MAKKAH: Jumlah jemaah yang ramai melawat Masjidil Haram di Makkah setiap hari terutama di bulan Haji dan Ramadan – telah memberi ilham kepada seorang arkitek, Eisa Al-Ibrahim merancang pembesaran Masjid Besar yang unik untuk menampung keperluan jemaah.
“Reka bentuk cadangan saya adalah untuk menambah jumlah tingkat di atas kawasan Mataf. Ini akan memberi ruang yang lebih besar dan menampung berjuta jemaah untuk melakukan tawaf,” katanya.
Reka bentuk itu akan dikaji oleh sarjana Islam. Eisa berpendapat, sangat perlu untuk membuat pilihan yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah kesesakan, terutama ketika tawaf. “Penjaga Dua Masjid Suci telah memberi arahan untuk membuat tambahan tingkat di kawasan Safa da Marwa untuk mengurangkan kesesakan ketika saie. Perubahan yang sama perlu dibuat di kawasan Tawaf kerana tidak ada kawasan lagi untuk pelebaran secara mendatar,” kata Eisa.
Pilgrms Performing the Farewell Tawaf Hajj 1432 HD
Originally Posted by Makkawi.Pk The Problem with the Mataf is really not the space, as you can see below, there is a lot of space which STILL can easily accommodate millions of worshippers. The real problems, in my opinion, are the following: 1-Marking the mataf:
There is no boundary of mataf, you can perform tawaf anywhere in the Masjid. Due to this, there are always people praying in the middle of the mataf, disturbing the people performing tawaf. If the whole courtyard could be made availaible for tawaf ONLY, it would be great. Or at least, they should mark a boundary beyond which the praying people should not be allowed to pass in normal times. (i. e. any time except prayer times). 2-The lack of discipline:
My father once told me, that a german architect designing the new jamarat bridge asked the authorities this question: "Muslims stand as one while praying, they follow the imam strictly. So why don't they show the same discipline during hajj?" The same problem applies to Tawaf, which I believe is pretty much the same as young saudi drivers.
People are always in a hurry for no reason at all, they don't walk in a single lane/line alway 'overtaking' the other people, causing "jams" and annoying pushes. Some people rudely push the others out of the way just to 'overtake'. I don't think there's a solution for this problem, but they should've discussed it while doing 'mataf research' because, I think, this is one of the major problems regarding tawaf. 3-The annoying Iranian and Turkish groups:
Everyone who has performed tawaf once should know this. I don't think I need to explain. These groups come in the mataf hand-in-hands, they enter the tawaf at any point (you're supposed to enter at the 'al-hajr-ul-aswad' corner), they literally bisect their way to the walls of Kaa'ba, (they really don't care if you are smashed under their feet) and recite "dhikr" collectively and really loud, and after finishing tawaf, they go out the sam way they came in. So, not only they disturb your tawaf, they also explode your head. GROUPPING IN TAWAF SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. Sometimes you just have to be strict.
To sum it up, I think the mataf problem should be handled completely like a traffic problem.
Some of you might find my analysis funny, but thats how I see it.
The only engineering problem with the mataf is that it should be round
2 juta jemaah haji datang bertandang saban tahun....
hopefully, kemudahan yang dibina dapat menampung kesemua jemaah dari seluruh dunia
dan quota yang diberikan kepada setiap negara islam akan dinaikkan jugak ...
betul katanya, kumpulan Iran dengan Turki selalu mendatangkan masalah. masuk kawasan tawaf dalam kumpulan besar, masing2 pegang tangan. pulak tu bukan nak masuk ikut pusingan, tapi melintangi pusingan. group China pun dah terikut cara diorang. diorang mungkin lupa tindakan diorang mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada jemaah lain boleh mengurangkan pahala tawaf diorang.
kalau tawaf kat bumbung atau mana2 tingkat kena make sure bahu kiri kita mengiringi kaabah (mazhab shafie). design tak bulat, itu masalahnya.
aku masih tak faham sampai sekarang kenapa orang nak bertawaf sampai kemalangan dan membunuh orang lain. bukan ke kata datang untuk mendapat keredhaan. kalau tempat yang kononnya suci ni pun manusia tak boleh nak berdamai dengan orang di sebelahnya, there must be something wrong with this religion