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Ada hantu?? jgn lupa beli nie
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The USB Ghost Radar
The USB Ghost Radar supposedly does just as it says, detect ghosts.
This USB gadget might be perfect for any of the psychics out there. The device itself seems to be quite complex, with an array of sensors and alert lights, as well as a very complex algorithm for detecting the paranormal which analyses the sensor data, factors in biometric feedback from your skin, makes lunar-cycle adjustments and many other things. For the most part the sensors take in information dealing with unusual magnetic waves in the room.
While in use, the gadget beeps in rhythm, and the lights are activated depending on the situation. The volume and intensity of the beeps supposedly indicates how close your ghost is. The lights are used to help you determine the ghost’s position, the ghost’s movement, and the risk possibilities. |
wahhhhhhhhhh....ade alat detect antu la...menarik nih
err...kalau kacang antu die detect gak x? |
hr tu...aku try godek2 lappy...kan ada gadget...aku korek2 la gadget apa yg leh guna..skali ada gadget utk detect ghost daaaaaaa rs mcm nak guna gadget aku takut...satni time ada bunyi indicate mende tu....aku lak lari lintang pukang.... x tau la mende tu fungsinye betul ke idak... |
Betul ke nih? Kat android market pon ada few apps ghost dectector ni. Aku install macam hampeh je |
supin ngan sekizoo bleh la beli ni...deme kan suka sgt kejor antu neh   |
ish lagi la saiko kalau ada alat mcm ni..byang tengah2 malam kita duk ndapa berforum..suasana snyi sepi..sekali bunyi bip bip tu...and kita sedar ada entiti bersama kita...tak ke haru??? hahaha |
dulu ada kawan aku nak jual pulak benda ni pada aku.... aisehh... dia suruh aku business kan... beli dengan kadaran banyak, jual semula kat Malaysia dengan harga tinggi.... taknak aku... mengarut ajerr.... |
Reply 3# mimi77
lappy ape ade gadjet tu? |
senang la kalau ada alat tu...sapa2 perawat kena beli kot huhuhu..detect je ada hantu zasst huhuhu |
tak mo..takut...
sekali dia bunyi,murni pulak yang lari lintang pukang |
Reply 8# missyqaldina
sume lappy ada kot win7 je ada...kalo x pun ada...gadget ..mcm jam la...notes la...mcm2 la |
Reply 11# mimi77
spirit detector tu ke?aku tgh try guna ni.. |
Reply 12# amyL
ha'ah...ok ke ko guna? |
brp rege benda alah ni? klu murah aku nak beli satu, kt rumah banyak hantu... |
brp rege benda alah ni? klu murah aku nak beli satu, kt rumah banyak hantu...
myakayina Post at 11-4-2011 06:17 PM 
ada brani ka??? |
kalu benda ni betul leh detect hantu.kalau org bagi aku free pun aku tak nak.kang tak pasal2 aku tahu kat rmh aku ada hantu,aku juga yg kecut perut.  |
kalau letak kat kubur, mesti terus rosak menatang ni ek? tak pun bateri terus kong. hehehehe |
kalau letak kat kubur, mesti terus rosak menatang ni ek? tak pun bateri terus kong. hehehehe
Austris Post at 11-4-2011 19:58 
taw x pew..
bunyi jew spanjang mlm |
radar setakat leh kesan je ke? takleh kuar laser utk bunuh antu sekali ke?
tanak belilah...setakat kesan antu tu ada je buang masa, nak zasssst sekali gak... |
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