In recent years, the construction machinery like cement rotarykiln and china sand washeris facing the most serious and the longest challenge. Under the background ofthe transformation, the transformation of engineering machinery manufacturingwill be the topic that we cant avoid [color=rgb(17, 85, 204) !important]used jaw crusher price. Therefore, we should actively adjust thestructure, change the way, make improving product quality and enhance brandvalue as the most important of the future development for construction machineryindustry. In the big downtime season of November, the railway investmentis still in high growth. The new rural and high-speed rail and otherinfrastructure projects will be started soon, and the real estate industry isgetting warmer, so the gradually increased projects will bring market demandgrowth for construction machinery, so that the domestic economy can stablyrebound. the strength of the recovery in the industry in 2013 will be weakerthan the level of the last round of the cycle. Restoration of infrastructure andreal estate investment is the driving force for the development of the industryin next year, but the strength of the recovery is not optimistic. Themarket share of mining machine willcontinue to be concentrated to the leading enterprises. The competitiveness ofenterprises is reflected in the integration of the industry value chain, and thefoundation is firm size. Therefore, enterprises within the industry will findways to expand, so the excess capacity will be the norm in the futuredevelopment of the industry, and the result of competition in the industry willbe the concentration of market share to the scale advantages of leadingenterprises.