Ada kenal sesiapa Yg minat jadi SUpervisor kpd 10-15 Merchandiser di bawah?
Ada jawatan kosong utk sesiapa yg ada pengalaman SUPERVISOR dlm bidang Sales, Merchandising, Retail dlm hyper, super atau minimart chain di kawasan IPOH, Perak.
Yg minat mesti ada lebih 2tahun pengalaman dalam FMCG.
Yang sihat, yg jujur (X selalu MC tipu), yg pandai/faham guna PC, yg minat nak belajar Excel, yg minat nak praktis inglis, yg nak gaji yg steady, syarikat yg timbang rasa, yg berminat sikap positif, yg NAK buat kerja HALAL boleh apply hr@imaxxmerchandising.com. Sila masuk pengalaman, gaji yg minta, dan juga testimonial atau refereee dari kemajikan yg lepas...
Kita tak terima telepon, prebet meseg. Apply dgn emel s'ja. Terima kasih.
Early Warning:
Kerja SUPERVISOR bukan susah sangat. Yang penting ialah memahami SOP, ikut polisi 2 iMAXX, boleh tunjuk ajar kepada anak buah/Merchandisers di bawah anda. Tetapi kerja Supervisotr pom ada banyak 'paper work', banyak sacrifices utk buat KPI checks, utk buat odit kerja orang lain...
location: Kawasan IPOH/MANJUNG/TAIPING
Job Description: 1) To organise and manage daily Merchandisers work matrix
2) To ensure SOP and KPI are done, audited and verified
3) To ensure proper updating of Merchnadisers' documents and records.
4) To conduct and ensure check EACH and EVERYONE of the Merchandiser reporting to you
5) To Prepare monthly report, claim process and documentation of all those Merchandisers under you.
License: B2, D (yg xada lesen kereta xpayah apply)
Experience: from either Sales or Merchandising or Retail background. Preferences will be given to those from the hyper/super/minimart chain.
Remuneration: market rate…Rm3000-4000/mth (depending on experience, qualification etc) +epf, socso, insurance.
5day week 7-4pm OR 8-5pm to be determined later.
iMAXX company: Highest disciplined and SOP driven 10year old company. Reputed to be Bestest company with warmest human heart ever! Ask the 540staff to vouch lah…or come see the easy going but no nonsense, no tutup 1mata, at work/play.
Pls send CV to [email protected]