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[Budaya] Seni Masakan/Resepi

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Post time 7-2-2022 12:17 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Tashu at 7-2-2022 12:25 PM

Thread khusus untuk kita share resepi-resepi dan petua masakan...

Boleh kongsi resepi makanan tradisi mengikut negeri, atau resepi makanan kegemaran anda



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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Gulai Daging Kawah Citarasa Asli Kelantan

Daging Gulai Kawah
1/2 kg daging lembu hiris nipis
1paket kerisik (40g) - mama ltk dlm 3 sudu mkn
1 paket kecil kari daging- mama ltk dlm 5 sudu mkn sbb suka pekat2
1 labu bawang merah (kisar)
3 ulas bawang merah (kisar)
3 ulas bawang putih (kisar)
2inci halia (kisar)
2 batang serai (ketuk)
3-4 sb cili giling
3 helai daun limau purut
1 cawan santan pekat (DJ ltk 1/3 cawan je)
Rempah 4 beradik
3sb gula merah - gula timbang brown color
2-3 keping asam keping

Panaskan minyak, tumiskan rempah 4 beradik, bahan kisar,serai ketuk sehingga wangi.
Masukkan cili giling masak hingga garing dan pecah minyak.
Masukkan daging dan kacau rata.Masukkan sikit air dan kacau rata lagi.
Bila daging agak empuk, masukkan santan, kerisek, garam, gula merah, daun limau purut dan asam keping
Biarkan mereneh hingga daging betul2 empuk.Kacau sekali sekala
Biarkan sampai pekat.Tutup api.
Sedap dimakan dengan nasi atau roti



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Post time 7-2-2022 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Tashu replied at 7-2-2022 11:24 AM
Gulai Daging Kawah Citarasa Asli Kelantan

Daging Gulai Kawah

Salu makan dekat kedai makan kat Pantai Dalam

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:42 PM | Show all posts

Bhn2 :
3 bj telur (sejuk)
1 sk ovalette
1 1/4 cwn gula (kisar halus)
1 sk esen ros
1 cwn aiskrim soda
2 1/2 cwn tepung gandum
1 sk baking powder
3 jenis pewarna
Coklat compound
Colour rice
Kon secukupnya

Cara2 membuatnya :
1) Putar telur, gula & ovalette sehingga kembang (5-8 minit)
2) Masukkan esen ros & aiskrim soda. Putar sebati kejap je.
3) Masukkan tepung & baking powder yg telah diayak ke dlm adunan. Kacau sebati.
4) Bahagikan kpd 3 bahagian & warnakan. Kemudian masukkan ke dlm piping bag.
5) Panaskan kukusan. Susun kon ke dlm lubang pengukus. Tinggalkan sedikit lubang utk pengudaraan wap panas.
6) Paipkan adunan 3 warna satu persatu sehingga 3/4 kon.
7) Balut penutup dgn kain. Kukus selama 15 minit api sederhana.
    Cairkan coklat. Masukkan ke dlm piping bag kemudian paipkan ke atas apam. Taburkan colour rice.
9) Bila coklat dah keras boleh la buka kon. Siap!



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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:42 PM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 7-2-2022 12:30 PM
Salu makan dekat kedai makan kat Pantai Dalam

sedap kan
sy kalu bulan puasa slalu cari ni kt bazar ramadan.

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Nasi goreng cili kering

cili kering (rendam dulu)
ikan bilis
bwg putih
bwg merah
kacang panjang
-tumbuk cili kering ngan bwg putih, bwg merah
-masukkan belacan, tumbuk kasar2
-panaskan minyak.. goreng ikan bilis, ketepikan
-masuk bahan2 yg ditumbuk td.. tumis smp naik bau
-masukkan nasi, bebola dan kcg panjang
-rasakan dgn garam,masuk ikan bilis goreng td - tutup api siap!



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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 12:46 PM | Show all posts

12 keping roti
3 biji telur
200ml susu segar 8 keping keju
1 cekak daun sup
1 biji cili merah (dihiris)
4 sudu besar sos lada hitam
4 sudu besar sos tomato
300 gram daging cincang
3 ulas bawang putih (dicincang)
1 biji bawang besar ( dicincang)
1 cubit garam dan gula

Cara -cara
Sapukan keseluruhan loyang dengan mentega.
Pukul telur dan susu sehingga sebati.
Celup roti ke dalam bancuhan susu tadi dan susun ke dalam bekas sehingga penuh.
Tuangkan separuh dari inti tadi ke atas roti dan ratakan.
Susun kepingan keju ke atas daging.
Ulangi dan tambah lagi satu lapis roti dan daging.
Akhir sekali, taburkan parutan keju di atas lapisan atas sekali.
Jika ada lebihan telur, siramkan di atas roti.
Bakar pada suhu 180 darjah Celsius selama lebih kurang 40 minit.



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Post time 7-2-2022 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Tashu replied at 7-2-2022 11:42 AM
sedap kan
sy kalu bulan puasa slalu cari ni kt bazar ramadan.

Ni beli bomboloni...nom nom

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Post time 7-2-2022 02:04 PM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 7-2-2022 12:30 PM
Salu makan dekat kedai makan kat Pantai Dalam

dok pantai asal kerinci jugak...bleh lh ngeteh kot

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Post time 7-2-2022 02:07 PM | Show all posts
musangbodoh replied at 7-2-2022 01:04 PM
dok pantai asal kerinci jugak...bleh lh ngeteh kot

Mak cik dok situ...tu yg tahu...satu lagi kedai puyuh goreng tu...sedap

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 02:14 PM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 7-2-2022 12:52 PM
Ni beli bomboloni...nom nom

respi mana respi

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Post time 7-2-2022 02:20 PM | Show all posts

Published: May 22, 2020, Last updated: Feb 9, 2021 by Emily This post may contain affiliate links.

Soft and light Italian Bomboloni Doughnuts rolled in sugar and filled with Italian pastry cream (crema pasticciera). These doughnuts are insanely delicious and make such a special treat!
I don't think there's much that can beat fresh, warm doughnuts?
Unless they are filled with thick limoncello spiked Italian pastry cream (crema pasticciera), now that is pure heaven!
I'm obsessed with crema pasticciera in every way whether it's used as a tart filling for Torta della Nonna, mixed with whipped cream and used to fill layer cakes or piped into Italian pastries like cornetti (croissants) or bomboloni.
In Italy bomboloni are often served in bars for breakfast alongside a cappuccino and like cornetti con crema they are generously filled, so much so that they feel heavy in your hand but are so light and delicious when you take a bite.
Fun fact: Bomboloni literally translates as big bombs which is such a perfect name for big round doughnuts jam-packed with an irresistible filling!
Bomboloni are made with simple store cupboard ingredients including; flour, eggs, butter, milk, sugar, vanilla, fast action yeast, salt and pastry cream.
For a super light doughnut dough use half Italian 00 flour (you can also use all-purpose) and half strong bread flour.
Put the flour, sugar and yeast in the mixer bowl and stir to combine (photo 1).
Scatter cubes of butter over the flour so it's evenly distributed then pour in the eggs and lukewarm milk (photo 2).
Attach a dough hook attachment to the mixer then knead on a low speed for 10 minutes (on a KitchenAid mixer I use speed 2).
After 10 minutes the dough should be smooth, elastic and slightly tacky (photo 3).
Tip the dough out onto a clean work surface (you don't need any flour and extra flour should be avoided if possible). Shape the dough into a smooth ball by kneading it 2-3 times (photo 4).
Place the dough in a clean bowl lightly greased with oil and cover with plastic wrap. Leave to prove for 2-3 hours or until tripled in size (photos 5 & 6).
Once the dough has risen, tip it out onto a clean work surface, knock out the air then knead it a few times back into a smooth ball (photo 7).
Flatten the dough with your hands then roll out  into a rectangle ½ inch (1.5cm) thick (photo 8 & 9).
Use a cookie cutter or glass to cut out round doughnuts about 3.5 inch in diameter. You can cut the scraps into random shapes for frying or re-knead them and roll out again to cut out more doughnuts (photo 10).
Place the cut out doughnuts on a surface lined with baking parchment and cover loosely with plastic wrap. Leave to prove for 1-1.5 hours or until doubled in size (photo 11).
While the doughnuts are proving, make the pastry cream and leave to cool (directions below).
When ready to fry heat a large deep pan or pot of oil until it reaches 170°C/337°F.
Cut the parchment paper into squares so that each doughnut is on an individual square of parchment (photo 12).
Top Tip: the parchment paper helps keep the doughnuts nice and round, you can easily knock air out if you handle them.
Carefully drop the doughnuts into the oil and immediately remove the parchment paper with tongs (photo 13)
Fry the doughnuts for 2 minutes then turn over and fry for another 2 minutes on the other side (photo & 15).
Remove and drain on kitchen paper for around 2 minutes then roll the doughnuts in sugar. Leave to cool before filling (photo 16).
To fill the bomboloni insert a small knife into the side of a doughnut and move it around to make a small incision (photo 18).
Fill a piping bag with the pastry cream or desired filling and pipe it into the doughnuts (photo 19 & 20).
Put the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and lemon zest in a large bowl and whisk until well combined.
Add the cornstarch and whisk again until well combined.
Heat the milk in a saucepan until hot then turn off the heat and let it sit for 1 minute.
Slowly pour in the milk into the egg mixture while constantly whisking so the eggs don’t scramble and there are no lumps.
Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and heat on a low heat whilst constantly stirring until thick and creamy (about 10-15 minutes) the mixture needs to be very thick. Don’t be tempted to turn up the heat or the eggs will scramble.
Once thick, turn of the heat and leave to cool before piping into the Bomboloni. For a more comprehensive guide on how to make the Crema Pasticcera check out our Italian Pastry Cream Recipe!
There are so many filling options when it comes to bomboloni you don't need to stick to pastry cream, here are some more delicious options:
  • Chocolate spread (If you're like me and avoid palm oil I have a super easy recipe for makinghomemade Nutella).
  • Jam - strawberry, blackberry, raspberry or apricot just to name a few
  • Whipped cream - simple and delicious
  • Dulce de leche or a caramel cream
  • If you are using cups to measure the flour you must spoon the flour into the cup then lightly tap the cup until the flour has settled and levelled. This is important to achieve as accurate a weight as possible. A kitchen scale is recommended for accuracy.
  • If using a stand mixer keep it on a low-speed setting to avoid over kneading the dough (KitchenAid speed 2).
  • The oil should be around 3 inches deep for best results when frying.
  • Try not to overcrowd the pan when frying as the oil will cool down when you add more dough. Fry the doughnuts in batches to make it easier and safer to remove them too.
  • Drain the fried doughnuts on kitchen paper for about 2 minutes to allow them to drain properly then roll in sugar whilst still warm. If you don't do this when the doughnuts are warm the sugar won't stick.
  • Wait until the bomboloni are cooled before filling them.
BOMBOLONI MAKING FAQS[size=1.2em]Do I need to use a stand mixer to make doughnuts?
I use a Kitchen Aid stand mixer to knead the dough but you can totally do it by hand. If kneading by hand you'll need to knead it for at least 10 minutes.
Mix everything in a bowl using a wooden spoon then once it comes together tip it onto a clean work surface very lightly dusted with flour and start to knead it.
It will start off sticky but don't be tempted to add more flour as the gluten develops in the dough it turns smooth and elastic.

[size=1.2em]How do you achieve the white ring around a doughnut?
The white ring around a doughnut is due to the doughnut floating on top of the oil as it fries. If there is no white ring it's because the dough has been too heavy and sinks further into the oil.
Make sure your dough is proved for long enough and there is the correct wet to dry ingredients ratio for a light dough.

[size=1.2em]What oil should I use for frying?
I prefer to use sunflower oil for frying because it's very lightly flavoured and has a high burning point. Vegetable oil would also be a great choice but don't use an oil that's heavily flavoured or that has a low burning point such as olive oil.

[size=1.2em]What's the best temperature for frying Bomboloni?
The ideal temperature for frying is 170°C / 338°F. Don't go above 175°C/347°F or the doughnuts will brown on the outside before cooking right through. If your oil is too low it will result in oily and greasy doughnuts. I highly recommend using a thermometer so you don't go wrong.

[size=1.2em]How long do Bomboloni last?
Bomboloni like most doughnuts are best eaten the same day as they are made. You can store unfilled doughnuts in an airtight container for 1-2 days but they will dry out. Filled doughnuts don't dry out as quickly so will last a little longer, store them in the fridge in a dealed container for 1-3 days


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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 02:23 PM | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 7-2-2022 02:20 PM
BOMBOLONI - ITALIAN DOUGHNUTSPublished: May 22, 2020, Last updated: Feb 9, 2021 by Emily This post  ...

keep sharing

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Post time 7-2-2022 02:28 PM | Show all posts

Resepi Bingka (Bengkang) Ubi Kayu Lembut dan Lemak ManisBahan-bahan:
4 cawan ubi kayu parut
2 cawan santan pekat – dari 1 biji kelapa
1 cawan gula pasir
½ sudu kecil garam
Sedikit pewarna kuning
Cara cara:
Panaskan oven pada suhu 200 darjah Celcius menggunakan api atas dan bawah tanpa kipas.

Parut ubi kayu dan sukat. Masukkan semua bahan lain dan kacau rata sehingga gula hancur.
Tuang ke dalam loyang berukuran 7 X 7 inci dan ratakan permukaannya. Nota: saya guna loyang 8×8 inci.
Masukkan loyang ke dalam ketuhar dan letakkan di rak paling bawah. Bakar selama 1 jam – 1 1/2 jam atau hingga bahagian atas bengkang keperangan.
Untuk mendapat permukaan kuih yang keperangan, tukar api oven pada fungsi grill (api atas saja dan tanpa kipas) bila kuih telah masak. Bakar untuk 5 – 8 minit lagi atau mengikut tahap garing yang dikehendaki. Nota: Saya tak buat seperti ini, sebaliknya bakar lebih 2 jam.

Setelah masak, keluarkan dan sejukkan lebih kurang 3-5 jam sebelum dipotong dan dihidang. Kuih akan lekang dari tin pembakar apabila ia berada pada suhu bilik. Azie Kitchen


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 Author| Post time 7-2-2022 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Tashu at 7-2-2022 02:55 PM
Karipap Sardin

Inti Sardin
2 tin sardin cap ayam ( tin kecil leper)
6 biji kentang size sederhana
5 sudu besar cili kisar
1 sudu besar serbuk kari daging
1 kiub pati ayam
3 biji bawang besar - dibelah 2, dimayang
3 tangkai daun kari
3 biji cili merah- hiris nipis ( kalau suka pedas boleh tambah cili api)
2 cawan air
Garam & gula secukup rasa
Minyak masak untuk menumis

Bahan2 tumbuk/kisar:
1/2 inci halia
7 ulas bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih

- panaskan minyak dalam kuali..(jgn terlampau banyak ye minyak takut nanti masa isi inti kerja mengisi inti jadi sukar)
- tumis bahan2 kisar bersama cili kisar dan rempah kari daging.. Kacau hingga naik minyak/agak garing..
- masukkan sardin.. ( terpulang samada nak masuk dgn sosnya sekali atau nak guna ikan sardin sahaja, boleh je mana2..)
- kacau seminit sambil hancur2kan sedikit sardin tu.. Kemudian boleh masukkan 2 cawan air.. Biarkan hingga mendidih..
- setelah mendidih masukkan kentang, daun kari, dan pati ayam.. Kacau rata..
- masukkan garam & gula.. Gula kena lebih sikit sbb inti kena ada rasa manis2 baru balance dgn rasa kulit karipap..kalau inti hanya rasa masinnya lebih ketara karipap mmg rasa tak sedap nanti..
- bila dah agak pekat dan kentang 3/4 empuk boleh masukkan cili merah & bawang besar yg dimayang tadi.. Terus kacau hingga inti mengering.. Tapi masa hampir2 kering tu jgn lupa rasa.. Kalau kurang apa2 boleh di tambah..
- Bila dah kering dan rasa dah cukup boleh tutup api dan angkat.. Gunakan inti ni bila dah betul2 sejuk ye.. Jgn guna masa panas2.. Lagi mudah nak gunakan inti jika inti baru keluar dari peti sejuk.. Senang di kendalikan ketika kerja2 bubuh inti nanti..

Kulit Karipap
( sukatan cawan gunakan cawan baking/metrik)
1/2 cawan minyak masak
1/2 cawan marjerin planta
3 1/2 cawan tepung gandum (diayak)
1 cawan air sejuk ( air + ais )
3/4 sudu kecil garam halus

- panaskan minyak & marjerin dalam periuk hingga mendidih diatas dapur..
- satukan tepung dan garam..gaul rata..
- Curah minyak & marjerin yg tgh panas tu kedalam tepung.. Hati2.. Permulaan proses gaul tepung dgn minyak & marjerin panas tu kena guna senduk/spatula.. Setelah adunan agak rata, cuci tangan bersih2 baru gunakan tangan ratakan/ramas2 sedikit lagi hingga tepung & minyak+marjerin tadi betul2 sekata..
- bila dah sekata curahkan air sejuk ( air + ais) sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuli adunan.. Uli hingga adunan tak melekat di bekas & ditangan.. Siap..
- Sedia untuk dicanai.. Canai senipis yg boleh sebelum diisi inti.. Kalau kulit tebal karipap kurang rangup dan lambat garing bila digoreng..



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Post time 7-2-2022 03:02 PM | Show all posts
guy pliss ajar karipap pusing.banyak kali buat fail



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Post time 7-2-2022 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 7-2-2022 02:37 PM
acepark replied at 7-2-2022 02:02 PM
guy pliss ajar karipap pusing.banyak kali buat fail

Resipi Step By Step Buat Karipap Pusing Sedap Yang Gerenti Jadi.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Sedapnya Karipap Pusing. Makan panas-panas uih…sebiji memang tak cukup. Ramai yang ‘takut’ nak cuba kerana anggap KaripapPusing ni susah nak buat. Jangan bimbang, resipi perkongsian Opah Mas Cotek ni antara yang mudah. Cubalah.


  • 2 ½ cawan tepung gandum
  • ¼ cawan minyak masak – dipanaskan
  • Secubit garam
  • Air secukupnya ( air suhu biasa)
  • 1 ½ cawan tepung gandum
  • 2 sudu makan shortening
  • 1/2 cawan marjerin atau lebih
1. DOH MINYAK: Satukan semua bahan dan sebatikan. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sehingga doh tidak lekat di tangan.

2. DOH MARJERIN: Satukan semua bahan dan sebatikan hingga jadi doh.

3. Rupa doh minyak dan doh marjerin yang telah siap diuli.

4. Bulat-bulatkan doh minyak dan doh marjerin. Pastikan bilangannya sama banyak.

5. Ambil satu doh minyak. Leperkan. Masukkan doh marjerin di dalamnya.


6. Tutup doh. Bulatkan dengan sempurna sehingga jadi bulatan doh seperti dalam gambar. Rehatkan doh 5 minit.

7. Ambil 1 doh dan canaikan.

8. Kemudian sapu sedikit air di permukaan doh. Jangan banyak nanti doh lembik. Cukup sekadar calit-calit sahaja.

9. Gulung doh tadi dan letak memanjang seperti dalam gambar.

10. Kemudian canai memanjang doh yang digulung tadi.

11. Gulung doh sekali lagi seperti di bawah ini.

12. Potong doh guna pisau anggaran 1/2 inci tebal atau lebih sedikit.

13. Rupa kepingan doh yang telah dipotong.

14. Ambil sekeping doh dan canai. Jangan nipis. Jika tebal tidak mengapa.

15. Terbalikkan doh. Isikan inti pada bahagian bawah doh yang dicanai tadi. (bukan bahagian atas). Kelim doh dengan kemas. Inti boleh ikut cita rasa masing-masing.

16. Karipap pusing yang sudah siap di kelim.

17. Panaskan minyak dan goreng karipap guna api sederhana hingga keperangan.

18. Siap untuk dinikmati.
Kredit resipi: Opah Mas Cotek


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Post time 7-2-2022 04:29 PM | Show all posts
tq so much cantik kuih nye

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Post time 7-2-2022 05:23 PM | Show all posts
acepark replied at 7-2-2022 03:29 PM
tq so much cantik kuih nye

Tunjuk hasilnya nanti

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Post time 8-2-2022 08:53 AM | Show all posts

insyallah kalau dah buat saya share yee

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