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Kisah Kawin Budak Budak Di Beberapa Negara.(24 photos)

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Post time 19-5-2013 07:18 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
In the underdeveloped countries of Asia and today 40-70% of girls are married before 18 years of age to 12 years - 5-20% (maximum - in Yemen and Afghanistan.) Usually marriage with them is a bargain: the girl bought her husband, her senior by 3-5 times, and she has no right to terminate the "contract." For disobedience - terrible injuries and even death of the girl.

Blog Interpreter continues to talk about different kinds of "Asian spirituality", which has recently been opposed to "decadent West." Children's wedding in India, issue of girls aged 5-12 years old married 40-70-year-old men, fearful of punishment to disobey her husband's children - all those spiritual ties of which penetrated underdeveloped societies in Asia. There are also innovations, "tradition", "grandparents used to do," etc. supported and eugenic "research" - "Southern girls mature early," "to give birth in 14 years good for the body," etc.


However, the followers of the primitive New Age do not say anything about the subjectivity of the child. Be it American, Russian, German, Arabic or Pashtun, it is up to a certain age (usually 14-18 years) is considered fully or partially incapacitated.Violation of sexual integrity of a minor is called pedophilia, and "soulless West" severely punished. This is one of the main rules for mankind called civilized. A person claiming to be the possession of child sexual recognized at the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, the mentally ill.

In defense of his innocence traditionalists call religion and lead a hadith (saying of the Prophet Muhammad), which states: happy is the father who married his daughter before she had the menarche. They insist that their husbands, who took a wife of the little girls, must take care of them like their own children, before puberty. Supposedly this is the only way for poor families to save the girls from poverty or are common practice of bride kidnapping (kidnapped girl no longer sell.)

According to the laws of most Western countries, tens of millions of women in Africa and Asia for pedophilia would sit down for a long time in prison. But at home they are given full rights to this perversion.

West prefers not to pay attention to the fact that in the South, especially its allies (Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) millions of their citizens brutally violate human rights. Reports of marriages with children usually go backdrop to some "funny news".

Here in Saudi Arabia's 90-year-old man has filed a lawsuit against the parents of his 15-year-old wife, who would not let him into the bedroom on their wedding night, and then just ran away. Newlywed indicated in the lawsuit that the girl's parents paid a dowry 17.5 thousand dollars. In a statement, he demanded his money back, or a wife.

Or the news, and amused by the Western world described by the magazine Time. The girl from Yemen named Nuzhud, who is only 10 years old, married and had time to visit a divorce, a correspondent for the magazine wondered Time. She became the youngest divorced his wife in the world. Nuzhud interested in the history of the world press. New York magazine Glamour honored her with the title "Woman of the Year," and then she came to Paris for the presentation of his autobiography, written with her words journalistic Delphine Mina.


3. Both photos - Nuzhud, liberated woman of the East

Following the 10-year-old Nudzhud, inspired by her example, filed for divorce her compatriot - 9-year-old Arwa Abdu. Soon in neighboring Saudi Arabia divorce has made another girl - 8-year-old wife of an adult male. Following them, the court was served 11 -, 12-year-old wife.

But not all so lucky, as the Yemeni Nuzhud. In the backward world of married girls lose, brutally beaten and killed for the slightest offense. Often, they could not stand the torture, decides to commit suicide, usually opting for this method such as self-immolation. The Western media in recent years have bypassed a lot of photos of girls in Afghanistan who decided to burn yourself, but miraculously survived. These images have appeared thanks to the American occupiers, suggestive of some kind of order in the country, including cutting off quite so egregious violations of human rights.

Here are a few of the pictures of girls who survived self-immolation:




See also the issue - Scorching East

7. A revision of the American Time magazine even decided to place on the cover of numbers, the picture of Afghan girl whose face was disfigured by a militant "Taliban" for the fact that tried to escape from the family because of abuse by in-laws.

See also the issue - Afghan girl Aisha did a new nose

Below the photograph of unions, where girls are rarely more than 14-15 years old - from countries with strong spiritual scrapie.


9. Afghanistan. 55-year-old Saeed Mohammed and 8-year-old Roshan Kasem daily engagement in the village Chavosh. 60-year-old father of the bride, Abdul Kasem said he feels unhappy, giving a daughter to someone's house at such an early age, but it is a dire need has not left him no choice

10. Afghanistan. Malalai Karar Police arrested 35-year-old Janan after he tried to kill his 15-year-old wife Jamila. Jamil ran to his mother after several years of abuse by her husband and in-laws. Janan pursued his wife, intending to kill her, but it ended up that he inflicted multiple stab wounds to her grandmother, who was trying to protect her granddaughter. Jamila was engaged to be married when she was only 1 year, and 10 married

11. Afghanistan. 40-year-old Faiz Mohammed, and 11-year-old Ghulam Hyder in her parents' home on the eve of the wedding in the village of Damarda

12. Afghanistan. Madzhabbin Mohammed (left), 13 years old, with her husband and his first wife


14. Yemen. Takhanov (in pink) was just six years old when she married Majed, 25 (standing next to her.) Another girl in the photo - married when she was 8 years old

15. Yemen. Young bride on the day before marriage

16. Yemen. Asiana, the 14-year-old mother, washes her second daughter. First she gave birth when she was 12 years old

17. India. 5-year-old girl's father is the ceremony of her wedding to 14-year-old boy

18. India. This wedding ceremony

19. India, Assam. Hasina is standing with her husband Ali. She was married at 13 years old at the time of photographing her and she is 14.5 years old at the 5th month of pregnancy

20. India, Bhapay. 14 years old groom, the bride 12 years

21. India, Bhapay. The bride and groom to 7 years

22. Yemen. Debritu 14-year-old ran away from her husband, she is in the center of the Red Cross - with the wives of refugee

23. Palestine, Gaza Strip. The mass wedding involving young brides


Last edited by boria on 19-5-2013 07:24 AM



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Post time 19-5-2013 08:16 AM | Show all posts
Kesiannya......kecik2 dah kawin...klu kat malysia kira budak lagi....tgh sekolah......x de undang ke derang ni?

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Post time 19-5-2013 08:22 AM | Show all posts
apesal majority negara muslim? negara miskin?... nafsu? adat? knapa xberusaha utk majukan diri dulu?

sometime ini yg menyebabkan org pandang serong kat muslim....

honor killing is banned is several practises country.. but people still doing it at their own free will.

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Post time 19-5-2013 10:05 AM | Show all posts
kat malaysia ada gak budak menikah, yg di pahang aritu...

tp tu cuma dek gatal telebih2 dah tak mampu menahan

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Post time 19-5-2013 11:44 AM | Show all posts

muda2 lagi dh kena pikul tanggungjawab seorang isteri dan ibu..
yg lelaki suka sgt la kowt dpt isteri level kanak2..

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Post time 19-5-2013 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Xdpt aku bygkan cam ner bebudak kecik itu terpaksa berkawin ngan org tua boleh digelar bapak, dan dah jadi adat pulak tu...cuba ditentang or mengatakan tidak, siap kena dera bagai... siannyer dia org, kecik2 dah jadi mak budak.... ishh..idak ke cam kes rogol jerkk niehhh

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Post time 19-5-2013 01:46 PM | Show all posts
ish..ish.. x gamak nengoknya.. umur mcm tu sepatutnya masih dalam proses untuk membesar, belajar  dan bukan di jadikan tangjwb sbg isteri n ibu... kesiann..

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Post time 20-5-2013 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Macam atuk dengan cicit

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Post time 20-5-2013 08:49 AM | Show all posts
dorg ni kat sane dah terlampau ramai sgt pompuan ke eik sampai mcm tu skali pompuan kat sana diperlakukan.
kesian kat budak² tu kawin ngan tarap atok² ish ish.

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Post time 20-5-2013 08:53 AM | Show all posts

kesian sgt tgk..dia ngan anak2...


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Post time 20-5-2013 10:26 AM | Show all posts
kesian nyerr... memang kesian

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Post time 20-5-2013 10:29 AM | Show all posts
kt msia zmn dolu2 byk la
zmn skrg jrg2 dh kot

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Post time 20-5-2013 11:37 AM | Show all posts
kalau suka sama suka dan dah cukup umur ok la... kalau paksaan tak ok... serban besar rumah pun kalau paksa orang berdosa jugak...

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Post time 20-5-2013 12:20 PM | Show all posts
they lost their youth and freedom to choose what they aspirations

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Post time 20-5-2013 12:52 PM | Show all posts
xde yg nak tunggu budak2 ni besOr sket baru dijadikan bini..
ntah apa punya adat la ni..

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Post time 20-5-2013 01:16 PM | Show all posts
perbezaan taraf pendidikan yang diterima oleh negara-negara tersebut...

semuanya terarah kepada negara islam atau org2 islam. sedang didalam islam kita patutnya memuliakan wanita. bukannya menjatuhkan lagi maruah mereka. tak tahu lagi layanan apa yg mereka terima selepas berkahwin.

tu sbbnya belajar agama dan kaji al-quran sedalamnya. bukannya ambil bahagian2 yg memberikan keuntungan kepada individu2 tertentu jer.

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Post time 20-5-2013 02:28 PM | Show all posts
siannya tgk...patut umur camtu duk main lg n blajar utk maju kn diri bkn nya d serahkan taggungjwb yng berat camtu..

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Post time 20-5-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
xth nk ckp tp meka nie byk ikut mazhab...kalo kt india meka lebih kepada adat & kepercayaan

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Post time 20-5-2013 04:10 PM | Show all posts
maka tak hairan lah.. penganut or bangsa lain pandang serong pada muslim...
hakikat nyer begitu.. mereka melihat muslim itu tersangat lah zalim nya.. kawin dgn budak2..
muslim suka berperang.. sbb tu bangsa lain terus cop muslim kaum yg ganas..


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Post time 20-5-2013 08:54 PM | Show all posts
akibat tiada belas kasihan dan cuma pentingkan zakar sahaja

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