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chants 72 days without leaving single day

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Post time 24-8-2015 10:21 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Truth.8 at 24-8-2015 10:31 AM

OK, here is another secret. Make sure when chant, it should sincere , with faith and love to Creator. once you have chant this name, you will see the differences. I am doing it for 2 weeks, so far feeling ok. chant it for 72 days. it increase your faith and love to God. anything you ask , will be given but positive yah....



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 Author| Post time 24-8-2015 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 24-8-2015 10:27 AM

You might wondering what those meaning, here


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Post time 24-8-2015 10:46 AM | Show all posts
One should not jump into Kabbalah Practice blindly. Do your own research as Kabbalah is a Mystical Practice and many have lost their ways learning without proper guidance. Some Q&A could help.

Source :

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2015 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 24-8-2015 10:46 AM
One should not jump into Kabbalah Practice blindly. Do your own research as Kabbalah is a Mystical P ...

somehow  the kabbala did not like your statments ...why?
the link  broken...

ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /Kabbalah/25_Questions.htmon this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbiddenerror was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

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Post time 24-8-2015 12:43 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

somehow  the kabbala did not like your statments ...why?
the link  broken..

Deh ... check your PC lah kawan. I can access it perfectly. Wanna me to cut and paste the Q&A kah?

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Post time 24-8-2015 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Here is some question which a Snake unable to see. Cut and Pasted from above link.

1. What is the Kabbalah?

The Kabbalah is the system of wisdom that teaches the truth about the One God, Creator and Ruler of the Universe, the Holy One, Blessed be He.

The Kabbalah teaches about God's relationship to this world, and provides ways that seekers of the truth can discover and connect with God in this world through actions, words and thoughts.

The Kabbalah contains the secrets of creation and prophecy as handed down by the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, by Moses, lord of the prophets, and by the later elders, true prophets, righteous tzaddikim (saints) and sages of Israel.

The innermost wisdom of the Torah was a closely guarded secret until the time of the 2nd-century C.E. sage, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, whose teachings were written in The Zohar ("Brilliant Light"). The pursuit of the Kabbalah remained restricted to closed circles until the latter part of the 13th century C.E., when it began to spread increasingly widely, especially since the time of the outstanding latter-day Kabbalistic giant, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, known as the ARI ("the Lion" 1534-72.

Next ...

4. Does Kabbalah address dreams, parapsychic phenomena, extra-sensory perception, out-of-body experiences, seeing the future, raising and connecting with souls and spirits, past lives, reincarnation, astrology, alchemy, cosmology, cosmogeny, the history of the world, extra-terrestrial life…?

Yes: Kabbalistic texts are found that address all of the above… and more!!! "Turn it over and over, for everything is in it" (Avos 5:22). It is often necessary to search diligently in order to find what you seek.

Next ...

5. How did the Kabbalah originate? Who invented it?

The Kabbalah reaches back to the patriarch Abraham, who devoted his life to searching for the One God and revealing God to the world. Abraham is said to have received traditional wisdom from Shem, son of Noah, and his great-grandson, Eiver. Abraham's investigations brought him to supreme levels of prophecy and wisdom. His teachings were passed down in Sefer Yetzirah, The Book of Creation, the most ancient Kabbalistic work.

Abraham passed on his wisdom to Isaac, and they both taught Jacob. Jacob taught the tradition to all his twelve sons, appointing his son Levi as the special guardian of the tradition. Levi handed the tradition to his son Kehat, who passed it to Amram, from whom it came to Moses.

The entire Kabbalah is embedded in the Torah that Moses received at Sinai. Moses entrusted the Torah to the elders of the Children of Israel, from whom it came down to the prophets, who became the chief guardians of the secrets of the Torah. Allusions to the secret mystical knowledge are contained throughout the Bible, and especially in Ezekiel's Vision of the Chariot (Ezekiel chapter 1).

Next ...

10. What is the object of investigating the Kabbalah? What will I gain?

The purpose of investigating the Kabbalah should be to come to know God and discover the true meaning of the Torah – God's teaching to man – in order to come to serve Him according to His will.

Kabbalah study can deepen our understanding of where God fits in with our view of the world, helping us better connect with God and refine and strengthen our faith in Him. Study of the Kabbalistic dimension of the Torah enhances our appreciation of its tremendous depth. Study of the mystical significance and intentions of the commandments can increase our motivation to fulfil them properly and invest our practice with greater depth and meaning.

The wisdom of the Kabbalah is very sweet, and its pursuit brings profound satisfaction. It is taught in the Zohar and by the later Kabbalistic sages that the Redemption and the restoration of prophecy and holy spirit will come about through the study of the Kabbalah.

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2015 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 24-8-2015 12:50 PM
Here is some question which a Snake unable to see. Cut and Pasted from above link.

Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism
Level: Advanced
• Judaism has ancient mystical teachings
• Mysticism was taught only to those who had already learned Torah and Talmud
• Jewish mysticism is known as kabbalah, and part of it was written in the Zohar
• Kabbalah and its teachings have been distorted by mystics and occultists
• One well-known teaching is the Ein Sof and the Ten Sefirot

When non-Jews ask about Judaism, they commonly ask questions like: Do you believe in heaven and hell? In angels or the devil? What happens to the soul after death? What is the nature of G-d and the universe? The answers to questions like these define most religions; in fact, I have heard some people say that the purpose of religion is to answer these kinds of questions. Yet in Judaism, most of these cosmological issues are wide open to personal opinion. The areas of Jewish thought that most extensively discuss these issues, Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, were traditionally not even taught to people until the age of 40, when they had completed their education in Torah and Talmud.

Mysticism in JudaismMysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions. The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body. Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant. There are many stories of places similar to Christian heaven and purgatory, of wandering souls and reincarnation. The Talmud contains vague hints of a mystical school of thought that was taught only to the most advanced students and was not committed to writing. There are several references in ancient sources to ma'aseh bereishit (the work of creation) and ma'aseh merkavah (the work of the chariot [of Ezekiel's vision]), the two primary subjects of mystical thought at the time.
In the middle ages, many of these mystical teachings were committed to writing in books like the Zohar. Many of these writings were asserted to be secret ancient writings or compilations of secret ancient writings.
Like most subjects of Jewish belief, the area of mysticism is wide open to personal interpretation. Some traditional Jews take mysticism very seriously. Mysticism is an integral part of Chasidic Judaism, for example, and passages from kabbalistic sources are routinely included in traditional prayer books. Other traditional Jews take mysticism with a grain of salt. One prominent Orthodox Jew, when introducing a speaker on the subject of Jewish mysticism, said basically, "it's nonsense, but it's Jewish nonsense, and the study of anything Jewish, even nonsense, is worthwhile."
The mystical school of thought came to be known as Kabbalah, from the Hebrew root Qof-Beit-Lamed, meaning "to receive, to accept." The word is usually translated as "tradition." In Hebrew, the word does not have any of the dark, sinister, evil connotations that it has developed in English. For example, the English word "cabal" (a secret group of conspirators) is derived from the Hebrew word Kabbalah, but neither the Hebrew word nor the mystical doctrines have any evil implications to Jews.
Kabbalah: The Misunderstood DoctrineKabbalah is one of the most grossly misunderstood parts of Judaism. I have received several messages from non-Jews describing Kabbalah as "the dark side of Judaism," describing it as evil or black magic. On the other end of the spectrum, I receive many messages wanting to learn more about the trendy doctrine popularized by various Jewish and non-Jewish celebrities.
These misunderstandings stem largely from the fact that the teachings of Kabbalah have been so badly distorted by mystics and occultists. Kabbalah was popular among Christian intellectuals during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, who reinterpreted its doctrines to fit into their Christian dogma. In more recent times, many have wrenched kabbalistic symbolism out of context for use in tarot card readings and other forms of divination and magic that were never a part of the original Jewish teachings. Today, many well-known celebrities have popularized a new age pop-psychology distortion of kabbalah (I have heard it derisively referred to as "crap-balah"). It borrows the language of kabbalah and the forms of Jewish folk superstitions, but at its heart it has more in common with the writings of Deepak Chopra than with any authentic Jewish source.
I do not mean to suggest that magic is not a part of Kabbalah. There are certainly many traditional Jewish stories that involve the use of hidden knowledge to affect the world in ways that could be described as magic. The Talmud and other sources ascribe supernatural activities to many great rabbis. Some rabbis pronounced a name of G-d and ascended into heaven to consult with the G-d and the angels on issues of great public concern. One scholar is said to have created an artificial man by reciting various names of G-d. Much later stories tell of a rabbi who created a man out of clay (a golem) and brought it to life by putting in its mouth a piece of paper with a name of G-d on it. However, this area of Kabbalah (if indeed it is more than mere legend) is not something that is practiced by the average Jew, or even the average rabbi. There are a number of stories that discourage the pursuit of such knowledge and power as dangerous and irresponsible. If you see any books on the subject of "practical kabbalah," you can safely dismiss them as not authentic Jewish tradition because, as these stories demonstrate, this kind of knowledge was traditionally thought to be far too dangerous to be distributed blindly to the masses.
It is important to note that all of these magical effects were achieved through the power of G-d, generally by calling upon the name of G-d. These practices are no more "evil" than the miracles of the prophets, or the miracles that Christians ascribe to Jesus. In fact, according to some of my mystically-inclined friends, Jesus performed his miracles using kabbalistic techniques learned from the Essenes, a Jewish sect of that time that was involved in mysticism.
Ein Sof and the Ten SefirotTo give you an idea of the nature of Kabbalah, I will briefly discuss one of the better known, fundamental concepts of kabbalistic thought: the concept of G-d as Ein Sof, the Ten Sefirot, and the kabbalistic tree of life. This explanation is, at best, a gross oversimplification. I do not pretend to fully understand these ideas.
According to Kabbalah, the true essence of G-d is so transcendent that it cannot be described, except with reference to what it is not. This true essence of G-d is known as Ein Sof, which literally means "without end," which encompasses the idea of His lack of boundaries in both time and space. In this truest form, the Ein Sof is so transcendent that It cannot have any direct interaction with the universe. The Ein Sof interacts with the universe through ten emanations from this essence, known as the Ten Sefirot.
These Sefirot correspond to qualities of G-d. They consist of, in descending order, Keter (the crown), Chokhmah (wisdom), Binah (intuition, understanding), Chesed (mercy) or Gedulah (greatness), Gevurah (strength), Tiferet (glory), Netzach (victory), Hod (majesty), Yesod (foundation) and Malkut (sovereignty). The middle five qualities are mentioned explicitly and in order at I Chronicles 29:11: Yours, O L-rd, is the greatness (gedulah), the strength (gevurah), the glory (tiferet), the power (netzach), and the splendor (hod). I have seen this passage translated in widely varying ways, but the Hebrew corresponds to the names of the Sefirot in order.
The Ten Sefirot include both masculine and feminine qualities. Kabbalah pays a great deal of attention to the feminine aspects of G-d.
The Sefirot are commonly represented as in the diagram at left. This diagram is commonly known as the Tree of the Sefirot or the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. There is great significance to the position of these various attributes and their interconnectedness.
The Sefirot are not separate deities, as some might think by taking this too literally. They are intimately a part of G-d, and yet they are in contact with the universe in a way that the Ein Sof is not. The Sefirot connect with everything in the universe, including humanity. The good and evil that we do resonates through the Sefirot and affects the entire universe, up to and including G-d Himself.
Suggested ReadingReadings in this area should be undertaken with extreme caution. There is entirely too much literature out there under the name "Kabbalah" that has little or nothing to do with the true Jewish teachings on this subject. Any book on the subject of practical Kabbalah should be disregarded immediately; no legitimate source would ever make such teachings available to a faceless mass audience. Books written by Christians should be viewed with extreme skepticism, because many Christian sources have reinterpreted Kabbalah to fit into Christian dogma.
There is a nice online introductory Kabbalah course available from at Kabbalah 101.
For an academic and scholarly information about Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, check out the works of Professor Gershom Scholem. He was a prolific writer on the subject, and his writings are widely available and well-respected by both Jews and non-Jews.
For a more personal and experiential approach to Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, see the works of Aryeh Kaplan. I am informed that his books are reliably authoritative and uncompromisingly Orthodox. I have found his materials on meditation and prayer, especially Jewish Meditation, to be particularly useful in my own devotional practices.
Of course, if you are serious about Kabbalah, you must get yourself a teacher that you can work with one-on-one, either online or in person.


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Post time 25-8-2015 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Yo! Snake.8 ... How is your chanting coming along?

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 Author| Post time 25-8-2015 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 25-8-2015 11:23 AM
Yo! Snake.8 ... How is your chanting coming along?
Yo! Snake.8 ... How is your chanting coming along?
chanting ok but little difficut to pronounce it but it is faith counts...after 72 days I able to chant perfect pronunciation.
thanks for  addressing me as a snake, is big honour to address me such . snake always regards  as mystical creatures ..
here it is:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
Numbers 21:8

Why is a bronze serpent used to save the Israelites in Numbers 21:8-9?"

Throughout the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites, God was constantly teaching them things about Himself and about their own sinfulness. He brought them into the wilderness, to the same mountain where He revealed Himself to Moses, so that He could instruct them in what He required of them. Shortly after the amazing events at Mt. Sinai, God brought them to the border of the Promised Land, but when the people heard the reports from the spies, their faith failed. They said that God could not overcome the giants in the land. As a result of this unbelief, God sent them into the wilderness to wander until that generation died out (Numbers 14:28-34).

In Numbers 21, the people again got discouraged, and in their unbelief they murmured against Moses for bringing them into the wilderness. They had already forgotten that it was their own sin that caused them to be there, and they tried to blame Moses for it. As a judgment against the people for their sin, God sent poisonous serpents into the camp, and people began to die. This showed the people that they were the ones in sin, and they came to Moses to confess that sin and ask for God's mercy. When Moses prayed for the people, God instructed him to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole so the people could be healed (Numbers 21:5-7)


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Post time 25-8-2015 01:26 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

chanting ok but little difficut to pronounce it but it is faith counts...after 72 days I able to chant perfect pronunciation.

Anyway, good luck in your endavours. I'm sure you will get used to the pronouncations.

thanks for  addressing me as a snake, is big honour to address me such . snake always regards  as mystical creatures ..

Didn't your Christianity taught you that Man had sinned due to an influence of a Snake?

They said that God could not overcome the giants in the land. As a result of this unbelief, God sent them into the wilderness to wander until that generation died out (Numbers 14:28-34).

Right ... cos it was too hard for "God" to slay the Giants, so he choose to slay those who didn't believe in him. Make sense.

As a judgment against the people for their sin, God sent poisonous serpents into the camp, and people began to die.

They died cos they choose to confront Moses. Such compassionate and merciful "God".

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 Author| Post time 25-8-2015 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Anyway, good luck in your endavours. I'm sure you will get used to the pronouncations.


Didn't your Christianity taught you that Man had sinned due to an influence of a Snake?

what make u think it was snake ? please response..

Right ... cos it was too hard for "God" to slay the Giants, so he choose to slay those who didn't believe in him. Make sense.
God uses many way.....God in wise to handle humans

They died cos they choose to confront Moses. Such compassionate and merciful "God".
that because they are ungrateful....God told moses to bring out them  from Pharoah and leads them good way but they astray..that make sense


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Post time 25-8-2015 08:32 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

what make u think it was snake ? please response..

Because your Bible said so ...
Are you saying the Genesis Chapter is wrong?

God uses many way.....God in wise to handle humans

Yup, like a herdsman handles cattles.

that because they are ungrateful....God told moses to bring out them  from Pharoah and leads them good way but they astray..that make sense

Doubting Moses is equal to going astray?
Your God and Moses could make a good Barisan National candidates.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 26-8-2015 12:40 PM
Because your Bible said so ...
Are you saying the Genesis Chapter is wrong?

have you use your tiny brain to differentiate creatures and unknow evil spirit that is fallen angels to misleads humans? I doubt. You consider like an empty vessel makes lot of noise. Here is my view:
Satan will masquerades as "an angel of light." (2Cor. 11:14-15) to misleads . it can takes any forms. One example, remember I wrotethe thaipusam issue in Hinduism forum. How the devotees  goes in trance like  possessed by demons and cunning spirit to extend they behave like tongue coming out, eyes getting bigger and all sort  of magic show    to convince to public that god possessed them? Do you blame the them (human) or the cunning spirit?  You judge yourself.
The story of the Garden of Eden is given in Genesis 2:8 through 3:24. There are only four persons mentioned: God, Adam, Eve, and the devil, Satan, who masqueraded as a serpent.

Yup, like a herdsman handles cattles.

u mean like worshipping samsu drinking god when the devotees behaving like one?

Doubting Moses is equal to going astray?
Your God and Moses could make a good Barisan National candidates.

At least God provide the basis teachings by giving to Moses...that we now keeping the law. God make political and was humans   screw it up...

Thanks again for honoring me as Snake. like i said, snake always view as mystical creatures. God like snake and  ask Moses to use snake instead other creatures ....but it seems devil too like snake and thats why it took a form of snake...thanks again

next week is waning moon...good time to cast hex , banshing and others   negative things....long time never use....maybe need to use again to someone here being big mouth....i mean tiny hex....falling down and unable to    walk for 1 weeks...let see what portion I need to find and some chants as well..


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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 24-8-2015 10:25 AM
You might wondering what those meaning, here

72 Kabbalah Combinations

1. Time Travel
2. Recapturing the Sparks
3. Miracle Making
4. Eliminating Negative Thoughts
5. Healing
6. Dream State
7. DNA of the Soul
8. Defusing Negative Energy
9. Angelic Influences
10. Looks Can Kill
11. Banishing the Remnants of Evil
12. Unconditional Love
13. Heaven on Earth
14. Farwell to Arms
15. Long Range Vision
16. Dumping Depression
17. Great Escape
18. Fertility
19. Dialing God
20. Victory over Addictions
21. Eradicate Plague
22. Stop Fatal Attraction
23. Sharing the Flame
24. Jealousy
25. Speak Your Mind
26. Order From Chaos
27. Silent Partner
28. Soul Mate
29. Removing Hatred
30. Building Bridges
31. Finish What You Start
32. Memories
33. Revealing the Dark Side
34. Forget Thyself
35. Sexual Energy
36. Fearless   
37. The Big Picture
38. Circuitry
39. Diamond in the Rough
40. Speaking the Right Words
41. Self-Esteem
42. Revealing the Concealed
43. Defying Gravity
44. Sweetening Judgment
45. The Power of Prosperity
46. Absolute Certainty
47. Global Transformation
48. Unity
49. Happiness
50. Enough is Never Enough
51. No Guilt
52. Passion
53. No Agenda
54. The Death of Death
55. Thought into Action
56. Dispelling Anger
57. Listening to Your Soul
58. Letting Go
59. Umbilical Cord
60. Freedom
61. Water
62. Parent-Teacher, Not Preacher
63. Appreciation
64. Casting Yourself in a Favorable Light
65. Fear of God
66. Accountability
67. Great Expectations
68. Contacting Departed Souls
69. Lost and Found
70. Recognizing the Design Beneath Disorder
71. Prophecy & Parallel Universes
72. Spiritual Cleansing


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 Author| Post time 30-8-2015 01:54 PM | Show all posts

Descending Spiritual Worlds

The Zohar. Medieval Kabbalists believed all things are linked to God through these emanations; thereby, making all levels in creation part of one great, gradually descending chain of being. Through these levels any lower creation reflects its particular characteristics in Supernal Divinity. Hasidic thought extends the Divine immanence of Kabbalah by believing God is the only thing that really exists - defined philosophically as monistic panentheism. Among problems considered in the Hebrew Kabbalah is the universal religious issue of the nature and origin of evil. In the views of some Kabbalists this conceives "evil" as a "quality of God," asserting that negativity enters into the essence of the Absolute. In this view it is conceived that the Absolute needs evil to exist.

The Kabbalah describes the human soul as having three elements: (1) The nefesh: the lower "animal" part of the soul which is linked to instincts and bodily cravings. The nefesh is found in all humans, entering the physical body at birth. It is the source of one's physical and psychological nature. (2) The ruach: the middle soul (or the "spirit") which contains the moral virtues and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. (3) The neshamah: the higher soul or super-soul which separates man from all other life-forms. The neshamah is related to the intellect and allows humans to enjoy and benefit from the afterlife. It allows one to have some awareness of the existence and presence of God.The (2) ruach and (3) the neshamah are not implanted at birth, but can be developed over time. Their development depends on the actions and beliefs of the individual and are said to only fully exist in people awakened spiritually. The Zohar also describes fourth and fifth parts of the human soul - the chayyah and the yehidah. The chayyah is the part of the soul which allows one to have an awareness of the divine life force. The yehidah is the highest plane of the soul where one can achieve the fullest union with God as is possible. The chayyah and the yehidah do not enter into the body like the other three which is why they receive less attention than in other sections of the Zohar.

The Kabbalistic concept of reincarnation is called gilgul - a Hebrew word meaning "cycle." Souls are seen to "cycle" through "lives" or "incarnations" becoming attached to different human bodies over time. Which body they associate with depends on their particular task in the physical world, spiritual levels of the bodies of predecessors and so on. Gilgul relates to a broader historical process in Kabbalah involving Cosmic Tikkun (Messianic rectification) and the historical dynamic of ascending Lights and descending Vessels from generation to generation. The esoteric explanations of gilgul were articulated in Jewish mysticism by Rabbi Isaac Luria in the 16th century, as part of the metaphysical purpose of Creation.

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2015 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 30-8-2015 01:54 PM
Descending Spiritual Worlds

The Zohar. Medieval Kabbalists believed all things are linked to Go ...

The great kabbalists explain that all living things – human and animal – have souls. However, not all souls are created equal. As described in Genesis 2:7, every human being has both a "nefesh" and a "neshama." The nefesh is defined as an animal soul – the life force, the instinctual, animalistic drives. The neshama, in contrast, is a purely spiritual component, a divine spark which distinguishes man from animal. This is the part of us which yearns for spirituality and closeness to God.
Humans and animals all engage in emotional responses such as love, fear, loyalty, imagination, memory, intelligence, etc. We run from danger, have survival instincts, and are driven to procreate. This all emanates from the lower animal soul.

But there exists in humans another spiritual entity that is very different and much higher. Humans also have a divine, spiritual soul. Only this soul has the ability to forge a relationship with the Divine, transcendent dimension of existence. This is where humans enter the unique realm of making free will moral decisions. Only humans have the ability to choose higher "soul pleasures" – like helping the poor, even at the expense lower "body pleasures" like hoarding more food for ourselves. You'll never see a hungry dog say to his friends, "Let's not fight over this," or "Let's save some for Fido who came late."
As human beings, we are locked in a constant battle over which soul will lead our lives. The measure of true “humanity” is the degree that one controls the animal soul, because otherwise a person is acting like an animal. (Actually, as the Sages explain, he is worse than an animal. Wasting spiritual potential is something that only a human is held accountable for.)

In light of this, the Torah prohibits the consumption of blood (see Leviticus 7:26). The Talmud explains that the "animal soul" resides in the blood of the beast, and since the animal soul is essentially coarse and unrefined, eating blood internalizes that trait. The Torah's message is "Don't take the animal instinct, the animal life force, and increase its prominence within your personality. Minimize that part of you, and maximize the aspect of you which is spiritual."
(For meat to be kosher, the blood must be removed either by a process of soaking the meat in salt and then rinsing it out, or by broiling it in a flame. Ironically, Jews throughout the ages have been accused of the "Blood Libel" – i.e. killing Christian babies in order to use their blood to bake matzah. As absurd as this claim is, it is even more so in light of the Torah prohibition against eating blood!)
All this is not to demean animals in any way. That is how they were created, and of course they serve an important purpose in the world. They are mentioned throughout the Bible and the Talmud for their great qualities. For example, a dog in Hebrew is called Kelev – a contraction of the words Kol Lev –meaning a "full heart." Thus we can learn from a dog the meaning of loyalty.
Interestingly, one verse in the Torah says that if a Jew has a piece a non-kosher meat, he should "throw it to the dogs" (Exodus 22:30). Another verse says that at the Exodus from Egypt, no dog barked (Exodus 11:7). The Midrash explains that dogs are singled out for non-kosher meat as a special reward for not disturbing the Jewish Exodus.
There is another great difference between animals and humans. The divine human soul is completely independent of any physical substance. For a human being, when the body expires, the divine spiritual soul lives on eternally. Whereas since animals lack a divine soul, when the body expires, their animal soul expires, too. So even though they have an important place in this world, there is no heaven for animals.


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 Author| Post time 6-9-2015 09:50 AM | Show all posts
As human beings, we are locked in a constant battle over which soul will lead our lives. The measure of true “humanity” is the degree that one controls the animal soul, because otherwise a person is acting like an animal. (Actually, as the Sages explain, he is worse than an animal. Wasting spiritual potential is something that only a human is held accountable for.)

Sifat kemanusiaan sudah hilang. Dlm dirinya hanya ada sifat kebinatangan. Semoga seekor binatang ini akan mati dalam kesesatan. Wajahnya berupa syaitan Dan sifat dajal.  dari forummer malaysiakini  :

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Post time 9-9-2015 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 24-8-2015 11:55 AM
somehow  the kabbala did not like your statments ...why?
the link  broken...

Looks like your ip has been blocked by certain authority dosmostically or someone..

Try to change your primary DNS server from anything to

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Post time 10-9-2015 01:25 PM | Show all posts
louiektc replied at 9-9-2015 06:41 PM
Looks like your ip has been blocked by certain authority dosmostically or someone..

Try to chan ...

The Sacred Knowledge from God goes to qualified People only. Even if an unqualified person (like a certain SNAKE here) try to read it, it will past by him like a cloud in the sky.

That is why so many people lost their ways when trying to decipher the Mystic Knowledge. They don't preceive the Hidden Knowledge but their Egos refused to accept, so like everything else, the Ego create its own interpretation of what one sees, hears, smells, taste or touches with their physical senses.

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Post time 10-9-2015 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 10-9-2015 01:25 PM
The Sacred Knowledge from God goes to qualified People only. Even if an unqualified person (like a ...

Sometimes Holy spirit works..

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