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can allergy be cured?
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can allergy be cured? am allergic to nuts and certain types of seafood. Rashes n itchiness are common but i do feel numb esp at my fingers when it got worse. avoiding to stay away from those food but sometimes do succumb to temptations. please share if u have any tips or health regime for high intolerant like me. thanks |
Insya Allah can. Smer penyakit ada ubatnya..i used to have allergies to seafood. But now i can eat all types of seafood anytime & any amount without any allergies ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
erm,till now the medikation only to relief the symptoms... or else, try to eat those thing that u alergy with a very small portion... very very small... sometimes it helps... u may not allergy to that things anymore/// |
Reply 2# neomorpheus
ape treatment u buat bolh hilngkn alergi? |
aku dulu alergic dgn seafood gak. Tp skrg alhamdulillah da bleh mkn. Xsure la cmne bleh ok blk. Tp sblm 2 ayah pnh suh amalkn pil bwg putih. Sblm 2 rajin2 gak mkn. Tp skrg da jrg2 mkn. Bwg puth bgs utk buang toksin dlm bdn. |
cure tu tak sure..kalau ikut apa yg iman belajar dulu tak skrg tak tau. cuma ko blh mkn mcm biasa tp kalau time allergic tu stop dulu n kalau teruk sgt ambik antihistamine. pastu dh baik mn balik dan begitu la seterusnya...
cara ni actually nak increase immune system...cma tak sure org dewasa ok tak apply cara ni.. ak cuba blh je.. |
antihistamin tu tlg reliefkan symptom tu, masa reaksi alergi tu, histamin kuar, tu nape org mkn antihistamin, it helps to relief, tu gatal x ilang tu... |
Reply 6# iman_kasih
betul cakap Iman...
if ikut terminalogy CURE to, mungkin kurang tepat kut...but it gets better with time... but allergic ni ada banyak level. Most dangerous is Level 1, which is anaphylaxis, that can cause death...
the reason why previously people showed allergic reaction, but now no longer tak ada, is because of desensitization. i nak terangkan dalam layman term pun tak reti, but basically, bila you dah selalu 'intriducekan' the trigger factor, lama2 the body can adapt & accept.
macam patients kat hospital, if dalam rekod diorang ada tulis "allergic to penicillin" we will see what kind of allergic reaction yang patient develop. then from there we will go accordingly. katakanla allergic reaction dia tu minor2 (macam itchy, rashes) we will still give patient penicillin but bagi dalam bentguk test dose (ie 1 in 10000 punya dilution), then we see how, then we increase slightly...
most of the time, patients yang pernah allergic pada penicillin dulu ( katakanla 10 years ago), doesnt mean dia akan allergic now.. |
Reply 1# Arlina
you sure you're allergic yer? not G6PD deficiency? |
Reply 9# cn7
do u mind tell me more bout G6PD Deficiency. I have no idea if i have it. I rarely take medications n actually been trying to avoid taking any pills. I just read read some articles bout G6PD Deficiency and says it is somehow genetic disorder and genetically inherited. by any chance it is true? |
Tubuh badan kita berdasarkan 4 unsur alam iaitu api, air, angin, tanah. Bila tubuh badan kita diserang penyakit, bermakna ada antara unsur ini yg menghadapi masalah dalam tubuh kita. Jadi kita kena imbangkan semula unsur yang terlibat. Setakat ini hanya perubatan berasaskan herba iaitu perubatan AYURVEDA yang terbukti berkesan merawat dan menyembuhkan penyakit. AYURVEDA adalah perubatan herba paling lama di dunia yang telah banyak merawat dan menyembuhkan pelbagai penyakit sejak beribu tahun dulu sebelum kedatangan perubatan moden yang mana perubatan moden hanya merawat tp tidak menyembuhkan.
Sehubungan itu sya syorkan u dapatkan rawatan alternatif di LUQMAN HERBS CENTRE. Pengamal Perubatan kat cni akan check pulse untuk memastikan punca penyakit yang sebenarnya. tq. |
Reply 10# Arlina
the reason i ask if you have G6PD is because you said you are allergic to nuts... selalunya orang yang ada G6PD ni memang genetically born with. Sekarang ni semua baby yang lahir akan terus dibuat test sama ada G6PD deficiency ke tidak. If ada, then diorang kena avoid all the trigger factors ie kacang parang, ubat gegat, certain type of ubat & etc....
if by chance diorang terkena trigger factor tu, then hemolisis (pemecahan sel darah merah) boleh berlaku dan simptom macam merah2 badan, rashes, or sometimes in worse cases, SOB (shortness of breath). kadang2 orang confuse antara 2 ni....
what to do when you have G6PD? Avoid the trigger factors. |
Reply 11# Senduduk_Putih
You ada pengalaman dapat treatment kat sana ker?
why not you share with the rest? ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Doc kat cni dah rawat dan sembuhkan seramai 70,000 org pesakit yang idap mcm2 jenis penyakit sejak 20 tahun yang lalu. Dulu dia jalankan operasi di Balik Pulau, Pulau Pinang now di Subang Jaya dah 5 tahun. |
Reply 14# Senduduk_Putih
ni homeopathy ker? |
Reply 15# cn7
Tubuh badan kita berdasarkan 4 unsur alam iaitu api, air, angin, tanah. Bila tubuh badan kita diserang penyakit, bermakna ada antara unsur ini yg menghadapi masalah dalam tubuh kita. Jadi kita kena imbangkan semula unsur yang terlibat. Setakat ini hanya perubatan berasaskan herba iaitu perubatan AYURVEDA yang terbukti berkesan merawat dan menyembuhkan penyakit. AYURVEDA adalah perubatan herba paling lama di dunia yang telah banyak merawat dan menyembuhkan pelbagai penyakit sejak beribu tahun dulu sebelum kedatangan perubatan moden yang mana perubatan moden hanya merawat tp tidak menyembuhkan. |
allergic berlaku kerana 'lack'of T cell Suppressor dari organ Thymus utk menstabilkan imune system.. |
Reply 12# cn7
Thanks for the explanations. i think i will going to check myself if i have the G6PD. i do notice tht i cannot take nuts mcm kacang parang tu. thts the main culprit of all. lately i noticed tht i have the same prob with dairies product esp butter. somehow it is off n on symptom so i dont really know whether im lactose intolerance. |
Reply 17# anuar
yeah. i guess my immune system is kinda weak. other than allergy i dont have any other illness. |
Reply 18# Arlina
Ok ...maybe later you can update on the test yang you buat, how it is conducted & how it went |
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