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Ubat Gigi COLGATE sebagai pencuci muka
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Akak nak tanya tuan-tuan doktor semua,
Bolehkah begitu? Kawan ofismate ni pakai, and menjadi kat dia. Sebab dia pakai kat muka + leher sahaja, putih tang tu ajerlah.
I've tried these few days, mmg sgt terasa kulit muka bersih sungguh, terasa sel2 mati takder. Akak cuba sbb kalau mulut kita yg agak sensitif boleh guna, so kulit pun kiranya OK lah kan?
But scientifically, is it applicable using tooth paste COLGATE (sahaja) as a cleanser?
Terima kasih on ur feedback yer |
Wahhh Curlustt betul..Ubat gigi buat Face cleanser ..If ok y not..dari membazir khenn..Kena tunggu pencerahan dari yg lebih arif... |
kalu betol tak mudarat, nk cuba gk.... |
kalu betol tak mudarat, nk cuba gk....
kurmasafia Post at 29-2-2012 16:10
Mmg terasa kemulusan kulit walopong tidak seputih yg mcm budak tu ckp tp still sgt suka sbb before this kalau pegang muka, terasa bonjol2 yg tak nampak sgt di mata org tp kita rasalah kan... Skrg ni mmg asa smooth ler jugak... tapi itulah takut memudaratkan plak lemama...
Wahhh Curlustt betul..Ubat gigi buat Face cleanser ..If ok y not..dari membazir khenn..Kena tunggu ...
adorable10 Post at 29-2-2012 15:54
Khennnnnnnnnn.. sgtlah cost saving tho' still pakai jugak face cleanser lain utk mencuci jugak.
Tapinya better lah dari dok slap memacam cream = toner + essence tapi hasil tidak sebagus yg murahan ini...
Harap cepatlah pencerahan di perolehi... |
hhmmm..kwn tu dh pakai berapa lama? |
Reply 5# kurmasafia
katanya 2 tahun as at now |
wahhh mcm best aje...lps ni borong colgate ajela...
opsss ni semua ubat gg ke hanya brand 'COLGATE'? |
aku dh try smlm...rasa berangin je muka..mata pon pedih sbb ubat gigi tu kan ada mint..... |
wahhh, jimatlaa pakai kolget...sbb facial wash mana ade yg murah..koman2 pun dh 10hengget..
kolget besar pun baru 6-7 hengget...ker dia pakai yg kolget putihkan gege tu...
kire dia jadik muke pom putih jugakkk.... |
Nak mencelah skit, dulu2 masa dok kat hostel memang selalu jugak la guna ubat gigi colgate wat sebagai pencuci muka.... Satu lagi kalau rasa nak mc, selalu sapu ubat gigi colgate banyak2 kat bawah ketiak sebelum tido malam.... Hehehe boleh demam oww, tapi bergantung la pada individu jugak.. Saya pernah buat dan hasilnya, saya demam panas!! Tobat tak mau buat dah... |
wahhh, jimatlaa pakai kolget...sbb facial wash mana ade yg murah..koman2 pun dh 10hengget..
kolget ...
puanyuzi Post at 1-3-2012 08:59
ha'ah kan.. cer TT tanya sikit ke kawan tu.. colgate je ke? colgate jenis apa? dah macam2 perasa dah ni.. kang beli lain.. kawna pakai lain.. muka kita jadi lain.. TT plak kang kena marah |
ubat gigi sebagai pencuci muka tak penah dgr.. tapi myth utk heal jerawat pernah dgr.
Just some info:
Toothpaste can have astringent properties that "may" help with acne, but the problem is there is a dozen of other ingredients in toothpaste that is not designed to be applied onto skin. Such inappropriate chemicals on skin can lead to irritation (burning, stinging, redness, etc). It is not worth it. People want this method to work because it is cheap. Right? Why buy an a separate acne medication when your toothpaste serve as one, but it does not!
There is another crazy idea that people think works and that is Preparation H (or hemorrhoid cream) for puffy eyes. You can get your eye area burn badly because the ingredients in the product are not designed to be applied on skin, especially the thin skin around your eyes.
From Paula Begoun:
"Myth #5: Toothpaste works to prevent or quickly heal a pimple.
Fact: Absolutely not true!!! This would be funny if so many people didn't believe it. None of the ingredients in toothpaste can have a positive effect on acne or change a blemish once you have it, and actually it can make matters worse. The bacteria in your mouth are not related to the bacteria in your pores that cause acne (P. acne). And although the fluoride or sodium monofluorophosphate in your toothpaste can help fight bacteria in your mouth, on your skin it actually can cause pimples and redness in the areas with which it comes in contact. This is known as perioral dermatitis (Sources: Journal of the American Dental Association, September 2003, page 1165; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, June 1990, pages 1029 -1032; and Archives of Dermatology, June 1975, page 793). The other ingredients in toothpaste might offer minimal abrasive properties, but they provide nothing that a gentle rubbing with a washcloth doesn't provide far better. Another issue for skin is that the flavorings added to toothpaste present additional problems that you should avoid (Source: Contact Dermatitis, October 2000, pages 216-222)."
source: ... 111016002610AAf7Fel |
kulit muka kan sensitif..
takot nanti kesannya menyebabkan lapisan epidermis kulit semakin nipis.. |
Post Last Edit by Pe4RL at 1-3-2012 09:49
Nak mencelah skit, dulu2 masa dok kat hostel memang selalu jugak la guna ubat gigi colgate wat sebag ...
BANtheKAI Post at 1-3-2012 09:12
Wah! Demam sebab letak bwah ketiak ke? Akak dulu dengo minum air sabun / letak sabun bawah ketiak. thehehehe
Pakai COLGATE as a facial cleanser tu cemana plak kesannya? BErapa tahun pakai? OK tak? Any Colgate ke cemana sis?
aku dh try smlm...rasa berangin je muka..mata pon pedih sbb ubat gigi tu kan ada mint.....
kurmasafia Post at 1-3-2012 08:45
Akak ambik sikit ajer, pastuh campo air. Mmg sgt berhati2 takmo kenakan area mata sbb mmg sgt minty kan? Muka ada rasa beza tak? Berhati2 yer bila pakai. AKak siap gosok kat leher + lengan sekali. Memang lengan tu bila gariskan takder keluar putih tu tau, maknya kulit tak kering dah.... thehehehe |
kulit muka kan sensitif..
takot nanti kesannya menyebabkan lapisan epidermis kulit semakin nipis..
harumawar Post at 1-3-2012 09:23
Itu yg dok tanya tuan doktor ni. Mulut kita pun agak sensitif kan? |
ubat gigi sebagai pencuci muka tak penah dgr.. tapi myth utk heal jerawat pernah dgr.
Just some ...
neeria Post at 1-3-2012 09:16
bagus info ni. akak tak pernah buat plak. Kalau kulit melecur ada ler letak ubat gigi. kalau nak kecut jerawat letak nixoderm dedulu |
Itu yg dok tanya tuan doktor ni. Mulut kita pun agak sensitif kan?
Pe4RL Post at 1-3-2012 09:51
yups..tapi pH untuk muka dan mulut lain kan? |
ade membe sy letak kat jerawat abis kecut2 jerawat die.
sy lak bila letak, abes macam melecur kulit.
mybe letak banyak sangat kot.. |
tak pernah pulak try guna colgate sblm ni ..
tp sy guna baking soda seminggu sekali (rabu) utk muka,bikini line dan campur ubat gigi. itupun seminggu sekali ajer.
hasilnya, gigi putih bersih,pore kurang bikini line tak berkarat sgt.dah amalkan hampir 6bulan. itupun lps tgo video dlm youtube. |
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