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Haid ketika Hamil/Mengandong
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Nak tanya korunk, ada tak kes yg sebegini?
agaknya, sakit haid sama masa tidak mengandong atau ketika mengandon?
dan jugak darah dan jarak masa haid itu sama di dua ketika tersebut?
saper ada pengalaman, please says something.
ley kongsi sumer? |
ekkkkkk 1st time dgr...![](static/image/smiley/default/dizzy.gif) |
mak pernh bilang...mmg ada period masa hamil =) |
Nak tanya korunk, ada tak kes yg sebegini?
agaknya, sakit haid sama masa tidak mengandong atau ketika mengandon?
dan jugak darah dan jarak masa haid itu sama di dua ketika tersebut?
saper ada pen ...
blackwise Post at 22-10-2009 17:19 ![]( ...gini...there is no such thing as being pregnant and having menses at the same time...sebab...semasa seseorang wanita tu hamil...her ovaries stop ovulating...ovaries dorang rest for that whole pregnancy period...making menstruation impossible...
...kalau ada bleeding semasa could be due to several reasons...
...bleeding in the first half of pregnancy is common...contributing factors include what we call as implantation bleeding...which can occur anywhere from 6-12 days after conception...almost every woman will experience implantation bleeding...but...the degree of the bleeding varies...some will lightly spot for a few hours...others may have some light spotting for a couple of days...
...apart from this...bleeding in early pregnancy can also be contributed to some type of infection in the pelvic cavity...
...some women also experience some vaginal bleed after intercourse because the cevix is very tender and sensitive...if this happens...then avoid intercourse until u have been seen by your bear in mind that sexual intercourse does not cause a miscarriage...avoiding it during such a period can prevent further irritation and bleeding to the cevix..
...bleeding during the second half of pregnancy are caused by some common conditions such as an inflammed cervix or growths on the polyps...
...late bleeding may pose a threat to the health of the woman or the baby...therefore...they must consult their gynae when they experience any bleeding in the second or third trimester of their pregnancy...
...women whose placenta is low lying also at risk of bleeding...placenta previa occurs when the placenta lies low in the uterus partly or completely covering the this is something very serious and requires immediate care....bleeding occurs wiithout pain....
...vaginal bleeding may also be caused by another obstetric emergency known as placental abruption...placental abruption occurs when the placenta detached itself from the uterine wall before or during labour...ngeri beb kalau ada abruptio cases...silap dan lambat manage both mother and baby bley hilang nyawa...huhuhu...
setahu aku, tu d panggil ngandung luar rahim... baby tak melekat dlm rahim, but baby tu mmng mengembang.. kalu lah betol, smpi masa nnti baby tu akan gugur.. better u g cek dgn doctor tgk.... |
penah jugak denga ade yg pregnant tp period... well, cuba la tanye pada yg pakar.. pastu share kat cni ye.. TQ |
2mgu pas aku igtkan aku pregnant tp lum test ag la...sakit2 sume cm tanda2 prgnat tp bru ni da period.sakit sgt2..sblm ni sggugut xpnh la sakit cm ni...darah pon byk..npe ek..pas period sng ke nk lekat nti ek.g jpe dktor,die ckp da biasa coz kalu period lwat mmg kuar byk tol die xcheck pon aku..makmal masalah katenyer. |
ada org kata period masa preggy ni dipanggil bunting pelanduk. tak tau tul ke x.. tapi mmg ada org yg dtg period masa prgnt. tapi kes sgt terpencil. |
i pregnt da 2bln baru tau..sbb period still ader..cmer ase bdn lemah2 tu yg g cek..upenyer mmg tul prgnt....pelik tp benar..period tp prgnt... |
dlayla tahniah...
period bpe ari?lme ke...
aritu igtkan sye pegnet..lastly period...
bru kwen ke?sye da lom ade rezeki ag...ley bg tip2 dlayla..hehehe |
period mmg konsisten..tiap awl bulan ..3 or 4 ari sebelun akhir bulan period lg...salu nyer period 7 ari...
dat y mmg tak pasan lagsung pegnet sbb period still ader..skrg da peknen 8 bln..sib la rahim kuat n rezki tuh ader..kalo tak ntah la..sbb tak tau peknent..mkn pon ikut sedap jer la..ngn wt aktiviti lasak segaler... |
pelik...tapi ade gak dengar org tue2 cakap pasal bunting pelanduk |
mmg pernah dgr gak yg pregnant tp period gak... |
pernah dgr gak.. preggy tp period...
tp xtau la yg kata kalo camni leh jd mengandung luar rahim |
hari tu sy period 06/08/2011 then sy x period lgsung smpai la 14/09/2011. sblum ni period sy x pnh lewat cmni.mase lewat tu sy ade buat ujian kat klinik, tp doktor cko masih baru lg kot mybe x nmpak.then tbe2 14/09/2011 hari tu sy period.alangkah sedih nye sy dan suami.sbb sangkakan sy prgnant. erm ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) |
period mmg konsisten..tiap awl bulan ..3 or 4 ari sebelun akhir bulan period lg...salu nyer period 7 ...
dlayla Post at 3-11-2009 16:57 ![](
masa pregnant tu period 7 hari jugak ke? |
my sepupu, dh 3 bulan baru tau preg.. sbb tiap2 bulan period cam biasa.. cuma bulan yg ke3 period tu lmbt abih... sikit2.. lebih 2mggu gak... gi cek doktor rupa2 nye ade 'tuan umah' kat dalam ...heheheheh...... masa tu dah 3 bulan lah kandungan... |
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