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Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui - Rakyat Malaysia boleh menerima tak?

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Post time 5-12-2009 02:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui - Biofuel (biodiesel, bioethanol) - Adakah rakyat Malaysia boleh menerima bahan api itu?

Biofuel (Bahan api daripada bio-jisim, contohnya daripada minyak kelapasawit) seperti biodiesel dan bioethanol merupakan salah satu tenagayang boleh diperbaharui untuk menggantikan petroleum dalam kenderaankita. Ia dipercayai akan mengurangkan pembebasan gas-gas rumah hijauseperti CO2 yang mengakibatkan "global warming" dan perubahan iklimluar biasa.

Bagaimanapun, biofuel merupakan tenaga yang lebih mahal. Di EuropeanUnion, polisi telah ditetapkan iaitu 10% daripada bahan api digunakandalam kenderaan mesti daripada biofuel. Subsidi dan insentif telahdiberikan untuk membantu biofuel. Malaysia sebagai pengeluar minyakkelapa sawit yang kedua terbesar di dunia, mempunyai keunggulan untukmenghasilkan biodiesel untuk kegunaan tempatan dan eksport. Tetapi,adakah Malaysia juga bersedia untuk biofuel?

Surveyini direka oleh pelajar-pelajar USM untuk menyelidik keadaan dan responrakyat-rakyat Malaysia terhadap biofuel. Harap tuan-tuan dan puan-puanboleh memberi sedikit masa untuk menyiapkan survey itu.

Terima kasih untuk menyiapkan survey ini!

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Post time 6-12-2009 11:30 PM | Show all posts
utk tenaga boleh diperbaharui ini...ada byk option...

sebaiknya biarlah dtgnya dari teknologi malaysia...tade la dok import teknologi luar lagi...

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Post time 12-3-2010 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Pada pandangan peribadi saya, .... semua umat manusia kena terima idea renewable energy dan energy efficiency ni kalau kita sayangkan bumi kita ni. Kalau fikir2 pasal enery ni, takut rasanya.... bayangkan apa akan terjadi pada our anak cucu

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Post time 12-3-2010 09:10 AM | Show all posts
please do not think of biodiesel or any sort  of biofuel as our holy grail. biofuel consumption has resulted in massive deforestation and decrease in food security (hence increase in food price). and do not ever think of other techniques of renewable energy as our environmental savior either. wind generators often result in changing landspace, hydroelectric dams cause damages to forests and natural habitats, and current solar panel technology is not as efficient as we would like to. I am not saying I am against renewable energy, I am in fact on the opposite. but we need to realize there is nothing magical about it. Or if you like, we have a long way from producing efficient and environmentally friendly techniques of generating renewable energy (way to be too technical) - feel free to disagree with me

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Post time 17-3-2010 07:25 PM | Show all posts
kalau la isu makanan dijadikan sbb kita tak boleh nak terime bioethanol..kite boleh elakkan..sbb bioethanol pun boleh dibuat dari hampas2 kelape sawit tu kan..orang panggil EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH..
malaysia salah satu pengeluar kelape sawit terbesar kat malaysia..dr dibuang je hampas kelape sawit..baik dibuat bioethanol tu..rasenye hampas padi pun boleh gak buat kan

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Post time 23-3-2010 11:55 AM | Show all posts
by Phantom1985

Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui - Biofuel (biodiesel, bioethanol) - Adakah rakyat Malaysia boleh menerima bahan api itu?   

Sepatutnya, anda bertanya - Adakah PETRONAS boleh menerimanya ke tak? :re:

Masalah utama yg dihadapi di Malaysia mengenai penukaran bahan api kpd jenis biodfuel/solar energy ataupun sumber tenaga lain adalah POLITIK.

Salah satu sumber ekonomi negara kita adalah Petroluem, dan Politik negara ini banyak berkaitan dgn Petroluem juga, boleh itu banyak pihak yg tidak akan suka sekiranya berlaku penukaran sedemikian di masa kini dan masa depan.

Kena ingat, negara2 besar spt Jepun, Switzerland, Germany dsbnya sudah mengambil langkah menukar ke sumber tenaga yg lain dan mula mengenepikan pengantungan mereka kpd fossil fuel. America juga sedang melangkah ke arah itu walaupun mereka tak ada sumber asli spt minyak kelapa sawit (mereka guna kacang soya).

Tetapi di Malaysia, walaupun adanya sumber2 asli spt minyak kelapa sawit dan kacang soya, TAK ADA sebarang indikasi yg menunjjukan yg kerajaan berminat menukarkan sumber tenaga mereka ke arah jenis yg lebih sesuai di jangka masa yg panjang spt biofuel.



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Post time 23-3-2010 09:00 PM | Show all posts
kalau la isu makanan dijadikan sbb kita tak boleh nak terime bioethanol..kite boleh elakkan..sbb bioethanol pun boleh dibuat dari hampas2 kelape sawit tu kan..orang panggil EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH..
malays ...
sukebintang Post at 17-3-2010 19:25
Isu makanan memang penting sbb memang sekarnag kita takde masalah makanan tp nanti bl kawasan pertanian makin kurang dan manusia makin bertambah,itu kan jadi isu pada masa alternativnya mcm yg kebin ckp lah guna EFb, atau raw mat mcm rice husk ataupun sekarnag ni teknologigunakan jatropha yg mana bukannya sumber makanan tp ..
kalau guna raw mat mcm EFB ataupun rice husk,the next problem actually treatment, yg mana lagi complicated sbnrya.. satu gi pasal teknologi,kita still takde teknologi yg cukup utk menghasilkan bioethanol secara besar besaran

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Post time 24-3-2010 07:45 AM | Show all posts
i know a guy who's conducting a research in converting agri waste such as jerami padi and hampas kelapa sawit to bioethanol like sukebintang said. We had a short discussion and he told me that's the current research theme on biofuel is about since the world suffered (is suffering?) from the hike in grain price due to [some percentage] blend of ethanol requirement by EC and US alike

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Post time 24-3-2010 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Isu makanan memang penting sbb memang sekarnag kita takde masalah makanan tp nanti bl kawasan pertanian makin kurang dan manusia makin bertambah,itu kan jadi isu pada masa alternativnya mcm yg ...
lin0me Post at 23-3-2010 21:00

Saya tak faham kenapa ada isu makanan di sini. Manusia tak makan hampas padi ataupun kelapa, dan Malaysia ada banyak bahan mentah ini (hasil dr industri padi dan kelapa sawit).

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Post time 24-3-2010 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Saya tak faham kenapa ada isu makanan di sini. Manusia tak makan hampas padi ataupun kelapa, dan Malaysia ada banyak bahan mentah ini (hasil dr industri padi dan kelapa sawit).
Sephiroth Post at 24-3-2010 08:09
ermm..rasanya my previous post ckp pasal isu treatment,bukan isu makanan, sori byk sangat spelling error sampaikan org tak faham

tp back to food issue, itu sbnrnya bukan masalah kat malaysia tp masalah kat negara2 sepaerti Us dan europe sbb raw mat for the bioethanol kat situ mostly adalah dari kacang soya dan jagung yg mana memang merupakan sumber makanan dan pengeluaran hasil2 tersebut sbnrnya makin berkurangan, so kat situ yg bermulanya isu ni..

kalau mengikut konteks Malaysia,masalah utamanya bukan rakyat boleh terima atau tidak, tp adalah masalah teknologi dan masalah terlampau selesa bergantung kepada nonrenewable energy source..frankly speaking, biasanya awal2 memang ramai yg takleh terima tp bila lama2 benda tu tak jadi isu pun



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Post time 24-3-2010 09:26 AM | Show all posts
aku tak nampak apa masalahnya di sini. please someone enlighten me on this one

as long as api kat rumah ada, kereta berjalan tanpa kenaikan kos yang ketara, so what's the big deal? kalau rakyat terpaksa absorb kos transition to renewable energy i.e. development cost itu lain citer la beb.

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Post time 24-3-2010 10:02 AM | Show all posts
aku tak nampak apa masalahnya di sini. please someone enlighten me on this one

as long as api kat rumah ada, kereta berjalan tanpa kenaikan kos yang ketara, so what's the big deal? kalau rakyat ter ...
cmf_aishiteru Post at 24-3-2010 09:26

What's the big deal? The big deal here is - the price of petroleum will rise at any moments time, due to factors like wars, economic etc. The World become chaos, you will not have fuel. IF OPEC decide to increase fuel price, it will come out of your pocket. Another Economic crisis hit, you will be begging in the streets because you couldn't have enough money to pay for your fuel. THAT'S the Big deal.

Biofuel means the production of fuel will be locally, distributed by local agents, created using local materials and its supplies will not change no matter how bad things get in the World. In another world - NO ECONOMIC CRISIS like the one we had since 1997.

And transition cost is not a big problem because Malaysia have a lot of resources like palm trees and waste product from rice industries. The cost will not be too high - only maybe the cos of changing the engine and changing the fuel stations (which can be done slowly throughout the nation).

Also, Malaysians have shown that they are capable of changing for the better when many of them have changed from petroleum based fuel for their cars to natural-gas based. Therefore, once again - the problem here is NOT Cost or the People unable to change. IT IS POLITICS.

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Post time 24-3-2010 11:34 AM | Show all posts
No i'm not talking about the energy crisis here, I'm talking about what would be the problem of accepting renewable energy among Malaysians. On another note, thanks for explaining the energy crisis, captain obvious.

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Post time 24-3-2010 11:53 AM | Show all posts
No i'm not talking about the energy crisis here, I'm talking about what would be the problem of accepting renewable energy among Malaysians. On another note, thanks for explaining the energy crisis, c ...
cmf_aishiteru Post at 24-3-2010 11:34

I failed to see what are you talking about here.

We know that the 1997 economic crisis had caused an increase in fuel, which force the people to pay AT LEAST 40% more for the same fuel that they were using the year before.

This increase in 40% had reduced buying rates in the market, which brought down many of the businesses like vehicle manufacturing in Malaysia, as well as effect other industries like tourism. Also, the increase in fuel price had forced other consumer products to rise up the price, and it was the people who had suffered when the Government refused to continue the subsidy.

So, in that context, it is only rational and logical for Malaysians (and other countries as well) to switch to other fuel resources which will not be effected in situations like the economic crisis. That is my argument here.



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Post time 24-3-2010 12:12 PM | Show all posts
I really appreciate you for taking time to incessantly entertain me with your opinions (no I am no being sarcastic here, I meant it). However, you only partially answer my question. See your explanation is an answer to WHY we should switch to renewable energy, but my question is a matter of WHY NOT Malaysians support such a beautiful plan? - Please read the title of this thread. If Malaysians really oppose such a plan, why so? Are the technologies (i.e. transition, development) more expensive, means do customers have to end up paying more for the bills. Does the plan significantly change our way of living and in what way? I fail to see any problem so far maybe because I am an idiot. In my opinion, as long as customers can travel with gasoline engine (now gasoline can be replaced with biofuel) and consume electricity (generated by renewable source of energy duh), so what's with the hype? The only thing I can think of if, as I already pointed out before, is the environmental cost of the renewable energy (which sounds like pretty ironic to me) which might not look good to the environmentalist and greenpeace.



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Post time 24-3-2010 12:55 PM | Show all posts
my dear beloved forumer,

I see both of you have good points, bravo;)
my advise:
please keep the track and do not make provocation

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Post time 24-3-2010 01:26 PM | Show all posts
by cmf_aishiteru

Please read the title of this thread. If Malaysians really oppose such a plan, why so?  

I have read that question and have offered my answer - the reason for it is not Malaysians who oppose it, but because of Government (policy). Malaysia have yet to change to renewable fuel because of POLITICS.

Are the technologies (i.e. transition, development) more expensive, means do customers have to end up paying more for the bills.  

If you have read my statements, I have already stated that Malaysians have NO problems to change to renewable energy like gas. Already, for the past few years, a lot of vehicles have been modified to support natural gas as a new source of fuel, and it is done by the consumers and NOT the government. Therefore, the people are willing to change and they are changing.

In my opinion, as long as customers can travel with gasoline engine (now gasoline can be replaced with biofuel) and consume electricity (generated by renewable source of energy duh), so what's with the hype?

The "hype" are :

1. WHY pay more for petroleum when you can get more in form of natural gas?

2. WHY pay more for gas and electricity when you can get electricity FOR FREE using solar panels which can store electricity in batteries for the night?

3. WHY buy and use diesel generators for electricity when you can generate power for free using wind turbines - especially in the coastal areas which are windy all the time?

4. WHY abuse the Environment with greenhouse gases when you can turn green with natural gases, solar energy and biofuel?

It is obvious that as a consumer, we can benefit more by using natural gas, biofuel and solar energy instead of using petroleum. Question here is - WHY don't you make the change? Being ignorant is not an answer, it is a mental sickness. :re:



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Post time 24-3-2010 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Renewable energy may not look like much for people who have (willing) to pay more for the fuel, however there are a lot of benefits in changing to renewable fuel source. Malaysia is located in the tropics, and the Tropic is a place which has abundant energy, which is limited ONLY by Man's willingness to harness it.

Malaysia is surrounded by coastal areas, and many of these coastal areas are undeveloped. I have recently went to Pulau Ketam - a remote island settlement off the coast of Port Klang and looked around. The settlement there have received power and gas only recently (1970s) and therefore, it is still undeveloped.

By using Science and Technology, we could transform such remote place into a proper settlement which could bring in tourists and business through Eco-Tourism. By using Wind turbines, we could generate more power than it could ever need for such a small community and they do not need to bring gas and petroleum from the mainland.

Using rechargeable batteries, which powered by the wind turbines, fishermen can use them on their boats (which could also be powered by solar panels) and that could drastically reduce the need to pay for fuel unnecessarily. And this formula could be used in other coastal and fishing ports in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak and East Malaysia.

Therefore, it is my argument that the people will benefit more now and in the long run if they change toward renewable source of energy like wind, solar and biofuel instead of relying on petroleum.



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Post time 24-3-2010 04:24 PM | Show all posts
back to the main reason for this tread, i think that there are certain thing that the topic starter not aware...
1st is the introduction itself is not synchronize with the main objective of the survey, your intro is not clear and i'm sorry to say that actually the tread starter himself is not fully understand this matter..i do your survey but the question is actually is not right, for your information the diesel that we used today is not just petroleum but actually is blend with bioethanol...corect me if i'm wrong
2nd is from the survey,its more about the increase in the price... frankly speaking, the used of bioethanol is not only environment friendly but i think its will not really effect the cost because as we know the nonrenewable raw mat such as petroleum is become lesser and it become more expensive, so compare to the something that we can grow ourself, from my point of view, the change to the biodiesel is not as expensive as depanding on the petroleum...
it just as i said before, it all about technology, its not about either we ready for it or not..we still dont have enough technology and i believe that out there, many reseacher and oil companys itself already make a move to develop the tech because every one aware that we now already face the energy crisis

my personal opinion, i actually dont understand the point of survey actually, why bother to ask whether we can take it or not while it definitely happen.
and one more thing,we can direct others but we cant force them, and the responsibility is actually up to ourself, there is nothing as READY or NOT if we want to and it just common for human being to resist the change but nothing we can do about it unless someone can find petroleum on mars

penat aku sepiking..grammar tunggang langgang ada ati nak sepiking london



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Post time 24-3-2010 05:59 PM | Show all posts
okay i'm back from seminar. dahlah demam
good job linome, keep it up man. linome and sephiroth have said enough so I do not have anything much to add. i agree with both that the topic is pretty irrelevant to me as well. ready or not we are already on it - even hydroelectric dams (kenyir and temeggor) are source of renewable energy

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