Ummah Rohingya protes di Siam, siap demand dihantar ke Malaysia lagi guyssss
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ramai yg perangai macam ni...for survival diaorg akan jadi ganas...elok jauhkan lah.. |
aik bole plak merusuh..yg kat kem2 haram tu xda plak nk merusuh padahal dr citer depa yg jaga depa tu 5-6 org je... depa plak ada beratus-ratus dlm kem haram tu... |
meh sini kita tukar sama suka. aku memang teringin nak dok us  |
komen peminat rohingya yg berhati putih suci murni:
bumi Allah luas, bukan hak milik kita seorang
nak pegi wat haji pun kemain susah, kena visa bagai...
haha.. ni memang dasar rohingya tak sedar diri..
Kawan aku penah nak sedekah RM5, boleh si rohingya demand nak RM10. Dah tu bila kawan aku suruh baca al Fatihah pon tak reti
aku taknak ada rohingya merogol wanita dan gadis malaysia...set burma di rakhine pun kena gangbang...harap wardina concern pasal ni,...dia kan pejuang wanita
ape yg blaku kat myanmar?
cukop2 la rakyat malaysia yg susah yg nak dibantu
zakat wang ihsan dll lg perlu utk rakyat malaysia nih
cukup2 la pendatang yg ade s/a halal atau haram
cukup2 la program bwk masuk pendatang (yg bangla paki indo mahupun kokesen....cc to gomen malaysia)
kesian mmg kesian, tp byk lg negara yg bleh bantu rohingya ni
yg ade kat malaysia ni pon dah menjijikkan pendatang nya
bukan x kesian sesama islam tp x mau malaysia jd tanah tumpah nya darah pendatang
sila buat dasar pintu tertutup....malaysia dah cukup padat okeh |
Asalkan tak masuk Sarawak jah. Kesian gak tengok diorg nie.  |
Islam di mata Allah berbeza dgn manusia noks. Who knows, deyols yg terjerit2 mereka tu Islam tapi di mata Allah nan hado Islam jah? Whatever judgement, decision, just leave it to Allah. Kita sbg manusia hanya menolong. Bagi iols, cukup jah utara Malaya utk handle Rohingya nie. Next time kalau ada pelarian dari Australia, China, Korea atau Jepun, let us handle it. 
Dorg x di hntar ke gambia lagi ke?
Muntz replied at 3-6-2015 05:31 PM
Asalkan tak masuk Sarawak jah. Kesian gak tengok diorg nie.
Mane aci gitu...sarawak bumi Allah jugak 
Tlglaaaa jgn bawak lg ummah2 ni sume masuk malaysia
Kt pesbuk/insta tu selalu sgt nampak org mtk derma utk pembiayaan perubatan anak2 kecik
Elok tlg rakyat malaysia yg lagi memerlukan dr pendtg ni
Kompem dorg takkan berganjak balek ke tmpt asal die
Untung sungguh la kalau gitu
Tayah isau bayar tax segala
Lhdn tak susah payah nak keja |
naina replied at 5-6-2015 10:24 AM
Dorg x di hntar ke gambia lagi ke?
I syak kalau hantar ke gambia pun dorang akan demand nak dtg malaysia |
Bangga jap kita.. hiks
Seriously, mungkin pasal dah ada sedara-mara kat Msia kot..
Kalau ke US pun, tak jamin selamat ke tak.. ntah bila dah sampai sana.. dihantarnya ke Guantanamo ke.. jadi human experiment ke.. US is so damn big to be noticed! |
Kalo ai, mmg pilih US.. american dream tau.. endless candies & junk food heaven uu 
Barang apple pun murah.. hiks |
Dah tunjuk belang dah... Nak bagi bantuan makan ka, pakaian ka I OK je. tapi kalau nak berkampung rasanya x payah. Takut nanti esok2 demand nak warganegara pastu nak jadi bumiputera pulak. |

Asean countries can work together, influence one another, and even encourage others to tackle serious problems, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said.
But the group cannot solve all problems, and cannot compel any member to act in a certain way, he said at an interview with 17 visiting journalists from the nine other Asean countries on Thursday, when asked about the issue of Rohingya refugees.
Mr Lee also told them that ongoing economic integration was helping to promote development across Southeast Asia. But on some issues like the refugee crisis, he said: "Asean is not one country, and it's not possible for Asean to say, you do that, and you put a stop to this."
In his most detailed remarks yet on the latest humanitarian crisis, Mr Lee expressed sympathy for the plight of the Rohingya - a term he noted Myanmar does not use - whose problems are complex.
"The living conditions for the people must be pretty severe, otherwise they would not be going to sea and putting themselves at such danger of life and limb, with their children and womenfolk, and at the mercy of the traffickers," he said.
"But these are problems which the countries have to resolve. We can encourage, we can discuss, but the countries have to tackle these problems and minimise, or at least mitigate, the hardships."
But human traffickers, "entrenched, well-organised groups with an interest in keeping the flow going to extort money", also had to be dealt with, he added.
Explaining the reluctance of some Asean countries to accept the boatloads of refugees - a stance criticised by Western nations.
Mr Lee said: "No country can take an endless number of refugees and say: 'Well, we just take them on humanitarian grounds'. Your own people will not accept it, it's not possible.
"And when they do come, there has to be some way these people can be dealt with - either they go back to where they came from or they have to go somewhere which can accept them."
ok laa.......... hantar kat singaporn....... aku boleh sponsor bas 3-4 biji 
kalau kamu mampu sponsor bas sampai 3-4 biji kamu ambek aje mereka....besor pahala nya cong 
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