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Rusuhan Agama Antara Buddha & Islam.

19-6-2014 10:26 AM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 13453| Komen: 113

Gambar hiasan

Alutgama: Sri Lanka mengenakan perintah berkurung di sebuah wilayah popular pelancong kelmarin berikutan rusuhan oleh penduduk Buddha yang membunuh tiga penduduk Islam dalam keganasan agama yang mencetuskan kebimbangan antarabangsa.

Pemimpin masyarakat tempatan mendakwa pihak berkuasa tidak banyak mengambil tindakan untuk menghalang kejadian pembunuhan itu yang menyebabkan beratus-ratus penduduk Islam kehilangan tempat tinggal selepas serangan terhadap kediaman mereka, rumah, kilang, masjid malah sebuah nurseri.

Seorang pemimpin Islam paling kanan kerajaan Presiden Mahinda Rajapaksa mengancam untuk meletak jawatan berikutan keputusan membenarkan militan Buddha berhimpun di wilayah yang dilanda rusuhan itu.

Rusuhan agama

Ketua hak asasi kemanusiaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, Navi Pillay melahirkan kebimbangan bahawa rusuhan agama boleh merebak ke kawasan lain di Sri Lanka dan menuntut supaya Colombo segera membawa suspek yang melakukan serangan ke muka pengadilan.

“Kerajaan perlu segera melakukan apa saja yang boleh dilakukan untuk menghalang keganasan ini, membendung hasutan dan kebencian dan melindungi semua minoriti agama,” kata Pillay dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan di Geneva.

“Saya amat bimbangkan keganasan ini boleh merebak di kalangan penduduk Islam di kawasan lain di negara ini,” katanya.
Lebih banyak keganasan dilaporkan tercetus di kawasan peranginan pantai berkenaan di mana kedai dan rumah dibakar.

“Lebih banyak rumah dan kedai dibakar sepanjang malam,” kata satu sumber polis kepada AFP dari bandar Alutgama selepas satu lagi keganasan yang dilancarkan waktu malam oleh kumpulan pelampau. 








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Quote LUNCH 18-6-2014 09:17 PM
Aku terfikir kenapa merek  bunuh orang Islam sebab mereka takut sebelum orang Islam bunuh mereka lebih baik merekA bunuh dulu. Mungkin dalam pikiran mereka hapus kan dulu sebelum dia orang membiak. Kerana segelintir orang Islam yang buruk perangai bunuh sana sini, sekarang agama lain dah aim dengan orang Islam yang tidak buat salah.
Quote Bedah.Cun 18-6-2014 09:24 PM
Hade video pics diorg potong leher mangsa dorg hidup2 mcm pak arab2 Iraq/Syria tiew buat?
Quote HannahMontana 18-6-2014 09:35 PM
Bedah.Cun posted on 18-6-2014 09:24 PM
Hade video pics diorg potong leher mangsa dorg hidup2 mcm pak arab2 Iraq/Syria tiew buat?

berhentilah berforum

merata2 thread ko buat tahi

lepas tu keji Islam

keji Arab

tahulah ko kawan baik punyerrrrr dgn makcik dada terdedah , perangai pun mcm syaithon

berhentilah berforum....

ko sgt x bermanfaat.

kalau x keji Islam , mesti melucah ...ko tu hanya sex toy di forum ni

Jantan datang pun sebab nak beronani dgn ko saja.

keji dan sgt hina perbuatan ko tu .

suka sgt  mencerca Islam pula tu.

berhentilah berforum dan bertaubat dan kembalilah ke jalan benar

Ko lebih keji drp babi.

Quote cmf_herrhughie 18-6-2014 09:39 PM
Kenapa Islam di seluruh dunia bermasalah dgn agama lain?
Quote lavabrazil 18-6-2014 09:41 PM
HannahMontana posted on 18-6-2014 09:35 PM
berhentilah berforum

merata2 thread ko buat tahi

mana tred agent yahudi tu...

mod yahudi sesat dah pangkah ka..??

Quote Bedah.Cun 18-6-2014 09:45 PM
I rase diorg dh belajar gak retorik "cemburu kecemerlangan ummah gak" drpd Muslims sniri so diorg ponh nk sembelih Muslims dulu sb takot kena sembelih hidup2 mcm org Syria/Iraq. I x tau dh nk ckp hape, I rs mcm termenyesal laik ikot decision babah masuk Islam.... Mak tanak masuk Islam, die nk ikot nenek monyang gak. I rs arwah mak I punye decision betul lar

Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims?                                                                                                                                              By Alan Strathern
Oxford University                        
1 May 2013

Of all the moral precepts instilled in Buddhist monks the promise not to kill comes first, and the principle of non-violence is arguably more central to Buddhism than any other major religion. So why have monks been using hate speech against Muslims and joining mobs that have left dozens dead?  

This is happening in two countries separated by well over 1,000 miles of Indian Ocean - Burma and Sri Lanka.  It is puzzling because neither country is facing an Islamist militant threat. Muslims in both places are a generally peaceable and small minority.

In Sri Lanka, the issue of halal slaughter has been a flashpoint. Led by monks, members of the Bodu Bala Sena - the Buddhist Brigade - hold rallies, call for direct action and the boycotting of Muslim businesses, and rail against the size of Muslim families.

While no Muslims have been killed in Sri Lanka, the Burmese situation is far more serious. Here the antagonism is spearheaded by the 969 group, led by a monk, Ashin Wirathu, who was jailed in 2003 for inciting religious hatred. Released in 2012, he has referred to himself bizarrely as "the Burmese Bin Laden".
Buddhism and non-violence                        

Buddhist teachings were handed down orally and not written until centuries after the Buddha's lifetime. The principle of non-violence is intrinsic to the doctrine, as stressed in the Dhammapada, a collection of sayings attributed to the Buddha.

Its first verse teaches that a person is made up of the sum of his thoughts: "If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage."

The most basic principles of Buddhist morality are expressed in five precepts, which monks are obliged - and laymen encouraged - to follow. The first is to abstain from killing living creatures. One objective of Buddhist meditation is to produce a state of "loving kindness" for all beings.Verse five of the Dhammapada tells us that: "Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love, this is an eternal rule."

March saw an outbreak of mob violence directed against Muslims in the town of Meiktila, in central Burma, which left at least 40 dead. Tellingly, the violence began in a gold shop. The movements in both countries exploit a sense of economic grievance - a religious minority is used as the scapegoat for the frustrated aspirations of the majority.

On Tuesday, Buddhist mobs attacked mosques and burned more than 70 homes in Oakkan, north of Rangoon, after a Muslim girl on a bicycle collided with a monk. One person died and nine were injured.

But aren't Buddhist monks meant to be the good guys of religion?

Aggressive thoughts are inimical to all Buddhist teachings. Buddhism even comes equipped with a practical way to eliminate them. Through meditation the distinction between your feelings and those of others should begin to dissolve, while your compassion for all living things grows. Of course, there is a strong strain of pacifism in Christian teachings too: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," were the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

But however any religion starts out, sooner or later it enters into a Faustian pact with state power.  Buddhist monks looked to kings, the ultimate wielders of violence, for the support, patronage and order that only they could provide. Kings looked to monks to provide the popular legitimacy that only such a high moral vision can confer. The result can seem ironic. If you have a strong sense of the overriding moral superiority of your worldview, then the need to protect and advance it can seem the most important duty of all.  

Christian crusaders, Islamist militants, or the leaders of "freedom-loving nations", all justify what they see as necessary violence in the name of a higher good. Buddhist rulers and monks have been no exception.

So, historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion of peace than Christianity.
One of the most famous kings in Sri Lankan history is Dutugamanu, whose unification of the island in the 2nd Century BC is related in an important chronicle, the Mahavamsa. It says that he placed a Buddhist relic in his spear and took 500 monks with him along to war against a non-Buddhist king. He destroyed his opponents. After the bloodshed, some enlightened ones consoled him that the slain "were like animals; you will make the Buddha's faith shine".

Burmese rulers, known as "kings of righteousness", justified wars in the name of what they called true Buddhist doctrine. In Japan, many samurai were devotees of Zen Buddhism and various arguments sustained them - killing a man about to commit a dreadful crime was an act of compassion, for example. Such reasoning surfaced again when Japan mobilised for World War II. Buddhism took a leading role in the nationalist movements that emerged as Burma and Sri Lanka sought to throw off the yoke of the British Empire. Occasionally this spilled out into violence. In 1930s Rangoon, amid resorts to direct action, monks knifed four Europeans. More importantly, many came to feel Buddhism was integral to their national identity - and the position of minorities in these newly independent nations was an uncomfortable one.

In 1983, Sri Lanka's ethnic tensions broke out into civil war. Following anti-Tamil pogroms, separatist Tamil groups in the north and east of the island sought to break away from the Sinhalese majority government. During the war, the worst violence against Sri Lankan Muslims came at the hands of the Tamil rebels. But after the fighting came to a bloody end with the defeat of the rebels in 2009, it seems that majority communal passions have found a new target in the Muslim minority.

In Burma, monks wielded their moral authority to challenge the military junta and argue for democracy in the Saffron Revolution of 2007. Peaceful protest was the main weapon of choice this time, and monks paid with their lives. Now some monks are using their moral authority to serve a quite different end. They may be a minority, but the 500,000-strong monkhood, which includes many deposited in monasteries as children to escape poverty or as orphans, certainly has its fair share of angry young men. The exact nature of the relationship between the Buddhist extremists and the ruling parties in both countries is unclear.

Sri Lanka's powerful Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa was guest of honour at the opening of a Buddhist Brigade training school, and referred to the monks as those who "protect our country, religion and race". But the anti-Muslim message seems to have struck a chord with parts of the population.

Even though they form a majority in both countries, many Buddhists share a sense that their nations must be unified and that their religion is under threat. The global climate is crucial. People believe radical Islam to be at the centre of the many of the most violent conflicts around the world. They feel they are at the receiving end of conversion drives by the much more evangelical monotheistic faiths. And they feel that if other religions are going to get tough, they had better follow suit.

Alan Strathern is a fellow in History at Brasenose College, Oxford and author of Kingship and Conversion in Sixteenth-Century Sri Lanka: Portuguese Imperialism in a Buddhist Land
Last edited by Bedah.Cun on 18-6-2014 01:52 AM

Quote Bedah.Cun 18-6-2014 09:46 PM
HannahMontana posted on 18-6-2014 01:35 AM
berhentilah berforum

merata2 thread ko buat tahi

Hoiiii gemok! Yg kau sebok menyampok org tua2 ckp neh nape? Dh lar penipooo!!!!
Quote Anak_Nogori 18-6-2014 09:48 PM
Bedah.Cun posted on 18-6-2014 09:24 PM
Hade video pics diorg potong leher mangsa dorg hidup2 mcm pak arab2 Iraq/Syria tiew buat?

kalau kita kat Malaysia buat ok tak?..
Quote Bedah.Cun 18-6-2014 09:55 PM
Anak_Nogori posted on 18-6-2014 01:48 AM
kalau kita kat Malaysia buat ok tak?..

Dh xde sape lg lar hadap nk masuk Islam, bang an
Quote Anak_Nogori 18-6-2014 10:02 PM
Bedah.Cun posted on 18-6-2014 09:55 PM
Dh xde sape lg lar hadap nk masuk Islam, bang an

Maksud saya tu rusuhan agama ni lah.
Quote Bedah.Cun 18-6-2014 10:06 PM
Anak_Nogori posted on 18-6-2014 02:02 AM
Maksud saya tu rusuhan agama ni lah.

Yg itu rusuhan jer, yg dekat Syria Iraq tue dh smpai tahap tragedi kemanusiaan. Dlm kes neh I sokong jer govment agencies untuk fungsi diorg tiew drpd jd rusuhan2 bodo mcm tue... Eiyyy, petang td hade bdk Temuan sembang dgn I ckp group Perkim nk gi Islamkan diorg. Diorg ckp x kosser nk msk Islam dh sb diorg pon dgr isu neh kat TV, internet dan radio... Malu muke I bang an
Quote Anak_Nogori 18-6-2014 10:08 PM
Bedah.Cun posted on 18-6-2014 10:06 PM
Yg itu rusuhan jer, yg dekat Syria Iraq tue dh smpai tahap tragedi kemanusiaan. Dlm kes neh I soko ...

rusuhan jer??...sampai ada yg mati dan perintah berkurung??.

pasal tak mahu masuk islam tu..nak macam mana..takkan nak dipaksa plak..
Quote Bedah.Cun 18-6-2014 10:13 PM
Anak_Nogori posted on 18-6-2014 02:08 AM
rusuhan jer??...sampai ada yg mati dan perintah berkurung??.

pasal tak mahu masuk islam tu..nak ...

Tp itu kes golongan majority, org asli dorg situ mmg agame tue. Sini, campo2, org asli sini hade yg Islam, hade yg idok. Bkn org pendatang Cingkong tue jer non-Muslim. Kalau jd rusuhan mcm tue, I rs nanti kampung2 kitorg di Pahang, N9, Johor, Perak dan S'ngor tue pon bermusuh jugak sb suku yg Melayu non-Muslim pon hade wujud lagi Kwn I si Lourdes tue pon kampung sebelah sebangsa Melayu Ulu dgn kitorg tp diorg msk Kristian ikot org dr. Borneo (Sabah).... Diorg pn dh takot kat kitorg gak, huhuhu
Quote batmana 18-6-2014 10:30 PM
LUNCH posted on 18-6-2014 09:17 PM
Aku terfikir kenapa merek  bunuh orang Islam sebab mereka takut sebelum orang Islam bunuh mereka leb ...

baru sejam tadi ko berfantasi batang msuk pepek ko dlm thread lain..

skrg pure2 kutuk islam plak..


Quote batmana 18-6-2014 10:31 PM
cmf_herrhughie posted on 18-6-2014 09:39 PM
Kenapa Islam di seluruh dunia bermasalah dgn agama lain?

kerna makhluk cm mu ni tak reti beza masalah dgn agama tu apa...

Quote biosfree 18-6-2014 10:33 PM
cmf_herrhughie posted on 18-6-2014 09:39 PM
Kenapa Islam di seluruh dunia bermasalah dgn agama lain?

Silap tu bro.....bukan islam yg bermasalah, tapi org ny yg betul2 spoil.....
Quote pyropura 18-6-2014 10:50 PM
LUNCH posted on 18-6-2014 09:17 PM
Aku terfikir kenapa merek  bunuh orang Islam sebab mereka takut sebelum orang Islam bunuh mereka leb ...

orang Iselam tu majoriti ka kat Seri Langka...??
Quote pyropura 18-6-2014 10:53 PM
Bedah.Cun posted on 18-6-2014 09:45 PM
I rase diorg dh belajar gak retorik "cemburu kecemerlangan ummah gak" drpd Muslims sniri so diorg po ...

ummah Budhist majoriti kat Ceylon takut kat minoriti Moslem,
sama macam kat Malaya Mulayu sunni majoriti risau dgn.  minoriti Cina selet..

ternyata kapir Budhist Ceylon sama bangang nya dengan ummah sunni caprut kat Melaya.
Quote sigila 18-6-2014 10:55 PM
APA dah jadi........

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