View: 7274|Reply: 16
| has stopped working
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salam semua..
bila cucuk je usb broadband terus jadi camni
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: ejectdisk.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49c22df4
Fault Module Name: ejectdisk.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 49c22df4
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00001e75
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
pening dah camner nak buat...
ada sapa2 yg sudi bantu ambe ni,thanks |
cabut usb tu, uninstall software dia.
cucuk usb modem tu biar dia install smula. |
kalo tak jadi jugak, cabut modem, uninstall software tu.
restart pc masuk safe mode.
open/run antivirus , pastu buat scan kat harddisk partition C (dan lelain partition kalau ada). |
Reply 1# afezal
ko pakai win7 kan? ni aku kopipes jawapan utk problem yg sama cam ko.. kot ada hasil...
Hi Suresh,
The model number is ZTE MF110 and it wasn't working earlier.
I tried to do what you told me but I still have the same issue.
What I did to try to solve the problem and actually it worked was to start windows in secure mode, after starting properly in that mode I inserted the USB modem to the computer and the device was recognized to start the software installation. I started the installation and was completed successfully without any error message. Later I ran the software to check if it was really successful but in safe mode there's no networking; so what I did was to reboot my computer again in normal mode then ran the program and the modem was recognized by it and the connection was made completelly.
Since I did that last week, the modem has been working fine and without any problem.
Thanks for your help Suresh and hope this could be a solution for someone else.
jawapan dr sini.... |
Reply 3# bzzts
dah cuba buat method yg disebutkan,tp still x boleh jgk... |
Reply afezal
ko pakai win7 kan? ni aku kopipes jawapan utk problem yg sama cam ko.. kot ada has ...
halimi78 Post at 22-7-2011 05:32 
ade jgk google pasal artikel kat atas tu seblm saya buat thread kat sini..
tapi still jugk x menjadi..
kalau run kat pc member dia guna XP ok jer dia 7 je masalah..aduh..
nk kena setup windows baru ke ni? |
installation software tu dah corrupt.
so ko kena uninstall software tu n then cuci registry smua dulu.
ataupun ko cuba buat custom installation ke partition lain, tengok boleh ke tidak. |
Reply 6# afezal
mmm.. kalo dah wat camtu x jadi... x logik la plak nak format sbb dia...
not a bad idea.. tp aku x rasa windows yg problem..
more likely driver zte yg problem..
cuba uninstall driver zte tu.. pastu bila cucuk jgn trs install..
open jek folder driver tu.. ekstrak sume file yg ada masuk dlm hdd..
cuba install dr hdd.. |
sblm2 ni aku guna huawei jek.. x penah lak guna zte...
btw, aku rasa huawei xde la plak bg aku masalah..
tmasuk bila aku nak upgrade firmware... |
Reply 9# halimi78
aku suspek virus... dia cuba serang exe file... :re: |
Reply 10# bzzts
wa dah lama x kene serang virus.. sbb tu x tlintas pasal virus..
virus autorun? |
Reply 11# halimi78
yup. Sality32 kalo tak silap. spesis worm, trojan. |
yay...akhirnya berjaya jugak install balik zte tu...
geram2 semalam saya format dan install windows baru ...abis cerita..hehe..terus baru run dgn jayanya..
tapi saya suspek ialah benda2 yang x86 2005+ resti ( kalau main games besar mesti dia suruh install benda nih) sbb sblm ni ok,lps install jer benda2 camtu terus USB broadband tu buat hal..rasa2 saya lah benda tu kot yg buat kalau sistem..huhu |
Reply 13# afezal
visual basic c+ runtime kot.
java runtime pun penting jugak tu. |
Reply 13# afezal
lupa lak ko suka main game... len kali... ko cuba donlod vc redist...
bkn stakat game.. ada lg software lain yg install mendalah tu..
masalah dia.. bila dia install dia akn overwrite yg sedia ada..
so, akn jd ada fail yg mismatch..
mcm yg aku slalu buat.. aku donlod segala versi vc redist yg ada..
n install kat pc.. cam directx gak... |
Reply 12# bzzts
lama sgt x jumpa virus.. xtau apa jenih dah skrg.. harap update dr org lain yg encounter.. |
thanks all for your reply...
problem solved...
boleh dah kot tutup benang nih..hehe |
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