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Tips Untuk Mengubati H1N1 - Sekadar Usaha selain rawatan di hospital
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Post Last Edit by hereana at 12-8-2009 12:22
I ada terima beberapa e mail utk usaha merawat H1N1 daripada segi pemakanan..
mana tahu dpt membantu..dan berharap InsyaAllah berjaya...
mana at least kita mencuba..selain rawatan di hospital..
So far tak sure dah penah ada thread pasal nih..
kalau dah ada mod tlg merge kan yer..
nak letak kat current isu, takut tak terperasan..sbb terlalu crowded..
Article to share:
Cara Pertama:
My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning...was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni at Kangar, Perlis...worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden didnt even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came fm KL and with his friends assistance brought him to GH Kangar....
No one bothered in the hospital and he was put in the normal ward for another 2 days!!! (imagine the amount of people he has infected!!) .....after 2 days and his eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish...he was put in quarantined room...
Called his mom to say...minta maaf and ampun la dosa dia, etc...she practically fainted just telling me the story.. cant do much cos she x have enough money to go to the north with the father...
First thing we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to Sg.Buloh Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt...they refused of I sent her off to Kangar the same day to solve the problem.
Whilst this was happening, SUBHANALLAH, I had a call from one Ustaz who was in town to "help cure" another H1N1 child in Shah Alam....and was told this simple prescription by him.....of course kena redha pada ALLAH and niat dengan sesungguh nya...selawat 3x...
for those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your fever disappear and yr symtoms are gone....I cannot explain it but the child in Shah Alam was ok too after taking this tip.... staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on Monday/Tuesday and dengan kuasa ALLAH he was out of the fever yesterday Wednesday....she called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out of ICU and was able to eat normally...all these happened within just 4 days today (thursday 6 august)...
This is just to share with my fellow sisters and brothers and hope this small info could assist others as well, INSYA'ALLAH!!!!!!!!!! No harm in trying and kuasa ALLAH anything can happen!!!!
Cara Kedua:
Semoga Allah melindungi kita semua.
Salam..... sy baru balik dari thailand. sy ke pulau temelang dan ban tun.. apa yang sy nak kongsi ialah cara mereka mengubati penyakit selsema babi.
bahan2nya adalah
1. air kelapa
2. kurma
3. mangkuk
1. masukkan kurma ke dalam mangkuk
2. tuang air kelapa
3. biar sejam dua
4. minum air kelapa bersama makan kurma
| Saya ingin berkongsi maklumat / tip yg diperolehi drp Ustaz Fauzi Mustafa didlm radio RMKL pg td bg mengindarkan diri kita terutamanya anak2 drp terkena penyakit H1N1. Usahakan salah satu drpdnya...
a) Baca Bismillah dan tiup pd air dan masakan yg disediakan
b) Makan madu lebah asli
c) Makan buah tamar
d) Makan kismis
e) Makan buah delima
f) Minum air kurma
g) Makan Habbatus sauda
h) Makan buah Tin
So, kebetulan bulan ramadhan bakal menjelang, marilah kita mengambil inisiatif utk memakan perkara2 di atas tuh..
bukan setakat kalau dah kena H1N1 dan setakat di bulan puasa...jom,kita just amalkan sbg makanan harian utk family kita,anak2 kita...
jadikan makanan harian,may be boleh ganti junk fud & snacks...
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thanks 4 d info.... kite berusaha la yer.... kan kite disarankan untuk berusaha |
2# larrazlan
tulah..lagipun tips nya mmg mudah..dan sodap..he...he...
me cuba nak amalkan sbg lgkah berjaga2...biar imuniti & antibodi kita & anak2 jadi kuat..
sbg prevention pd illness..yg memudahkan virus memasuki tubuh... |
thanks 4 the info..boleh ku war2kan pd member2 lain |
apa yang penting... vitamin c.
apa yang penting... vitamin c.
cegah selesema. |
air kelapa memang dikenali utk merawat demam..apa salahnya kalau jadikan
sebagi rutin harian...especially buah kurma...memang terkenal dengan 1001 khasiat...
mencegah adalah lebih baik drpd merawat... |
4# pokokbunga
tulah..cepat2 war-warkan..
lg ramai yg sihat..lg senang kita nak halang wabak ni dr merebak..
faktor cuaca pun tak berapa baik..
so,baik jaga pemakanan kita... |
1# hereana
thx a lot for the info.
Kiter nk cut & paste ye.. nk email pd kekwn lain..
smlm ader kwn ckp pasal epal hijau ni..
dia pon tgh try minum juice apple hijau ni... |
9# midar
nanti kalau ada info2 lain..tip2 baru..
jgn lupa paste kat sini tau..
kita compile kat sinik..okay..
btw..kalau kekawan ada berdiskusi kat mana2..pasal isu H1N1..
jgn lupa tlg paste kan sekali yerk..
biar war2 kan.. |
skarg ni aku hari2 kunyah tab vit. c
2 biji sehari.
n byk minum air mask |
buah tin kan buah zaitun kan |
tq info..... |
Nak gak tau berapa kalori untuk sebiji buah kurma ye.. |
tadi pun ade dpt email psl petua2 diatas..
boleh cuba..sebagai ikhtiar..insyaallah.. |
buah tin sedap..berdetup2 bila makan..sbb bijik2 dia banyak..
mmg best..bijik tu bila kita kunyah..mcm bunyi crunchy... |
Hari ni dpt satu lagi yg baru:
Fennel Seed Treatment Claimed Effective to Prevent Swine Flu
Sharjah: Drinking a decoction made of fennel seeds soaked in warm water first thing in the morning could prevent you from catching swine flu says a study published in a Chinese medical research magazine.
According to report published in Al Khaleej a local Arabic daily, the study has resulted in an increase of fennel seeds sales by 50 per cent in some Asian countries.
The report read that similar increase in sales was also visible in countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
The fennel seed warm drink is being distributed to people who are making pilgrimage to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
Sharjah: Menurut kajian yang dikemukakan dalam sebuah majalah penyelidikan perubatan di China, minum air suam yang direbus dengan jintan manis pada pagi boleh mencegah selesema H1N1.
Menurut laporan dalam surat khabar harian bahasa Arab (Al Khaleej), kajian itu telah menyebabkan peningkatan jualan jintan manis di beberapa negara Asia sebanyak 50%.
Berita tersebut melaporkan bahawa peningkatan jualan yang serupa juga dapat dilihat di negara-negara seperti Arab Saudi dan Mesir.
Minuman jintan manis juga diedarkan kepada mereka yang sedang menunaikan haji di Makkah dan Madinah.
Original article from |
emmm..lagi satu yg baru...
Kalau hadapi simptom selesema,batuk,demam,sukar bernafas,pening kepala,sakit tekak mgkn anda H1N1.Minum air susu & buah.Mkn makanan yg dbuat drpd buah krn pihak kami telah menjalankn kajian bhw minuman segar mampu membersihkan atom2 H1N1.
Tolong forward kpd rakan2 utk kesihatan bersama.-
good info! |
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Category: Belia & Informasi