According to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, there is an estimated 100 million homeless people worldwide. This is a startling statistic when you consider how affluent some parts of the world are. Here is but a short glimpse at this social travesty within these 25 cities with extremely high homeless populations. Lisbon, Portugal ![]()
Most of the homeless people in Portugal are concentrated in the cities of Lisbon and Porto. Reports say that around 300 homeless people sleep on the streets of Lisbon every night. Today, members of the Comunidade Vida e Paz are persuading the homeless population of Lisbon to take part in rehabilitation programs in order to improve the quality of their lives.
According to the 2012 Point in Time report from Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, Denver saw an increase in it’s homeless population from 411 to 964 between the years of 2011 and 2012. Dublin, Ireland ![]() Rio De Janeiro, Brazil ![]() |
lkick2113 posted on 26-12-2014 10:46 AM
kalau tgk banyak negara maju masuk list homeless kenapa agak2 nya???
lkick2113 posted on 26-12-2014 10:57 AM
eh negara maju tu, tak kan maju pon ada masalah macam ni????
alekxander posted on 26-12-2014 11:40 AM
negara maju pun ade mcm2 masalah problem jgk
individu tu sendiri pun kena bijak jgk atur hidup di ...
ninja boy posted on 26-12-2014 04:39 PM
abistu rumah mahal, gaji pun x cukup menampung, yg kesian kalau org tua2 sebatang kara
kalau ada go ...
ninja boy posted on 26-12-2014 06:33 PM
malaysia lain, negara kelihatan agak prihatian dgn sistem jalan raya, sitem pendidikan, bekalan ai ...