2} Broforce = 1/3
3} Deponia Doomsday = 1/3
4} Heavy Rain = 1/3
5} The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition = 1/3
6} Action Henk = 4/3
7} Tom Clancy's The Division = 8/3
8} Hitman: Intro Pack = 11/3
9} EA Sports UFC 2 = 15/3
10} République = 22/3
11} Trackmania Turbo = 22/3
12} Alienation = 23/3
13} Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 = 24/3
14} MLB 16: The Show = 29/3
15} Nights of Azure = 29/3
16} Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness = 31/3
ok...buat maser skrg ni..ini jerla yang saye tahu game ps4 update untok bulan 3 ni...sbenarnyer ader lagi game tersenarai dalam bulan ni cumer game tersebut TBA..tak thu biler release date nyer...bulan ni bnyk game ker platform windows... tpi yang saya perhatikan tok tahun ni ..ps3 game hmpir nk berkurangan game dier...sbnrnyer ader bnyk ps3 game lgi2 kt jepun tu...biaserla ... skang ni bnyk game update ke platform PS4 & XBO satu lagi Windows.. tu pon tgh bersaing...
SONY vs MICROSOFT...ok itu sahajer ^ ~ ^
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