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HICK [Chloe Moretz/Juliet Lewis/Eddie Redmayne]
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Last edited by eddlisa_uyuk on 23-11-2014 10:48 PM
manja blum tgk lagi so blum bleh bg review tp trailer mcm best...
dah tengok movie nih..
lawa budak chloe moretz ni..
hollywood future star..
suka tengok movie dia masa kecik..
comel n talented..
Minah movie Carrie...comel dia nih..muka mysterious + persis tikus.
capiloton posted on 6-12-2014 11:23 AM
dah tengok movie nih..
lawa budak chloe moretz ni..
hollywood future star..
manja dh tgk movie ni hari kalau xde movie len..tgk jek la..x tau ending ape..x tgh smpai habis..
so far movie die yg paling best..yg die berlakon dgn Johhny depp...tu saje.....
suka Chloe comel ni dlm IF I STAY
nashrudean posted on 15-12-2014 04:26 PM
suka Chloe comel ni dlm IF I STAY
best ke movie ni?...trailer mcm
lama x tengok Juliette Lewis...walaupun watak dia dalam citer ni biasa je...
buat aku suka dia berlakon zaman 90an memang best lar dia ni...
mat_arof posted on 15-12-2014 08:14 PM
lama x tengok Juliette Lewis...walaupun watak dia dalam citer ni biasa je...
buat aku suka dia berl ...
unforgetable dlm "the other sister" movie ni mmg antara feel good movies 90an yg terbaik..
manjalara_01 posted on 15-12-2014 08:43 PM
unforgetable dlm "the other sister" movie ni mmg antara feel good movies 90an yg terbaik..
yes the othe sister....aku lupa tajuk cerita ni..
nak sedut larr...
ko sebut baru aku teringat....memang aku lupa judul filem dia berlakon
dah tengok movie ni. tak ingat sgt storyline dia mcm mana tapi best lah.
btw chloe ni awek anak beckham kan?
juliette lewis is one of my fave actress..mmg tip top as always lakonan sheolls
manjalara_01 posted on 15-12-2014 07:57 PM
best ke movie ni?...trailer mcm
ok fact better kot dari citer the fault in our stars yg agak bosn tu
mat_arof posted on 15-12-2014 08:57 PM
yes the othe sister....aku lupa tajuk cerita ni..
nak sedut larr...
biase la tu..dh movie pun movie old school... ..mana nak ingat tajuk..
i pun ingat sbb baru tgk kat youtube...
mzzenma posted on 16-12-2014 07:42 AM
dah tengok movie ni. tak ingat sgt storyline dia mcm mana tapi best lah.
btw chloe ni awek anak bec ...
yea ke?..anak beckham umur brape ?..
manjalara_01 posted on 16-12-2014 01:23 PM
yea ke?..anak beckham umur brape ?..
baru 15 kut kalau x silap
mzzenma posted on 16-12-2014 02:02 PM
baru 15 kut kalau x silap
15 anak die yg kluar iklan berburry tu kan?...cute jgk la die....