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Author: tongkatwaran75

Bumi Akan Huru Hara@Kiamat pada 2013?

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Post time 22-9-2010 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Mungkin nyawa di extendkan setahun sebelum Kiamat...ermmm percaya kah anda? Aku tidak

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Post time 22-9-2010 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Allah ajer maha tahu bile kiamat!

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:08 AM | Show all posts
we are ruled by fear

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:11 AM | Show all posts
biasele... teknologi rosak ...server down...internet xde ... tu baru kiamat btul namanye... :lol
batmana Post at 22-9-2010 07:40

    abish la . tak leh berforum cari lagi.

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:11 AM | Show all posts
ni sun storm cam yg kat nat geo tu ka

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:13 AM | Show all posts
lambat atau cepat kiamat tu pasti berlaku, janji-janji Allah tidak pernah dimungkiri, sebagai umat i ...

dzaraa Post at 22-9-2010 08:37

kt dalam artikel tk da pn tulih kata ramal pasal kiamat..tajuk ja yg lebih2...

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:21 AM | Show all posts
aku just nak tanya yer mana2 pakar lam CI nih, apa beza hidrogen  bom dgn bom nukler... contoh hidro ...
bubpallo Post at 22-9-2010 07:54


[size=+2]Theenergy source is a mass of radioactive material such as uranium orplutonium. This material is very unstable; every atom's nucleus isready to fall apart ('decay') at the slightest nudge, releasing unneeded energy and extra neutrons. In the diagram, the plutonium (B) is given that nudge by the outer casing of TNT (A), which explodes all around it.

Here's what happens; the process is called 'Nuclear Fission':

[size=+2]Theplutonium is unstable, or radioactive. Its atoms are constantly'falling apart', breaking up into smaller elements that are morestable. Every time one nucleus does this, it releases the extra energyit no longer needs to hold it together, as well as a few left-overneutrons. This energy, and the escaping neutrons, is what we describeas the radiation being emitted from the radioactive plutonium.This energy and flow of escaping neutrons can damage human cells, soradioactivity is dangerous.
Enough atoms in the chunk of plutonium are breaking down at any onetime to make the chunk of plutonium warm up, but not enough to beconsidered an explosion.

[size=+2]What happens in the bomb, however, changes that!The force of the TNT explosion causes the plutonium to be squashed, orcompressed in size, and become very dense. This is called its 'critical mass'; the plutonium is now so densely packed together that theneutrons escaping from the decaying nuclei of plutonium cannot escapefrom the plutonium without bumping into another plutonium atom!
When they hit another atom, they cause that nucleus to break down too, whether it was ready to or not. That second nucleus releases more energy, and more neutrons, which in turn go on to hit and break up further nuclei. The decaying nuclei cause more decaying nuclei, and so on, in a rapidly escalating chain reaction... and all because the plutonium has been squeezed into such a densestate (by the TNT) that the escaping neutrons that normally would flyout of the material now can't, without hitting other nuclei!

[size=+2]Within a very tiny fraction of a second, allthe nuclei in the chunk of plutonium have been hit by escapingneutrons, and have broken down. The extra energy in trillions of atomicnuclei is all released at once! This energy is considerable; the atomicbomb dropped on Hiroshima in WWII was an example of this process.

[size=+2]Thankfully, more peaceful uses for this processhave been found. Critical mass can also be achieved by just collectingtogether enough plutonium in one place; if it's thick enough,the neutrons can't escape without hitting another nucleus, and thechain reaction will start. By inserting special neutron-absorbingmaterial in between portions of the plutonium, the rate at which thechain reaction proceeds can be controlled, resulting in a 'slow burn'instead of an explosion. This is the process that takes place inside anuclear power plant. The heat generated by the nuclear fission is usedto heat water into steam that turns a generator.

[size=+2]This is a much nastier bomb. Not only does it release much more energy, using a process called 'nuclear fusion', but it is triggered not by TNT, but by an atomic bomb!
The central core (B)is a mass made up of trillions of two kinds of atoms, which are bothisotopes of hydrogen, called deuterium and tritium. (These are justhydrogen atoms with one or two extra neutrons in each nucleus). Smallatomic bombs (A) scattered around the outside cause thedeuterium and tritium to be squeezed into a very dense mass, whichinitiates a process called nuclear fusion, releasing great quantities of energy.
This process is difficult to achieve; it's been described as trying to squeeze an unopened can of Coke into a little ball without spilling any Coke!
But there's more! As the core explodes, it causes the bomb casing,  (C), which is made from uranium, to undergo fission, creating even more energy.  In other words, an atomic bomb sets off a fusion bomb, which also triggers another atomic bomb!

Here are the details of the fusion process:

[size=+2]Theblock of deuterium and tritium atoms are squeezed into a super-densemass by the exploding atomic triggers. Nuclei of these two isotopes aresqueezed together by the force of the explosion.

The force is so great that it causes the nuclei to combine. This process is called nuclear fusion.

A new nucleus is formed ... helium.

But this new nucleus requires less energy to keep it together, andthere is one less neutron needed. This excess energy, and the neutron,escape as radiation.
The amount of escaping energy is huge; bombs of this type can release energy equivalent to the explosion of many millions of tons of TNT.
The escaping neutrons also cause the uranium in the bomb casingto undergo a fission chain reaction, the energy from which is added tothe total output of the bomb. It also results in much radioactivematerial being expelled into the atmosphere, which can later descend as'fallout', and kill living things. Bombs without the uraniumcasing just release a lot of energy and neutrons, killing in theimmediate vicinity without leaving a lot of radioactive fallout. These'cleaner' bombs are called neutron bombs.

[size=+2]We can hope that such devices of massdestruction will never again be used to kill people. Scientists now aretrying to salvage some good from the effort that went into making thesedevices. Knowing how a hydrogen bomb works has led to an effort torecreate the fusion process on a small scale, using only a few atoms ata time. The immense temperature and pressure needed to cause nuclei tofuse together actually occurs naturally ... in the sun. Nuclear fusion,in a very similar process, is slowly converting the sun's hydrogen intohelium, and releasing the energy as light and heat.
In order to reproduce this process on earth on a small scale, it isnecessary to find a way to exert very high pressure on a small sampleof deuterium and tritium. (ie: without using an atomic bomb andcreating an explosion). This process, called 'controlled nuclearfusion', would allow massive amounts of energy to be released, withvery little dangerous radiation, from a small amount of ... water! Itwould solve the earth's energy shortage forever!
Interested? Find out more on our Controlled Nuclear Fusion page!

PS aku bukan pakar....cuma pakar google.....hahahahaha

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:24 AM | Show all posts
kt dalam artikel tk da pn tulih kata ramal pasal kiamat..tajuk ja yg lebih2...
saudagar_mimpi Post at 22-9-2010 09:13


apapun kajian yg dilakukan, kematian tetap akan menghampiri jg...
napa nak tggu dunia dh nak kiamat br nak beramal ibadah?
napa x start dr skrg kan..?

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:29 AM | Show all posts
kt dalam artikel tk da pn tulih kata ramal pasal kiamat..tajuk ja yg lebih2...
saudagar_mimpi Post at 22-9-2010 09:13

    nih, tak kira la tajuk lebih ke hapa, saintis barat ni mmg suka buat orang cuak. dari dulu sampai skang, tu ingat tak yang kat sweden ke swiss yang derang nak buat Gelombang apa ntah yang boleh jadikan dunia ni revolusi baru.. teori Big Bang? haa apa jadi?

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 26# saudagar_mimpi

    memang tiada perkataan meramal or etc.....tapi mereka ni dari dulu lagi suka berkata-kata dan mengulangi perbuatan yang sama.....sebagai umat islam cuma pertingkatkan amal ibadah jadi apa yg nak dibmbangkan, semua tu mmg dah pasti akan berlaku, cuma masa dan ketika jer kita tak tahu....sedangkan kematian setiap haripun adalah kiamat kecil bagi setiap insan.....kita ni pun belum pasti akan bertemu dengan kiamat besar seperti yang disebut2kan.

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:34 AM | Show all posts
sebelum kiamat mari la kita meramaikan jemaah di surau n mesjid...

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:34 AM | Show all posts
ibadah ada banyak cara, but which cara yg paling banyak pahala ?

1. Sebar ilmu, umpama opensourcekan source code resipi buat air coca cola ?
2. Derma semua harta kekayaan ?
3. Sponsor pergerakan jihad ?

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:41 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Aku suggest baik kita semua ikut berdasarkan apa yang dah quran tetapkan. Benda2 ni hanya mainan kaf ...
nexusys Post at 22-9-2010 08:25 [url=][%2

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:41 AM | Show all posts
“Sekiranya di tangan kamu ada benih kurma dan kamu tahu bahawa esok akan berlaku hari kiamat, maka hendaklah kamu menanamnya dan jangan biarkan hari kiamat berlaku tanpa menanam benih kurma tersebut.”

apa lagi...keje...keje....

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Post time 22-9-2010 09:49 AM | Show all posts
daripada pikirkan bila ari kiamat, baik pikir bila2 masa ALLah swt leh cabut nyawa......

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2010 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Sebelum Kiamat Akhbar, bersedia untuk Kiamat kecil;
Tanda-Tanda Kecil Kiamat

Antara TANDA-TANDA KIAMAT KECIL berdasarkan hadis

1. Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.

Dari Auf b. Malik r.a., katanya, “Rasulullah s. a. w. telah bersabda:”Aku menghitung enam perkara menjelang hari kiamat.”Baginda menyebutkan salah satu di antaranya, iaitu penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.”-Sahih Bukhari

2. Zina bermaharajalela.

“Dan tinggallah manusia-manusia yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang.” –
Sahih Muslim

3. Bermaharajalela alat muzik.
“Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan dan perubahan muka.” Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah; “Wahai Rasulullah bila hal ini terjadi?” Baginda menjawab;”Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyi-bunyian (muzik) dan penyanyi-penyanyi wanita” –
Ibnu Majah

4. Menghias masjid dan membanggakannya.

“Di antara tanda-tanda telah dekatnya kiamat ialah manusia bermegah-megahan dalam mendirikan masjid” –
Riwayat Nasai

5. Munculnya kekejian, memutuskan silaturrahim dan hubungan dengan tetangga tidak baik.
“Tidak akan datang kiamat sehingga banyak perbuatan dan perkataan keji, memutuskan hubungan silaturahim dan sikap yang buruk dalam tetangga.” –
Riwayat Ahmad dan Hakim

6. Ramai orang soleh meninggal dunia.
“Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga Allah mengambil orang-orang yang baik dan ahli agama di muka bumi, maka tiada yang tinggal padanya kecuali orang-orang yang hina dan buruk yang tidak mengetahui yang makruf dan tidak mengingkari kemungkaran -
Riwayat Ahmad

7. Orang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat.
“Di antara tanda-tanda semakin dekatnya kiamat ialah dunia akan dikuasai oleh
Luka’ bin Luka’ (orang yang bodoh dan hina). Maka orang yang paling baik ketika itu ialah orang yang beriman yang diapit oleh dua orang mulia” -Riwayat Thabrani

8. Mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang dikenalnya sahaja.
“Sesungguhnya di antara tanda-tanda telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah manusia tidak mahu mengucapkan salam kepada orang lain kecuali yang dikenalinya saja.” -
Riwayat Ahmad

9. Banyak wanita yang berpakaian tetapi hakikatnya telanjang.
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a.
“Di antara tanda-tanda telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah akan muncul pakaian-pakaian wanita dan apabila mereka memakainya keadaannya seperti telanjang.”

10. Bulan sabit kelihatan besar.
“Di antara tanda-tanda telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah menggelembung (membesarnya) bulan sabit.”
Riwayat Thabrani

11. Banyak dusta dan tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita.

“Pada akhir zaman akan muncul pembohong-pembohong besar yang datang kepadamu dengan membawa berita-berita yang belum pernah kamu dengar dan belum pernah didengar oleh bapa-bapa kamu sebelumnya, kerana itu jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka agar mereka tidak menyesatkanmu dan memfitnahmu”-
Sahih Muslim

12. Banyak saksi palsu dan menyimpan kesaksian yang benar.
“Sesungguhnya sebelum datangnya hari kiamat akan banyak kesaksian palsu dan disembunyikan kesaksian yang benar”-
Riwayat Ahmad

13. Negara Arab menjadi padang rumput dan sungai.

“Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga negeri Arab kembali menjadi padang rumput dan sungai-sungai.”
Sahih Muslim

Wahai saudara-saudaraku, marilah berfikir sejenak… yang mana sudah ada petanda pada hari ini? Ya Rabbi, ampunilah mereka yang beriman denganMu, moga hambamu ini bukan dikalangan manusia yang dimurkai.

kredit to:


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Post time 22-9-2010 10:03 AM | Show all posts
mcm2 la, dulu kata thun 99,2000, 2012, 2013 plak........

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Post time 22-9-2010 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Dah extend ke 2013 ke?

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Post time 22-9-2010 10:12 AM | Show all posts
huru-hara di bumi je.... tak de pulak story pasal kiamat tu..

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Post time 22-9-2010 10:13 AM | Show all posts
ni ribut solar punya cerita...napa tak update kat thread lepas je...aritu mereka anggarkan dlm tahun 2011...skang dah jadi 2013..hehe

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