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Persenda Azan: Paderi Marah Tindakan Alvin Tan

24-4-2015 05:45 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 12348| Komen: 85

Sedutan video yang dimuatnaik oleh Alvin Tan.                                                                     


SHAH ALAM - Seorang paderi tampil menulis surat terbuka kepada blogger kontroversi, Alvin Tan susulan tindakan biadabnya merakam 'lagu Azan' melalui sebuah video, baru-baru ini.

Paderi sebuah gereja, Dr Sherman Kuek berkata, tindakan Alvin tersebut sangat kurang ajar yang bertujuan jahat.

"Kehadapan Encik Alvin, saya menulis kepada saudara kerana secara peribadinya saya marah terhadap tindakan saudara yang melakukannya dengan hasrat yang salah dan saya menganggap tindakan seperti itu penuh dengan sikap kurang ajar.

"Sama seperti rakyat Malaysia yang lain, saya sedar akan kurangnya rasa hormat saudara terhadap pihak berkuasa, kelakuan sosial dan kesedaran moral. Dengan itu, saya tidak akan terkejut jika surat ini dibalas secara tidak hormat.

“Barangkali tindakan yang saudara boleh ambil adalah dengan tidak menghiraukannya sama sekali, tetapi mengikut konteks di mana kami sebagai rakyat Malaysia hidup, apa yang dilakukan oleh saudara tidak boleh dilepaskan begitu sahaja tanpa bantahan daripada rakyat Malaysia," katanya yang dipetik melalui blog miliknya.

Video bertajuk 'Muslim Call to Prayer - Azan (R&B cover)' yang dimuat naik melalui laman Facebooknya dikecam orang ramai, termasuk orang bukan Islam.

Dalam surat terbuka itu juga, Dr Sherman berkata penghinaan Alvin itu bukan hanya dirasai penganut beragama Islam, malah turut dilihat sebagai serangan kepada manusia-manusia di dunia yang menganut pelbagai agama.

" Barangkali bukan niat kamu untuk menolak ritual keagamaan secara keseluruhan tapi ia tetap merupakan sesuatu yang biadab dan walau kamu hanya hina sesuatu agama secara khusus, tapi tindakan ini tetap serangan kepada agama. Bukan hanya kepada rakan-rakan Muslim tapi turut dilihat sebagai serangan kepada penganut pelbagai agama.

" Penghinaan saudara mungkin boleh saja dilakukan terhadap zikir Katolik Latin ataupun zikir veda penganut Hindu...untuk ini, tindakan saudara membuat saya marah," katanya.

Beliau sempat berharap agar Alvin mengambil masa yang cukup untuk analisa dan memahami apa yang sebenarnya yang berlaku di negara ini dan cuba terlibat secara membina daripada melakukannya dengan cara yang tidak senonoh.

" Dalam kapasiti peribadi dan sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya bertegas menolak sebarang tindakan yang saudara lakukan dan akan lakukan. Video saudara yang lebih narsisistik daripada kelakar atau menghiburkan, ia suatu halangan kepada usaha kami untuk membina masyarakat yang lebih bagus untuk anak-anak kita dari semua agama.

" Saya harap saudara mempunyai hidup yang baik di Amerika di mana ekspresi anda benar-benar boleh bebas. Tetapi pada dasarnya, bukan amalan keistimewaan dan hak yang menentukan kualiti seseorang," katanya.


DEAR Mr Alvin,

        I am writing to you because I am personally angered by what I consider to be a grossly disrespectful and utterly heinous act performed by you in bad will. Rather than speaking against your act in a way that condemns you disrespectfully behind your back, I have chosen to address you personally in what I hope to be a respectful way.

        Like the rest of the Malaysian public, I am aware of your lack of regard for authority, social propriety and moral sobriety. I will therefore not be surprised if this open letter is retorted with blatant rudeness; perhaps the best thing you can do is to simply ignore it all together.

        But given the context in which we Malaysians are presently living, what you’ve done cannot be dismissed without a voice of dissent from a fellow Malaysian. You may wonder why I, of all people, would choose to take the time to write this tedious response to the video you’ve posted of yourself chanting the Muslim Azan bare-bodied with the accompaniment of a keyboard.

       It may not have been your intention to disdain the idea of religious practice as a whole, but it is utterly offensive all the same because despite your mockery depicting a particular religion, the spirit of your practice constitutes a brutal assault against religion itself.-teringat akak braless and the gang

        Such mockery attacks, in a very personal way, not just our Muslim friends but also peoples of all religions in the world who have their unique ways of expressing their desire to reach for the Divine.

        Your mockery might as well be a depiction of the Catholic Latin chants or the Hindu chanting of the vedas, and either way, the fundamental principle of respect for the religious conscience of our fellow neighbours would have been severely violated. For this, your act makes me angry.

        Further to that, if it was merely the Muslims in Malaysia you have sought to offend or despise, you are grossly mistaken in your reading of the Malaysian situation. I wish you had taken more time to analyze and understand what is going on in our country and sought to engage constructively rather than doing it in such an undignified manner.

        From a very young age, I’ve had deep respect for the vast majority of Muslims I’ve known. I’ve respected their love for God, their devotion to their families, and particularly, I’ve often admired the way Muslim children are taught to relate with their parents.-harap akak braless baca nih

        In my personal life and faith today, I make it a point to practice what I have come to understand from my Muslim friends about the importance of reverence towards God and our elders, and also the vitality of community living. I believe that living among Muslims all these years has made me a much better Christian than I would otherwise have been.

       I don’t think you meant to mock the kind of well-meaning Muslims I’ve just described. Perhaps you were reacting towards the politicization of religion in Malaysia and meant to spite the select few who have misused religion for certain political agendas.

        In the first place, the way you have done it brings no good to the cause of many of us who have staked our lives in choosing to stay on in this country to participate in the rebuilding of the nation in a constructive and positive way. In the second place, your act has attacked not just the perpetrators of political religion but also the vast majority of Malaysians who are peacefully simply loving God or practicing their religions in the best ways they know how.

        Despite the many alleged prospects of a better life for us and for our next generation had we moved out of the country, many of us have chosen to stay because this is where we were born and this is where we want our children to grow up. We choose this, not because there are no perils confronting us in the country, but because we want to be committed to a hope for a better Malaysia.

        Because of this, we have chosen to engage in the most constructive possible ways and not cause further social and political damage to our fellow Malaysians only to seek asylum elsewhere while leaving everyone else back home to face the mess we’ve created. You have mocked everything that we stand for with our lives.

        Freedom of expression is necessary indeed for a society to progress, as it allows for society to be imbued with a mechanism of self-critique and self-reflection. But there can also be such a thing as an irresponsible and immature freedom of expression that exploits this virtuous principle by bringing damage to truth, beauty and goodness that can be found in a civilization.

        I respectfully but truthfully submit that you are guilty of the latter moral crime. For this, I feel sorry that you have chosen to showcase such a grossly disrespectful act against our Muslim friends.

        In a personal capacity and as a Malaysian, I strongly renounce every such act that you have committed and may continue to commit. And I affirm my deep reverence for all well-meaning Malaysians who hold on fast to teachings that are true and holy in their religious beliefs and practices.

        And I pray that one day, you too will come to this awareness in your conscience that the last thing Malaysia needs right now is another source of division, and a very unnecessary one at that. Your video recording, which is more narcissistic than it is funny or entertaining, is a spite on all our efforts to build a better society for our children of all religions.

        All this notwithstanding, I wish you a good life in America where your expression can be truly free. But ultimately, it is not the exercise of such privileges and rights that determines the quality of a man.

        The kind of people we are, or become, is determined by little choices we make every day to seek peace, love, and friendship with our neighbours even when there is no advantage to be gained for ourselves.

        The Rev. Deacon Dr Sherman Kuek OFS
        A Deacon of the Catholic Church in Malaysia* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis yang dipetik dari blog beliau sendiri dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan Sinar Harian Online.

p/s:akak wireless bra taman medan kat mana?akak akak kat mane?








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Quote chazey 24-4-2015 01:41 PM
Wireless bra apa ini kaka Ghost?
Quote GhostWalking 24-4-2015 02:14 PM
chazey replied at 24-4-2015 05:41 AM
Wireless bra apa ini kaka Ghost?

yang ni chazey
Quote chazey 24-4-2015 02:43 PM

Astaga. Tajam saja mata kauorang.
Quote lavamorningstar 24-4-2015 02:44 PM
paderi pun pandai marah kat babi ni...

tinggal babi babi je masih sokong babi.

keturunan babi.

Quote GhostWalking 24-4-2015 02:46 PM
chazey replied at 24-4-2015 06:43 AM
Astaga. Tajam saja mata kauorang.

nak bersiap cepat la tew capai apa yang ada saja bha
Quote dino 24-4-2015 02:46 PM
chazey replied at 24-4-2015 02:43 PM
Astaga. Tajam saja mata kauorang.

mak pengutip cek tu chazey..... tak pakai bra trus...
opppps terpitnah plak....
Quote ice_sky92 24-4-2015 02:48 PM
Takde sape pun yg sokong si alvin ni...
Quote chazey 24-4-2015 02:52 PM
dino replied at 24-4-2015 02:46 PM
mak pengutip cek tu chazey..... tak pakai bra trus...
opppps terpitnah plak....

Hahaha. Hantam sama dia Dino. Mrasalah anjing belaan since 2013 itu a taste of his own medicine.
Quote dino 24-4-2015 02:52 PM
ice_sky92 replied at 24-4-2015 02:48 PM
Takde sape pun yg sokong si alvin ni...

mmg takde sapa sokong kite meluat tgk pejuang islam mcm sutun pengutip cek
Quote dino 24-4-2015 02:54 PM
chazey replied at 24-4-2015 02:52 PM
Hahaha. Hantam sama dia Dino. Mrasalah anjing belaan since 2013 itu a taste of his own medicine. : ...

die kan selamba je petik mak pak org.... segala mak sendiri pejuang islam tak pakai bra daaa.....
ok mcm ober gile aku kenakan sutun tu.... tp sbb die takde perasan tak pernah serik merasalahkan
Quote chazey 24-4-2015 02:58 PM
dino replied at 24-4-2015 02:54 PM
die kan selamba je petik mak pak org.... segala mak sendiri pejuang islam tak pakai bra daaa.....  ...

Baru tahap lembot camni pun kita yang normal ni dah rasa over kan? Abnormal tahap petala langit ketujuh kot anjing belaan tu sampai takda rasa bersalah lansung PA kulu kilir. Bior jah dia. Kejap lagi masuk nangis2 meratap melalak kena fitnah bagai la tu. Macam tak biasa.
Quote dino 24-4-2015 03:02 PM
chazey replied at 24-4-2015 02:58 PM
Baru tahap lembot camni pun kita yang normal ni dah rasa over kan? Abnormal tahap petala langit ke ...

td dah senyap kejap... dah kering air mata la tuh..... pastu masuk balik stlh dpt bina balik kekuatan gitu... agaknya mcm popeye... pekena spinach sekeping dua kasi bersemangat blk.... die ni punya la bodoh takleh paham isu sama ada org sokong alvin dgn org cite knp ade spesis mcm alvin....  sbb die slalu jumpa spesis stok berangan.... pejuang islam konon
Quote lavamorningstar 24-4-2015 03:02 PM
penyokong babi sudah marah...

berbincang sesama sendiri nak pujuk diri memasing..

ngaku islam konon...


Quote lavamorningstar 24-4-2015 03:03 PM
paklu mesti tiap hari tanya mak lu "sudah berak ka belum hari ni?"

Quote CrowneGlory 24-4-2015 03:06 PM
Alhamdullilah ada paderi marah...btw ni paderi gereja halal ke haram..
Quote chazey 24-4-2015 03:19 PM
dino replied at 24-4-2015 03:02 PM
td dah senyap kejap... dah kering air mata la tuh..... pastu masuk balik stlh dpt bina balik kekua ...

Dah SRP pun tak pass apa lagi kepandaian otak anjing tu yang ko nak harapkan. Mampu sembang lebat mengaku kelas sains saja laaaaa. Orang yang betul2 pandai ni, tak payah sembang kencang ngaku itu ini Dino. Stok2 dungu saja terpaksa jaja kulu kilir dia kelas sains sebab ketandusan perhatian mahu orang kagum dengan dia. Maklom lah, sapa lah sangat yang nak kagum dengan kuli pengutip cek Mydin.
Quote hzln 24-4-2015 03:19 PM
CrowneGlory replied at 24-4-2015 03:06 PM
Alhamdullilah ada paderi marah...btw ni paderi gereja halal ke haram..

malu aku baca kemarahan paderi nih
banding dgn kemarahan pejue isle hanya tau duk maki hamun silap2 haribulan join IS penggal kepala kapir
Quote lavamorningstar 24-4-2015 03:20 PM
chazey replied at 24-4-2015 03:19 PM
Dah SRP pun tak pass apa lagi kepandaian otak anjing tu yang ko nak harapkan. Mampu sembang lebat  ...

lu sudah telan babi ka hari ni..??

Quote lavamorningstar 24-4-2015 03:22 PM
paderi pun tahu marah...

tinggal la bahlol tarak agama yg takut2 nak berterus terang sokong alvin.

bahlol keturunan.

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