagi sbb org lain boleh connect wirelessly, takde masalah. Laptop aku je yg takleh. Aku siap try pakai external wifi adaptor pon takleh. So aku tak suspect wireless adaptor yg ada masalah, lagipon sebelum ni ok je boleh pakai wireless internet.
Setakat ni aku dah try restart router, pon tak ok lagi. Masuk router setup utility pon takleh.Aku try ipconfig kat command prompt, dekat Connection-specific DNS Suffix & Default Gateway kosong je takde kuar apa2, sepatutnya ada kan.
Camne eh?Thanks in advance. |
ha..problem ni aku pun tengah hadapi skrg..
masuk wireless guest ok... masuk wireless dari rumah x boleh detect..
tolong jugak... |
dah restart wireless router? |
Reply #3 auntie_girl's post
dah buat |
sbelom ni okey ke? atau mmg sejak dari mula pakai belkin tu, takleh wifi langsung?
pc/leptop lain buleh wifi dgn belkin tu?
mungkin ada masalah windows yg perlu korang update. (kalu guna XP le).
atleast gunakan Service Pack2 dan .NETframeworks 2.0.
kalo guna vista, ampun la. aku serender guna vista... :@ :@ :@ |
Reply #6 flying_cow's post
kdg2 mslh driver..
dulu aku prnh kena gak..
driver xleh..
cuba try driver version len.. |
Reply #6 flying_cow's post
dah setkan DNS kat network properties ? |
Originally posted by flying_cow at 29-11-2008 08:04 PM
Tumpang tanya sapa2 boleh tolong aku troubleshoot problem ni.
Problem sekarang tak boleh connect ke internet secara wireless, tapi boleh connect ke internet pakai LAN cable. Router ...
cuba ping localhost, kalau respond, your wireless nic is fine. then, when you do ipconfig, check if the ip is default microsoft ip, 169.254.x.x. if yes, then assign static ip to your nic and see if you can connect consistently. if you do, that means your nic is having trouble acquiring ip address from your dhcp server on the router, or the router is having an issue issuing ip to your nic. if that's the case, it's possible that your tcp/ip stack is corrupted. usually, uninstall and re-install the tcp/ip fix the problem (don't do it if you don't know). but, try this first:
1. open dos prompt
2. type "netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt" (no quotations) and press enter
3. reboot your laptop - you may want to reboot your router and modem too.
dh cuba lom update driver,,
aku penah kena cmtu dulu..
install driver ok, betul, tp xleh jumpa wireless..
update driver version len pon xleh jumpa gak..
pastu try format balik pastu terus install driver version len baru boleh.. |
Reply #11 pink_evil's post
model apa compaq ko tu?
wireless device tu band dan model apa? kena tau semua tu kalo nk cari kat internet. |
Originally posted by bzzts at 5-12-2008 10:47 AM
model apa compaq ko tu?
wireless device tu band dan model apa? kena tau semua tu kalo nk cari kat internet.
compaq presario cq20 125TU
bzzz, wireless device aku tatau..katne nak check?..(skang ni aku pkai broadband ngan LAN tade problm)
utk detect wifi je tade.. |
Reply #13 pink_evil's post
masuk bod hardware, kat sticky tu ada software utk detect hardware - freeware je tu.
guna software tu, pastu bgtau apa brand - model. |
Reply #15 pink_evil's post
Originally posted by oobi at 30-11-2008 02:20 AM
cubaping localhost, kalau respond, your wireless nic is fine.then, when you do ipconfig, check if the ip is default microsoft ip,169.254.x.x. if yes, then assign static ip to your nic and see if youcan connect consistently. if you do, that means your nic is havingtrouble acquiring ip address from your dhcp server on the router, orthe router is having an issue issuing ip to your nic. if that's thecase, it's possible that your tcp/ip stack is corrupted. usually,uninstall and re-install the tcp/ip fix the problem (don't do it if youdon't know). but, try this first:
1. open dos prompt
2. type "netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt" (no quotations) and press enter
3. reboot your laptop - you may want to reboot your router and modem too.
Step 1, 2, & 3 tu dah buat. In addition, aku dah reset Winsock entries sekali. Lepas restart laptop & router:
- ping localhost
ada response. So nic is fine.
- ipconfig:
dpt default microsoft ip
- assign static ip:
boleh connect, Status: Connected.........tapi tak boleh surf internet...kenapa ek?
Reply #17 flying_cow's post
when you said you can connect, can you ping your router ip address? if can, check if you have set dns because when you use static ip, you need to enter dns manually. otherwise, you have to use ip address to browse.
Reply #17 flying_cow's post
by the way, when you assign static ip to your wireless nic, don't use 169.254.x.x because that's default ip assign by the os - it shows your LAN is okay but it's not and you have no connectivity. you need to assign ip address that in the same subnet as your router ip.
Originally posted by oobi at 10-12-2008 11:09 AM
when you said you can connect, can you ping your router ip address? if can, check if you have set dns because when you use static ip, you need to enter dns manually. otherwise, you have to use ...
router ip address tu yg ni ke: kalau yg ni tak dpt ping's the screenshot:
btw, ip address & dns semua tu aku amik daripada semasa aku online guna LAN cable |
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